Clay Academy Bulldog Bulletin
February and March 2024
In Mr. Hartwig’s STEM class, we have finally finished up our simple circuit unit! We will continue to work on our science fair project and from there we will move into weathering, erosion, deposition, and waves. In Ms. Stewart’s STEM class, students have been hard at work on their biome projects! They have researched their biomes, made small trioramas, and presented this information to their peers. After we finish our science fair project, we will head back to the biome to learn about how animals adapt to their environments. In Ms. Krzeski’s class, we will continue to work on “wait” and “stop” using fun videos and games to practice the concepts.
Ms. Stewart’s class has made fork painted Yetis and are currently working on a cityscape that includes dinosaurs. Mr. Hartwig’s class is currently creating clay fish pinch pots, and they recently created winter polar bears.
Mr. Achey, Physical Education Teacher
As we move into the months of February and March, one of our main points of focus is fitness. Every Tuesday and Thursday, students are working to improve their cardiovascular health, strength, endurance, and flexibility. To measure their fitness this month, students will have fitness tests. The tests include the pushup test, sit-up test, back saver sit and reach, and the FitnessGram pacer test.
As it comes to sports, students will be learning the rules and gameplay of handball and basketball with an emphasis on cooperative learning.
Mrs. Adams, School Social Worker
Dear Clay Academy Parents and Guardians:
Erin’s Law (officially Illinois Public Act 097-1147) is a State of Illinois requirement for public schools requiring child sexual abuse prevention education for children in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grades. Clay Academy’s professional social workers and counselors deliver age appropriate curriculum including role playing, discussions, activities, and the use of books/stories. The purpose of these activities is to give all students the tools needed to speak up and tell an adult if anyone has ever touched them inappropriately.
Clay Academy’s social workers and counselors will be discussing Personal Body Safety during the week of February 12, 2024. The discussions, activities, and presentations will include:
Safe touch, unsafe touch, mixed-up touch
The Boundary Zone (areas of private parts)
The Safety Rule (No one should touch your private parts, except to keep you clean and healthy.)
Secrets - Good vs. Bad
Saying "No" and "Run Away"
Identifying and learning to tell safe and trusted adults
When someone breaks the safety rule, it is not the child's fault
Nationwide, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of some type of sexual abuse by the time they reach age 18. Although this program aimed at educating and empowering students, out goal is to provide each individual with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual violence.
Woodstock School District 200 believes all students will benefit from participating in the Erin’s Law program. As a parent/guardian, however, you may exclude your child from this specific program and its lessons by either emailing me directly ( or calling the main office (815-337-2529) indicating your decision to exclude your child from the Erin’s Law content by Monday, February 12, 2024.
If you have any questions about the content of the program, contact the social worker or counselor for your child’s program/grade level.
The students have been busy, busy since winter break! All of the students have been working hard the past few months to finalize their science fair projects. Make sure to come see their projects on Friday, February 9th!
All middle school students are continuing to work in our reading program, Read180. Students are all working hard and doing well!
Mr. Bower’s class created an under the sea ceramic tile and some foil figures in action.
Mr. Achey and Mr. Mickey, Physical Education Teachers
As we move into the months of February and March, one of our main points of focus is fitness. Every Tuesday and Thursday, students are working to improve their cardiovascular health, strength, endurance, and flexibility. To measure their fitness this month, students will have fitness tests. The tests include the pushup test, sit-up test, back saver sit and reach, and the FitnessGram pacer test.
As it comes to sports, students will be learning the rules and gameplay of handball and basketball with an emphasis on cooperative learning.
Mrs. Sarich, School Counselor
Dear Clay Academy Parents and Guardians:
Erin’s Law (officially Illinois Public Act 097-1147) is a State of Illinois requirement for public schools requiring child sexual abuse prevention education for children in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grades. Clay Academy’s professional social workers and counselors deliver age appropriate curriculum including role playing, discussions, activities, and the use of books/stories. The purpose of these activities is to give all students the tools needed to speak up and tell an adult if anyone has ever touched them inappropriately.
Clay Academy’s social workers and counselors will be discussing Personal Body Safety during the week of February 12, 2024. The discussions, activities, and presentations will include:
Safe touch, unsafe touch, mixed-up touch
The Boundary Zone (areas of private parts)
The Safety Rule (No one should touch your private parts, except to keep you clean and healthy.)
Secrets - Good vs. Bad
Saying "No" and "Run Away"
Identifying and learning to tell safe and trusted adults
When someone breaks the safety rule, it is not the child's fault
Nationwide, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of some type of sexual abuse by the time they reach age 18. Although this program aimed at educating and empowering students, out goal is to provide each individual with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual violence.
Woodstock School District 200 believes all students will benefit from participating in the Erin’s Law program. As a parent/guardian, however, you may exclude your child from this specific program and its lessons by either emailing me directly ( or calling the main office (815-337-2529) indicating your decision to exclude your child from the Erin’s Law content by Monday, February 12, 2024.
If you have any questions about the content of the program, contact the social worker or counselor for your child’s program/grade level.
Students have been working on budgeting practice. They have been tasked with creating a budgeting tracker to manage their future decisions, such as the career and salary they want, type of transportation, and where they would like to live. The students then create a monthly budget, track their progress, and reflect on what they would change and how it impacts their future goals.
Biology students have been focusing on genetics and DNA. From Punnett squares, to the double helix, these students have been hard at work to create their own Punnett squares and take a look at where DNA from, how it was created, and how it can be beneficial to us in the future. Students will have an opportunity to create a model of DNA and show it to their class.
Students have been discovering the differences between different landforms and how they are created with weathering and erosion. Most recently, students have looked at the formation of glaciers, deserts, and sand dunes. The students have completed interactive virtual labs to support the glacier and desert formations.
In English classes, we have been fortunate enough to move on to a sequel from the book that we read in the first semester. Tears of a Tiger led into Forged by Fire. The Testing led us into Independent Study, and Simon versus the Homosapien Agenda has led us into Leah on the Offbeat. Clay's senior level English class is doing short stories, and we’ve started with the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. We ran the classic 1948 version this week also.
We’ve just completed watching The Truman Show, pulling information from the movie into our discussions on value, positive and negative sanctions, and looking glass self, to name a few. We are now moving into Groups and group dynamics.
Students in HS Art started the semester with abstract watercolor paintings. Currently they are working on a clay project. HS 3D studio students created an abstract clay tile that they then painted and used colored pencils on. They are currently working on cardboard sculptures.
Mr. Tschappat, Physical Education and Health Teacher
Students will be learning the rules and gameplay of handball and basketball with an emphasis on strategies and game play. The Basketball unit will conclude with the annual NCAA March Madness Bracket Challenge
High School Counselor
Mrs. Kraneman, School Counselor
Dear Clay Academy Parents and Guardians:
Erin’s Law (officially Illinois Public Act 097-1147) is a State of Illinois requirement for public schools requiring child sexual abuse prevention education for children in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grades. Clay Academy’s professional social workers and counselors deliver age appropriate curriculum including role playing, discussions, activities, and the use of books/stories. The purpose of these activities is to give all students the tools needed to speak up and tell an adult if anyone has ever touched them inappropriately.
Clay Academy’s social workers and counselors will be discussing Personal Body Safety during the week of February 12, 2024. The discussions, activities, and presentations will include:
Safe touch, unsafe touch, mixed-up touch
The Boundary Zone (areas of private parts)
The Safety Rule (No one should touch your private parts, except to keep you clean and healthy.)
Secrets - Good vs. Bad
Saying "No" and "Run Away"
Identifying and learning to tell safe and trusted adults
When someone breaks the safety rule, it is not the child's fault
Nationwide, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of some type of sexual abuse by the time they reach age 18. Although this program aimed at educating and empowering students, out goal is to provide each individual with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual violence.
Woodstock School District 200 believes all students will benefit from participating in the Erin’s Law program. As a parent/guardian, however, you may exclude your child from this specific program and its lessons by either emailing me directly ( or calling the main office (815-337-2529) indicating your decision to exclude your child from the Erin’s Law content by Monday, February 12, 2024.
If you have any questions about the content of the program, contact the social worker or counselor for your child’s program/grade level.
Nurse's Notes: Health and Wellness Information
February is National Dental Health Month
According to the CDC, “Cavities are the most common chronic disease of childhood, yet cavities are preventable.”
City Square Dental will be at Clay on February 29th to give a presentation to our Elementary students. Here are some of their tips for a healthy smile.
Schedule dental check-ups 2 times each year with your dentist.
Brush for 2 minutes with fluoride toothpaste, 2 times each day.
Floss between your teeth daily.
Get a new toothbrush every 3-4 months.
Drink plenty of water! Avoid sugary drinks, soda, fruit juice drinks and sports drinks.
Snack Healthy! Avoid “fruit” snacks, sticky candy, and high sugar chewing gum.
If you need assistance acquiring a toothbrush or toothpaste, please contact the office at 815-337-2529.
If you would like to follow-up with City Square Dental regarding their presentation at Clay, please contact them at (815) 337-1932
Upcoming Important Dates
- February 15, 2024: 12:00pm dismissal
- February 15, 2024: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 2:00pm-4:00pm & 5:00pm-9:00pm
- February 16, 2024: NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE; Parent/Teacher Conferences from 8:00am-12:30pm
- February 19, 2024: NO SCHOOL; Presidents' Day
- February 22, 2024: Elementary School End of Trimester 2
- March 7, 2024: 12:00pm dismissal; School Improvement Day
- March 12, 2024: Middle School End of Quarter 3
- March 25-29, 2024: NO SCHOOL; Spring Break
- April 1, 2024: Classes Resume
Clay Academy's Mission Statement and Core Foundations
To provide a learning environment which fosters individual growth, lifelong learning and social accountability to meet future responsibilities and challenges of adulthood.
Core Foundations
Character Building
Social Skills Development
Living Skills Development
Coping Skills Development
Academic and Vocational Training
Recreational and Activity Skill Development
About Clay Academy
Location: 112 Grove Street, Woodstock, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 337-2529