Dealey Montessori
August 9, 2022
View Registration Status: https://www.dallasisd.org/choosedallasisd
Dear Dealey Parents,
We are so excited to welcome our students and families to Meet the Teacher night this week! Our staff has been working tirelessly in preparing for your return. Our custodial team has been working over time in cleaning, waxing, painting, repairing, and preparing a beautiful space for you all. Our teachers have been in professional development, working with teams, creating lessons, and organizing classrooms. Our support staff is working behind the scenes to make sure bulletin boards, car tags, arrival, dismissal, and every in and out of our building is in top shape before Thursday.
Dealey's Meet and Greet is also your chance to experience walking into the classroom with your children, take pictures, and enjoy all the "first day of school" moments. On August 15th, all children will be greeted by our joyful staff through the carpool line or bus transportation. To foster independence, set strong routines, and protect all our students, families will not be able to escort children into the building on Monday.
Teachers Pk-3rd grade will give each student a lanyard with information to help us guide them to the correct class. We hope to see many of you on Thursday. Get ready for a fresh new start!
More Information can be found on our PTA E-Blast. Subscribe and follow.
Cristina Ibarra (Principal)
Preparing for our Dragons
Morning Arrival
Any student arriving after 8:30am will be directed to enter through the main entrance near the office.
Student may enter the cafeteria and walk through the breakfast line between 7:45am -8:15am
Breakfast Kiosks will be available in the hallways starting 8:15am until 8:35am. Students may take their breakfast to the classroom.
2022-2023 Bell Schedule
This is Home
Norah & Maya
PTA Welcome
Volunteer Registration
Dealey Denim Days
Show off your school spirit by purchasing from our Dragon Wagon.
College Career Readiness
Dallas ISD Teacher of the Year!
New Executive Director
Dr. Nancy Bernandino
7th Grade Honors Math
Lan Anh Nguyen
Middle School Technology
Jennifer Whidby
Special Education
Cherrell Green
School Counselor
Laurie Kirk
School Nurse
Julia Massarelli
Middle School Language Arts Teacher
Joan Singer
Primary PK-K Guide
Swadesh Mutreja
Ms. Mutreja will be taking on Ms. Bandeali's former classroom.
Upper Elementary (4-6) Guide
Kim Baker
Her personal goals and objectives as a teacher are focused on enhancing teaching effectiveness and engagement in the classroom, mentorship and leadership development skills, and curriculum development and assessment. She is excited to begin her Montessori journey at Dealey and begins her Montessori training this school year.
Ms. Baker will be taking on Ms. Johnson's former classroom.
Speech Pathologist
Brittany Ackerman
Final Play Date
A friendly reminder that our Summer Playdate Series ends this Saturday, August 13th. We'll be at the PreK / K playground from 9am - 11am. It's a casual morning where the kiddos can run around and you can chat with other Dealey parents.
Hope to see you this weekend!
Kate Thacker & Megan Cernoch
Dealey New Family Committee
Follow Us On Social Media
About Us -
Email: cribarra@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/dealey
Location: 6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 794-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gbdealeyPTA/