Viking Family Digest
August 22, 2023
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We have had a very successful first few days of our 23-24 school year. Thank you to all of the parents, relatives, and community members that have made school a priority for their students. We appreciate your support and flexibility as we jump back into the school day routine.
Check out the daily WRFB News on our website! You will find it to be informative! Volleyball and Cross Country are up and running - along with many clubs. Encourage your Viking to get involved. If they have an idea for a new club, come see me!
-Ms. Marks
Important Dates
- 08/21-08/24: Cross Country Practice - All students
- 08/21 & 8/23: City League VB Practice
- 08/22: Golf Club will have an informational meeting at 2:15pm in the cafeteria. Have your rides here at 2:30pm. This club is open to everyone. Hope to see you there, Mr. Krol.
- 08/23: Food Fundraiser: Join us at Portillo's (855 Cog Circle, Crystal Lake) for a fundraiser to support the Bernotas PTO on August 23 from 5-8 pm. Click here for the flyer.
- 08/30: Parent Night
- 08/31: Fall Picture Day: RBMS is sponsoring a PRE-PAY picture program. Payments may be done online or by phone. Please click on the flyer for more information.
- 08/31: Bus Evacuation/Severe Weather Drill
- 09/01: Fire Drill
- 09/04: Labor Day - No School
- 09/13: PTO Meeting
- 09/20: Early Release @ 1pm
- 09/27: Lockdown Drill
- 09/29: End Term One
- 10/05: Fall Picture Day Retakes
- 10/09: Columbus Day - No School
- 10/11: PTO Meeting
- 10/18: Early Release - 1pm
Bernotas Sports Calendar
District 47 2023-2024 School Calendar
School Safety Drills
The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. Under the Illinois School Safety Drill Act, all public schools are required to conduct a variety of safety drills annually. Drills practiced include fire (3), evacuation (1), shelter-in-place (1), and law enforcement (lockdown/active shooter) (3). See below for our fall drill schedule:
- Bus Evacuation: August 31, 2023
- Severe Weather Drill: August 31, 2023
- Fire Drills: September 1st, 2022
- Lockdown Drill: September 27th, 2022
Preparing for various scenarios in advance helps empower staff and students in the case of a real emergency. While the chance of an incident happening is unlikely, we care about the well-being of our students and staff and are required by law to educate our school community to ensure emergency preparedness for all. As indicated above, our school will participate in a lockdown drill on DATE. We understand that some drills, particularly the law enforcement/lockdown drill, coul cause anxiety for some students. Should you have questions about the drill or wish to opt your child out of the drill, please fill out and submit this form to your child’s school or contact the main office at PHONE NUMBER. Under state law, schools must still provide alternative safety education related to an active threat to students who do not participate in the lockdown drill.
As we launch the 2023-24 school year, we’d like to remind families that teachers, staff and principals prioritize teaching and learning and engaging with students during the school day. They are not expected to monitor their email while school is in session. Please allow 24-48 hours for an email response. If your concern is urgent, please contact the school’s main office.
Parent/Guardian Feedback
YOUR feedback is very important to us. The way we grow and learn is through positive feedback. If you have been in the building, or have any general feedback, for us please use the QR code or this link. We appreciate you being a part of our team to improve our practice, ensuring student success.
Fall 2023 FastBridge Assessments
For the 2023-2024 school year, FastBridge testing will occur for all K-8 students during the window of Sept. 11 - Sept. 22. Click here for more information.
Reporting Student Absences via ParentVue
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Bus riders:
ALL busing will be out front, both in the morning and afternoon.
- 6th Grade at door #20 (athletic entrance)
- 7th Grade at door #2 (flag pole)
- 8th Grade at door #1 (main entrance)
Walkers and bike riders:
Walkers and bike riders will be coming in the front of the school (Door #1) along with bus riders.
Car riders:
Parents will enter through the church parking lot off of Oak Street and follow signs to drop off students at our door #5. They will then exit from the back parking lot.
- 6th Grade enter and exit at door #7
- 7/8th Grade enter and exit at door #5
Cross Country
Cross Country is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls and boys. First practice will be on Monday, August 21st from 2:30pm-4:00pm. To attend practice, you must have a physical on file (current physical, sports physicals only are valid for 1 year) in the nurse's office and you need to be registered on Snap (formerly 8 to 18). The mobile app will remain 8 to 18. The functionality will remain the same. Here is the link to the Cross Country Schedule.
CC spirit wear sale is live! Dates to purchase spirit wear are August 22nd - August 29th. The direct link and password are below. The password is: 23Vikings
City League Volleyball - 7th and 8th Grade
City League Volleyball is open to all 7th and 8th graders! It is a no cut team. First practice will be held on Monday, Aug 21st. Practices are on Monday and Wednesdays. Games are held on Saturday Mornings. 2023 City League Volleyball Schedule. Contact Ms. Austin or Mrs. Cavicchioni
Golf Club
Informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aug 22nd in the cafeteria from 2:15pm - 2:40pm. Please completed the Golf Club Permission Slip. There is a cost of $5.00 per session. Students will ride the school bus to Turnberry Golf Club, 9600 Turnberry Trail, Village of Lakewood at 2:15pm. Students will need to coordinate rides home promptly at 3:30pm. Please contact Mr. Krol.
Incoming 6th Graders for 23-24 - Medical Checklist
- State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination dated on or after August 16, 2022.
- May be submitted to the Bernotas Middle School office on or after August 3, 2023 or email anytime to MUST be completed and received PRIOR to the first day of school.
- Certificate of Religious Exemption Form available upon request.
- Proof of School Dental Examination Form dated on or after May 15, 2024.
Medical Concerns?
- Asthma
- Asthma Action Plan | Illinois Department of Public Health- to be completed by physician
- Medication Authorization Form - to be completed by physician
- Allergy
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan- Template- Make a Copy- to be completed by physician
- Prescription medications to be given during the school day- Medication Authorization Form - to be completed by physician
Community Resources available upon request
Dana Slimko BSN, RN contact information
Phone: 815-788-5623 and Fax: 815-479-5116
Happy First Day!
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer Activity Buses. Activity Buses run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday's. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15 pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4 pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Upcoming Events
- The Bernotas PTO meets on select Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Bernotas Middle School Library. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend! The 2023-2024 meeting dates are:
- September 13th (Fall Fundraiser)
- October 11th (Conference Dinner Planning)
- March 13th (8th Grade Dance Kick-off Meeting)
- April 10th
- May 8th (Elections/Budget Approval)
Food Fundraiser
Join us at Portillo's (855 Cog Circle, Crystal Lake) for a fundraiser to support the Bernotas PTO on August 23 from 5-8 pm. Click here for the flyer.
Join Us!
If you are interested in joining a committee, or have a question about the PTO, please contact Sarah Kovarik at
- 8th Grade Dance: Chair Needed