Patrick Henry Post
December 3rd, 2021
Welcome to the December Spirit Month!
Every December, Patrick Henry goes a little wild with our outfits. We can't help it - we love to be silly and celebrate the holiday season! This year, all of the students were invited to participate in the events. This week, we celebrated Pajama Day and Grinch Day. Next week's schedule is listed below and we invite everyone to participate!
- Dec 6: Dress like a Reindeer
- Dec 7: Wear Winter Whites or Favorite Hat
- Dec 8: Twin Day
- Dec 9: Channel Your Flannel (wear your favorite plaid)
- Dec 10: Jeans + Holiday Sweater
The 12 Days of Christmas
Our Courtesy Club is hosting a drawing every day for staff members to win the chance to pick a present under our tree. This week, Ms. Lindsey Smith and Ms. Shelley Womack were lucky enough to snag a great present!
5th Grade Pajama Representation
Ms. Butler and Ms. Brown went all out in their comfy, cozy gear to celebrate pajama day well!
The Barton Family
If you missed it, the Barton boys all came to pajama day in their full jammies and robes! They went all out in their comfiest gear for the day and said they wished every day was pajama day.
Mrs. O'Shea!
Dr. Rogers has been hounding Mrs. O'Shea for years to abandon her professional attire for spirit month. This year, Dr. Rogers finally won! She promised Mrs. O'Shea she wouldn't include this photo in the newsletter, but we all know it was too tempting for Dr. Rogers to resist!
Two Onesies
There is something very special about the onesie, because of how much it really just wraps you up and makes you feel ready for sleep. Ms. Jones and Ms. Massey-Thompson kept their wits about them though, and they kept learning even with their onesie snuggles!
Elf on a Shelf
Did you know that there is a wild elf running loose in Ms. Jami's 2nd grade classroom? This sassy elf has been doing the craziest things at night when all the students are gone. He's been writing on their boards, moving papers, and he always ends up in a different spot every day when the kids come in. One student didn't believe the elf was really doing all of that, and that it might be Ms. Jami. But then we had the fire drill this week, and during the fire drill, Ms. Jami was outside with her students the whole time. When they came back inside, the elf had moved!!! This elf is one bold little fella! Where will he end up next?
Another Animal Rescued!
Introducing Swirly, the Patrick Henry Pup
Swirly is an adult male dog who found his way to Patrick Henry because of one of our students, Imani. Imani's family tried to help Swirly because he was their neighbor and he needed a lot of assistance. One morning, Imani brought Swirly to the school to see if we could find him a home. Swirly was incredibly FUN to have in the office for the day. He was very friendly to everyone he met, and he loved to jump and greet everyone with a slobbery kiss right in their faces!
Swirly the Explorer
Swirly loved hanging out in Dr. Rogers' office and checking out all the sights and smells.
Swirly loved being around all of the people he met, and he was very playful. He had the same energy as a puppy even though he is a fully grown dog.
Leaping Lizard!
Swirly was VERY active when a new person came into the office and had to get as close to their faces as possible. Ms. Webb was very patient with Swirly and once he calmed down, she was able to pet him and love on him.
Swirly had a few injuries and a skin condition that was making him itch like crazy. Because of his condition, Swirly wasn't able to go to someone's home yet. Instead, St. Louis Animal Control came and picked him up to take him to their special veterinarian, who will look after Swirly's legs, paws, and skin to make sure he heals quickly. They will also give him a new round of vaccines to make sure he is safe to play around people and other animals. Once Swirly is healthy, he can be adopted! For now, we are all so happy that Swirly found a safe school with lots of people to love and hug on him, and that he is now tucked up safely with the vet so he can get the care he needs and deserves!
To read our other Patrick Henry Rescue Stories, click the links below!
Staying Active
P.E. Completes their Soccer Unit
Our Physical Education classes went out with a bang this week as they completed their unit on soccer. They ended their unit with Pin Soccer, which our students were - of course - awesome at! As the weather starts to shift and bring in cold fronts, it is important to find ways to keep children active even if they are indoors. Physical movement is vital every day in order to keep our children (and our adult selves!) healthy. Take a look at some resources listed below to keep our students moving and having fun while they exercise!
Amazing Attendance!
Celebrating November Attendance
Every month, we celebrate our students who attended school for at least 90% of the time. For the month of November, we got to celebrate more students than ever!! We are really proud of our students for getting here on time every day and for staying here for the full school day. We are also very thankful for our families who make sure their child is here and prepared to learn every single day. Awesome job, attendance super stars!!!!
- Students with 90% attendance won an attendance star bracelet along with their name on the attendance bulletin board
- Students with 100% attendance won an attendance star bracelet, their name and photo on the attendance bulletin board, and a dive in the treasure chest!