The Eagle Express
October 9, 2022
Important Dates
Sun, Oct. 9 - Clergy Appreciation Day
Tues., Oct. 11 - Spirit Tee Tues/2pm Dismissal
Wed., Oct. 12 - Vizavance Vision Screening
Wed., Oct. 12 - Eat & Earn at Hideaway (Memorial)
Thur., Oct. 13 - School mass (8:15am)
Fri., Oct. 14 - Mon., Oct. 17 - NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)
Tues., Oct. 18 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD)
Tues., Oct. 18 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. McCoy!
Wed., Oct. 19 - Happy Birthday, Fr. Jim!
Thur., Oct. 20 - School mass (8:15am)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Fall Break Coming Up
Report Cards
Fall Workday
Vizavance Vision Screening
Safe and Sacred Curriculum
Green Team Sign Up
Green Team will begin meeting one Thursday each month beginning October 20th! We will meet in the school library on October 20th from 3:00pm-4:15pm. Please sign up to attend! For safety purposes we must have your signup genius RSVP to attend each meeting.
Join us each month for different activities to help keep our earth green! October’s meeting will be an opportunity to clean up our campus with a fun Trash Scavenger Hunt!
SALT Poinsettia and Wreath Sale!
CGSAA Basketball Sign Up
Our School Library is Open!
We have beautiful new mobile shelving, flexible furniture, and a fresh paint job. This remodel was partly supported with funds from the 2018 St. Eugene Gala as well as some additional funding received through EANS! It's a busy and inviting space that students love to visit. Students get the opportunity to come in each week to check out or renew items with their class. The library is also open for flex check out most school days. First through eighth grade students have the opportunity to pick out one to two books at a time, so be on the lookout for school library books in backpacks. They have a barcode on the front cover that says “St. Eugene.”
If you would like to review our school library policies, they are available on our school website, or you may email Mrs. Hattaway with questions.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
New MS Girls Ministry!
BLAZE is a ministry specifically created for tween/teen girls by Walking with Purpose. The mission of BLAZE is to use Scripture to speak truth into the hearts of young girls who are bombarded by lies about their true worth and beauty.
Through the BLAZE “Belong” curriculum, girls will receive practical teaching in an engaging way –to help them navigate social media, identity issues, and the drama of friendships. Each lesson compares the lies of this world with the truth found in Scripture to strengthen girls’ emotional health and spiritual resilience.
Weekly gatherings will take place on Mondays from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m., starting October 24, 2022.
Sign up your 6th, 7th or 8th grade daughter for BLAZE or learn more by contacting JanneClare Garza & Krysta Ann Orscheln at or call Colleen de Keratry in the parish office at 405-751-7115. Cost is $60 and includes all materials (make checks payable to St. Eugene). Contact us if cost is an issue; we won’t let that stop a good thing!
Trunk or Treat!
More PTO News
PTO thanks you for all your support through the Eagle Run and Spirit Wear sales! Charges for both should be applied in your FACTs account on October 1. New spirit wear will go home with students within the next couple of weeks.
Upcoming Eat & Earns
Hideaway Pizza (Memorial Road) - Wed., Oct. 12th from 4-9:30pm
Johnnie’s (Britton and May locations) - Wed., Oct. 26th all day
Eagle Excellence
We are delighted to announce the birth of Rory Long, son of 3rd grade teacher Charlotte Long and her husband Hugh! Big brother Luke is excited and taking good care of his new baby brother!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
News on Repeat
Still Need Safe Environment? We still have a lot of people wanting to volunteer who have not completed Safe Environment. ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the new online Safe & Sacred Training (2020) including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Please complete this google form to send in your name and email address to Jennifer Goodrich so that she can send you information to begin the process!
Parish News
Be part of the movement! Try SoulCore! - JOIN US on select Friday mornings at 8:15 a.m. in Ross Hall. SOULCORE combines core strengthening, stretching & functional exercises with meditation on the mysteries & virtues of the rosary. SoulCore is not yoga, nor are yoga poses or Sanskrit referenced at any time. Rather, it is an invitation to integrate body & soul in prayer, fully orienting the heart and mind toward Christ.Visit for more information about this ministry nurturing physical and spiritual health.
View the Latest St. Eugene E-Pistle! - The E-Pistle comes out every Monday and Thursday. Catch up on parish news and notes from our priests at the church’s website!
Please Pray For...
Pray for our staff, students and their families. We are grateful to be back together at school, and pray that the school year is full of engaged learning, collaboration, patience, and love. | Please pray for Mrs. Long as she recovers from her delivery of baby Rory. | Please pray for Mrs. Blevins as she recovers from surgery this past week. | Please pray for the mother of Mrs. Aleman as she recovers from surgery. | Please pray for the healing and comfort of Sasha, granddaughter of Mrs. Belva Neal.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067