A California Gold Ribbon School
Navigating Toward Success
Dear Colina Parents-
I hope this message finds you all well, rested and ready to jump back into learning after having enjoyed the weekend. This week we enter week two of school resuming where we addressed concerns surrounding connectivity with ZOOM and CANVAS over the weekend. We will be fully integrated with CANVAS this coming week and I will ask students to launch to their classes via the CANVAS platform.
In that spirit I would ask that students do the following:
- Tomorrow students should first go to Classlink to access their classes and Zoom. (https://my.classlink.com/conejousd)
- Log into Canvas
- Click on the course for period 1 then 2 according to our cohort schedule.
If for some reason, you have difficulty, I have asked teachers to send out zoom links as a back up.
On behalf of everyone at COLINA, we appreciate your patience as we navigate these uncharted waters. We will get there together; just as a new ship tightens the longer it is in the water.
Again, thank you for your support as we navigate toward success-
Thomas S. Frank, Principal
Workbooks, Music Books and Instrument Pick Up WEDNESDAY 8/26 8am-3pm
Drive Thru Pick Up 8/26 8:00 am- 3:00 pm
Math Workbooks-
- All students who’s teachers have required a math workbook should pick one up Wednesday 8/26.
- Drive up hours will be from 8-3. Student should be prepared to tell us what level of math class they are enrolled in, ( Grade Level and CP or Accelerated/Honors).
Music Books/Instruments
- All Students in Band/Strings can pick up their music books and Instruments on Wednesday 8/26 8:00 am- 3:00 pm
* If Wednesday is too difficult, please come Thursday 8/27 8-3pm to pick up your items.
Schedule: Week of August 24-28
Below are the scheduled class periods by Cohort A (morning) and Cohort B (afternoon). Please take note that every Wednesday, both Cohorts will come together for their classes in the morning; there will be no afternoon classes on Wednesdays. Click here for the Calendar of Classes.
Monday 8/24
Period 1 A 9:00-10:15 am
Period 2 A 10:25- 11:40 am
Period 1 B 12:50-2:05 pm
Period 2 B 2:15-3:30 pm
Tuesday 8/25
Period 3 A 9:00-10:15 am
Period 4 A 10:25- 11:40 am
Period 3 B 12:50-2:05 pm
Period 4 B 2:15-3:30 pm
- Both COHORTS will come together every Wednesday to engage in learning as a whole group.
- There are NO AFTERNOON CLASSES on Wednesdays
Period 5 A and 5 B Together 9:00-10:15 am
Period 6 A and 6 B Together 10:25- 11:40 am
Thursday 8/27
Period 1 A 9:00-10:15 am
Period 2 A 10:25- 11:40 am
Period 1 B 12:50-2:05 pm
Period 2 B 2:15-3:30 pm
Friday 8/28
Period 3 A 9:00-10:15 am
Period 4 A 10:25- 11:40 am
Period 3 B 12:50-2:05 pm
Period 4 B 2:15-3:30 pm
Next Week
Monday, 8/31 Periods 5 & 6
Tuesday, 9/1 Periods 1 & 2
Wednesday, 9/2 Periods 3 & 4 Both Cohorts A & B Together
Thursday, 9/3 Periods 5 & 6
Friday, 9/4 Periods 1 & 2
Available Supports
Should you need support, please reach out by getting a hold of us. We are here for you!
Front Office 805 495 7429
Heather Lane- Dean of Students
Mike Niemczyk- Assistant Principal
Thomas S Frank- Principal
Melissa Doll - School Counselor Grades 6/7
Kim Chopp- School Counselor Grades 7/8
Student Schedules
Student Schedules will be viewable on Q parent portal. The only program changes that will be made are grade level errors or those needed to balance classes. No changes will be made based on preference for a different cohort, teacher or a different order of classes. Questions should be directed to the Counseling Office at 495-7429, ext. 1012 or by email to Melissa Doll (Grade 6 and Grade 7 alpha A-L) mdoll@conejousd.org, or Kim Chopp (grade 7 M-Z and 8th Grade) kchopp@conejousd.org