Sheldon Update
September 19, 2022
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner
Dear Sheldon Families,
Happy Monday! It will be a busy week of learning! Temperatures are expected to be high most of the week. We do not go outside if the heat index is 100 degrees or higher.
Families of OT students, the car line is a RIGHT TURN ONLY out of our parking lot. Additionally, please don't park along the fence line on Sena St., this creates a very tight squeeze as cars turn right out of the parking lot, risking damage to your vehicle. Thank you for your immediate attention to this.
Click the link to access the 2022-2023 Family Handbook.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
Upcoming Events
September Events
September 21: Family Fun Fitness Night @ Hummer Sports Park @ 5:30-7:00
September 27: Outdoor Health & Math Night @ 5:30-6:30
We will conduct Health Screenings and practice a Tornado Drill this month as well.
You can find all school events listed on our school calendar which you can access on our webpage.
Items That Need Your Attention
ASQ Parent Reports
If you have not yet completed the ASQ screeners, please do so as soon as possible! This is a requirement for our program. You may access the screeners to complete digitally with the links below.
English: https://www.asqonline.com/family/58ce82
Time to Eat!
Here Comes the Bus
Policy & Procedure Review
Medical/Dental Emergency
Each week the Sheldon staff reviews one of our Head Start Policies & Procedures and felt it was important that families stay up to date on these as well. This quarter our focus is on Health & Safety, and Nutrition. If you ever have any questions regarding our policies and procedures, please reach out!
Medical/Dental Emergency
The program establishes and implements policies and procedures to respond to emergency situations of which all staff are familiar and trained. This policy relates to Head Start Performance Standards 45 CFR Part 1302.47
1. Management and direct service staff will develop separate plans of action for rapid response to medical and dental emergencies that may occur in the classroom, on field trips, or on a Head Start bus.
2. All staff working with children will be First Aid and C.P.R. certified.
3. Medical and dental emergency procedures will be maintained in one designated place and be readily accessible to staff.
4. There must be a sign in the classroom indicating the location of the first aid kit and the nearest telephone.
5. Telephone numbers for 911, TPS police, Topeka Police Department, Poison Control Center, and DCF are posted near the telephone.
6. Consent for medical/dental emergency treatment is maintained on each child.
7. Methods for contacting the parent in the event of an emergency involving their child are established.
8. All medical and/or dental emergencies will be recorded on an incident report form. Serious injuries requiring a child to be sent home or to a medical provider must be reported.
9. In case of an emergency where the child has to go to the hospital and the parent is not able to take them, a staff member will accompany the child and stay with them until a parent or someone listed on the emergency contact list gets there.
Informational Items
For the convenience of students and staff, the district will begin offering two (2) over-the-counter COVID-19 tests to each student and staff member, upon request. Please contact Nurse Andrea Ferrell to make a request. You can reach her by email at aferrell@tps501.org or by calling the school office.
Home Depot Workshops
Workshops take place the first Saturday of each month from 9:00-12:00.
October 1: Fire Rescue Boat
November 5: Scarecrow Napkin Holder
COVID Protocols
Please be sure to review both the COVID Update and the information on the Parent Resources page for the latest information from the CDC. Masks are encouraged, but not required. We will maintain strict sanitation protocols.
Late Start
Academic Calendar
Family Resources
Sheldon Food & Clothing Bank
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Sheldon Head Start Child Development Center
Website: https://sheldon.topekapublicschools.net/
Location: 1155 SW Seabrook Ave.
Phone: 785-438-4530
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SheldonChildDevelopmentCenterHeadStart