Brahma Briefing
Week Nine - October 5 - 9, 2020
Welcome to Week Nine!
Hello Brahma Parents & Guardians,
Salons have opened just in time to announce our yearbook photo dates for our freshmen, sophomore, and junior classes! You will have three days to schedule an appointment to take yearbook pictures October 14, 15, or 16. Look for the link below for the yearbook picture appointment website. More details will follow in next week's briefing.
The month of October holds a lot of opportunities for you to join your Brahma student in family engagement. We are launching a Wellness Wednesday activity on the topic of "Family Connections." Family Connections aims to empower parents with tools to enhance communication during Distance Learning. Topics include coping with stress and ways to improve relationships.
In addition, October is National Bullying Prevention month where we will provide family and student resources on Digital Citizenship and other ways to impact our community and friends with respect, empathy, and networking. Lastly, we will be inviting families to a Walnut Valley family and student vape awareness sessions to align with the spirit of Red Ribbon Week. Please look out for all the dates below.
Best Regards,
Reuben Jones
Elizabeth Chang
Assistant Principal
*Click on any day below to open the full Calendar
DBHS Distance Learning Resources
SEL During Distance Learning
This Mindfulness site is dedicated to providing you with some resources to deal with any feelings you may have. Your GLCs want you to know that how you're feeling is valid, during this unusual time.
Calendar October 2020
Our Distance Learning calendar is subject to change as we respond to the Health Department guidelines and mandates.
Bell Schedule
According to State Assembly Bill 77, Distance Learning is 240 instructional minutes per day.
We meet everyday for six (6) forty (40) minute class periods.
NEED Tutoring? Free Tutoring from CSF!
CSF Peer (Virtual) Tutoring is here!
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Monday – Thursday.
All students who plan to attend tutoring will need to fill out a waiver and RSVP 24 hours in advance.
Click HERE to sign-up! Also, links to tutoring are in the Grade Level Google Classrooms.
Yearbook Photos
All Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors, scan the QR code or CLICK HERE to book your Yearbook Picture appointment.
guidance team 2020
Wellness Wednesday: Family Connections
Wear Orange to support National Bullying Prevention
October Senior Bulletin #2
Find out more information on UC/CSU/Private Schools and Financial Aide/Scholarships from our GLC's October Senior Bulletin #2.
Senior GLC Virtual Office Hours for PARENTs
Our class of 2021 Grade Level Coordinators will continue their monthly Parent Virtual Office Hours.
Senior GLCs, Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Duenas will host parent VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS on the 1st Wednesday of the month 8:00 PM - 9:00 Pm.
October 7, November 4, December 2
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 2556 9406
Collegeboard SENIOR Scholarships
Students and parents: We encourage seniors to sign up for the College Board Opportunity Scholarships program and start earning chances at scholarships. Students and parents can also take advantage of these resources this fall:
- View Collegeboard's recent webinar, Applying to College During a Pandemic, for seniors and their parents.
- Visit Collegeboard's Class of 2021 page for college planning resources in response to covid-19 to help your senior stay on track for college.
We encourage seniors to get ahead on the FAFSA® by visiting www.getfafsahelp.org to sign up early for Wyatt℠, a free FAFSA assistance chatbot that answers their questions by text.
This week we are excited to kick-off Executive Board Elections for our United Student Body (USB). Students, make sure to vote for the leaders who will be responsible for planning all the activities and events for the 2021 term!
Voting begins this Wednesday October 7 and closes on Friday October 9.
NCAA Eligibility Center
NCAA Eligibility Center
Attention Senior Student-Athletes:
If you plan on participating in college-level athletics at the NCAA Division I or II levels and are in contact with college coaches, you must be certified as an eligible athlete by the NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER.
*Register online at www.eligibilitycenter.org.
Mr. Patterson, our NCAA GLC, will be notified by the Eligibility Center once you have registered. At that time, your transcript will be sent to the Eligibility Center by Mr. Patterson. Only students in the Class of 2021 should register at this time.
WVUSD is currently working on an action plan for student-athletes to return to campus in phases, following LA County/NFHS/CIF/State guidelines to ensure the safety of your child and family. Implementing this plan is based on our current COVID situation and LA County Health Department.ATHLETICS CLEARANCE
In preparation for the possibility of athletics to commence, please ensure your child is athletically cleared. Student-athletes that are not cleared will not be able to participate in athletics. Specific athletic instruction can be found HERE.
WVUSD Nutrition Services Continues Meal Services Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click HERE to read the answers from last week's FAQ.
Still have questions about Distance Learning?
Please Click HERE to log your question and we will post the answer on the above Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) link.
Reuben Jones,
Diamond Bar High School
Reuben Jones, Ed.D
Email: rjones@wvusd.k12.ca.us
Website: www.dbhs.org
Location: 21400 Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 594-1405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbhsorg/
Twitter: @dbhs_principal