WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
We hope that you had a wonderful winter break - we are looking forward to 2024 (and kicking it off with a winter storm and a snow day!). Thank you to our custodians and maintenance staff who are at school helping with snow removal - we appreciate you!
We had many families think of us around the holidays and are so grateful for your thoughts, well wishes, generosity and partnership. The ways in which you give back to our school community are too many to count, and we are so very thankful to work with you. Upon return to school this week, the hallways were filled with laughter and wonderful energy; it felt like most people were well-rested and ready to return to school. The students clearly missed one another and were excited to reconnect.
First semester is winding down and we are encouraging students to check in with their teachers about how they are doing in class and to see if they have any missing assignments or grades that can be completed between now and the end of the semester. Please check in with your child - the sooner they look into this the better! Homework Club is available for students after school in the Learning Commons on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and on Wednesdays when staff don't have after school building meetings. Please encourage your child to stop in for homework time if they have a few things to turn in or need some support.
As you prepare for the long weekend, we encourage you to think about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We celebrate and honor him on Monday, and have talked with students about using Monday as a day of service in their community. If your child or family celebrates this day in service to others, please let us know! You can send a picture to me at dominiqk@wilmette39.org.
Warm regards,
Kate, Eric and Nicole
The Cold is Coming!
We are anticipating cold temperatures as we move into next week. Please remind your children to grab their winter coats, hats and gloves when they leave home! All D39 students go outside for recess if the "RealFeel" temperature is five degrees or above. We will move to indoor recess if the "RealFeel" temperature is below five degrees. Thank you!
PTO Highlights
Welcome back families! We hope you had a great Winter Break and a Happy New Year!
WJHS Magnets were distributed via “backpack express” to those families who made a donation to the PTO’s iGNITE Fund. Ask your student to dig it out of their backpack if you haven’t seen yours yet! The iGNITE Fund pays for Enrichment activities like field trips and traveling guest speakers throughout the year for all of our students. Any amount is appreciated and we accept contributions all year through.
Not sure if you’ve donated to iGNITE? Check your sent emails from notify@membershiptoolkit.com (Wilmette Junior High PTO) or log into your Membership Toolkit account and view ‘Previous Orders’ under My Account. Questions? Email waysandmeans@wjhspto.com.
There is still time to sign up for some Winter After School Clubs! Check out ACES Debate Club (begins 1/18-1/22 depending on level), Skyline Theatre’s Beauty & The Beast Club (starts 2/7) and French Cuisine Club (starts 1/25) descriptions on the PTO’s website: wjhspto.com. Not all clubs are run by the WJHS PTO. Questions? Email clubs@wjhspto.com
There are a couple of positions in the PTO that are vital but are currently not filled. We’re talking about SCHOOL SUPPLIES and CIVICS/SAFETY! We want to have coordinators in these roles to keep us informed of what the district is doing and deadlines to meet. Please can you help? Minimal time commitment!
- Is there a 7th Grade parent who would be willing to work on School Supplies this year? It’s being the point person to talk to their rep and place the order that will arrive in the fall. Grab a friend and work as a team!
- Is there any parent who could serve as the Civics/Safety Rep, who would be the liaison to report back to the PTO Exec Board any news that the village is undertaking that would concern our school? (i.e., what’s happening with the reallocation of crossing guards, telling us when Bike To School Day is, basically just keeping an eye open for news etc)
Please email president-elect@wjhspto.com for any questions or more information.
District News
Registration for Next School Year
Registration for the 2024-25 school year will open on Wednesday, Jan. 24. Families will receive an email reminder with additional instructions late next week. For returning students, visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal, click on the registration link, and follow the instructions. For students who will be new to D39, visit wilmette39.org/enroll for instructions on the new student registration process. We encourage parents with new kindergarten students to enroll as quickly as possible. Additionally, D39 is offering its KEEP39 afternoon enrichment program for kindergarten students. You can register your child for KEEP39 at the same time that you register for kindergarten. Registration for the Lechner Early Education Program (LEEP) for three-, four-, and five-year-old students will also open at this time.
Parent Education Event
Please join us for our next parent education event, “Strengthening Executive Functioning Skills,” scheduled for next Wednesday (Jan. 17) at 11 am. You can attend this presentation in-person at McKenzie or virtually via Zoom. Please register online to reserve your spot and visit our Parent Education page for our full schedule of events, registration links, and archived recordings.
The Village of Wilmette Is Looking for Crossing Guards
Looking for fulfilling work with a flexible schedule that also benefits the students and families of District 39? Consider applying with the Village of Wilmette to become a crossing guard. The Village is looking for permanent and substitute crossing guards to work up to three hours per day (one hour in the morning, up to two hours in the afternoon) with pay starting at nearly $22 per hour. See the attached flyer for more information and visit the Village of Wilmette website to apply online.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family