Asa C. Adams School Newsletter
ALERT...ALERT... Beginning of the year paperwork is DUE BY OCTOBER 1st!
ASA is now at 75% from 69% two days ago! Let's go Asa Parents. We can do this!
- The beginning of the year paperwork has important information regarding photo, name, and media releases.
- Information regarding emergency contacts, hospital preference for emergencies, who can pick up your child in your absence, and other important demographic data.
- Some of this data is also tied to our federal reporting, and in turn federal funding for things like Title 1 Services and intervention.
- Additionally, the free breakfast and lunch program for all students is also contingent on this data.
If you need help completing this paperwork, please contact the school immediately.
October 2023
Dear Asa Families,
The feeling of fall seems to be in the air and all of the things we love about this season are upon us. Autumn brings fall sports, apple picking, pumpkin carving, leaf peeping, bon fires, and cozy sweaters. Here at school it also brings picture day, NWEA testing, the flu clinic, the book fair, and parent teacher conferences. It sure is a busy time of year but it has never been more important to stop and find ways to enjoy the season with those in our lives.
Making time for those near and dear to our hearts has huge benefits for all of us. Children who spend quality time with their families are less likely to have behavioral issues at home or school, are less likely to engage in risky behaviors like drug and alcohol use, and they also tend to be physically healthier on the whole. Quality time with family also proves to reduce stress and anxiety for adults, lead to healthier lifestyles, and prolong our life expectancy.
So, if you need a few ideas of how to enjoy the season for you and yours, here is a little inspiration from Good Housekeeping, 61 Best Fall Activities to Celebrate the Season. We hope you have a delightful fall season and will look forward to seeing everyone again next month at parent teacher conferences in November. In the meantime, please know that we are here if you need us.
Ms. Wyman and Ms. West
RSU 26 is in the process of developing a 5 year strategic plan. This plan will be used to allocate finite resources like staff time and dollars towards priority areas. A committee spanning all stakeholders (teachers, parents, students, etc) is leading this process, but we very much need broader input to understand the community’s priorities. This survey is based on feedback we heard at recent strategic plan forums with staff, the community, and students. We invite all stakeholders to complete this survey to ensure community priorities are reflected in the strategic plan. Click on the link below to complete the survey. Survey closes Tuesday, October 10th.
For each question please rank the words or phrases in priority order from first/top to last/bottom. We understand that it will be difficult to exactly rank whether a certain word should be, say, 3rd or 4th, so don’t worry too much about getting this perfect. We just want your broad impressions. Things that are most important to you should be ranked near the top and things that are relatively less important should be ranked near the bottom. You can rank either by dragging and dropping tiles up and down OR by clicking on the up or down areas to move tiles.
We will be bringing a draft strategic plan back for input from everybody in the spring. Thank you for your input!
Welcome Mr McDade (aka Mr. Matt) Office Assistant!
Welcome Matt!
RSU 26 conducts regular safety drills to help prepare students and staff for emergency situations. These drills include: fire, lockdown, and evacuation drills. Orono Middle and Orono High are required to complete 8 fire drills annually, whereas 10 are required at Asa Adams School. During fire drills, we practice leaving the building quickly, efficiently and safely to designated locations on campus. During lockdown drills, we practice remaining in the classroom in a quiet, hidden and protected way. During an evacuation drill, we practice safely leaving the school building and moving to our offsite locations. These drills function to provide students and staff with the necessary information and practice they will need to remain safe in the event of an emergency. The specific date and time of the drills are not shared with students, staff and community to help provide a more realistic experience, and to keep everyone safe during the drills.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Parents should contact the main office for urgent communication needs or the classroom teacher directly for any non-urgent needs. Thank you for your help with this policy.
Habits of Mind
The upper grades 3-5 will also begin to focus on a few additional habits to include; Taking Responsible Risks, Listening with Empathy and Understanding, Thinking and Communicating with Clarity, and Precision and Accuracy.
Keep your ears open for some of this key vocabulary in the months ahead.
Picture Day
If you need additional information about school pictures, or would like additional Life Touch order forms please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher or the main office.
NWEA Testing
Flu Clinic
November 8th and 9th
Asa C. Adams PTO Corner
Though December seems far away - now is the time that we start collecting crafts for the student holiday market (craft fair). We will be sending home more details about that soon - so prepare to put on your thinking caps and craft aprons!
We have other upcoming events (and dreams!) we'd like to share with you and we plan to do so at our first public meeting on October 3rd at 6:15PM via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82023489321). We want to hear from and work with you. Please join us! Questions or comments before then? Contact us at asaadamspto@rsu26.org.
Reminders for Morning Arrival/Dismissal
- Grades PK, K, & 1 will report to the CAFETERIA.
- Grades 2-4 will report to the GYM.
- Grade 5 will report to the GYM prior to 8:15 and to the ART Room after 8:15.
- Any student having breakfast at school will report to the cafeteria to eat and if they are in grades 2-5 they should then report to the GYM or ART room when finished.
- Walkers: Students in grades 3, 4, or 5 with written parent permission to walk home will be dismissed through the 5th grade wing. Staff supervising the dismissal will check them off as they leave.
- Parent Pick-Ups: Students in grades K-5 that will be picked up by parents, will be dismissed to the red playground and wait in their grade level line until they are called to meet their parents. Parents may pick up from the Asa parking lot or from Goodridge Drive.
- Bus Riders: Students departing on buses will be called to the playground at 2:55pm to board their buses as they arrive.
The book fair coming November 6th-10th.
2023-2024 Calendars
Asa C. Adams School
Email: kwyman@rsu26.org
Location: 6 Goodridge Drive, Orono, ME, USA
Phone: (207)866-2151