Clear Creek High School Updates
October 20, 2023
October Staff Member & Teacher of the Month
Each month CCHS nominates a teacher and staff member of the month. Please use the links or QR codes below to help us acknowledge the great work that our teachers and staff do each day!
Staff Member of the Month
Click Here or scan the QR code to vote for the CCHS staff member of the month for October (ex: custodian, counselor, administrative assistant, etc.). Voting closes 10/29.
Teacher of the Month
Click Here or scan the QR code to vote for the CCHS teacher of the month for October. Voting closes 10/29.
23-24 AP Testing Registration
23-24 AP Exam registration opens on Mon, Oct 16 and will close on Tues, Oct 31 at 3:00 pm. College Board has very strict guidelines and due dates so please read the AP Exam Registration Instructions found HERE to avoid paying additional late fees. If your student is having difficulty with their College Board account or log-in, please contact College Board at 888-225-5427. If your student has questions about the registration process for AP Exams, please contact CCHS Lead Counselor, Mrs. Gailey, at or visit the Counseling Center.
Trunk or Treat -- Oct 25
Upcoming Events
Fall Orchestra Show
October 26th @ 7:00 p.m.
Orchestra Car Wash
Saturday, October 21
Red Ribbon Week
October 23-27
Hunger Games -- Nov 3
During the week of Oct 30-Nov 3 CCHS & CFHS will be participating in the Hunger Games, tackling hunger together through a competitive food drive. Beginning Oct. 30th, we will have a bin in the front lobby and will be collecting canned food to donate to the Galveston County Food Bank. On Friday, Nov. 3rd the Galveston County Food Bank will pick up the bin. The school with the heaviest food bin will be announced at the CCHS vs. CFHS game on the evening of Nov. 3rd.
Veterans Day Ceremony Honors
The CCHS StuCru would like to honor our Veterans on campus, in your family, and close friends in this year's Veterans Day ceremony program. Please submit his/her name and their military branch through the link below to be included. You may submit as many names as you would like before November 3rd to have ample time to finalize the printed programs. Thank you for helping make this memorable a Veterans Day Ceremony!
If they are still with us and able to attend, please extend the invitation to our ceremony to be held at Veterans Memorial Stadium on November 10th at 10:30AM.
Class of 2024
Senior Pictures
There are only two opportunities left for Seniors to have their yearbook pictures taken on campus. An appointment is required for pictures. Visit to schedule an appointment for one of the following dates:
- Tuesday, October 24th
- Tuesday, November 7th
For additional questions regarding school pictures, please contact Ms. Richardson in the C100 office.
Attendance & Absence Notes
If a student is checking out for an appointment and then returning to campus, they must check-out through attendance before leaving (receive an off-campus permit), and check back in through attendance upon returning (receive a hall pass). If a student does not follow the proper check out/in process, their attendance may not be updated properly.
Absence notifications can also be submitted through Skyward Family Access under Attendance and Absence Requests. These notifications are still required to be submitted within three days after the student's arrival or return to campus, but they can also be submitted in advance.
CCISD Bond/VATRE Information
This November, CCISD is asking voters to consider three items on the ballot:
A. A voter Approval Tax Rate Election
B. $302 Million bond for school improvements
C. $37 Million instructional technology bond
Attached below is a detailed list of the over $11 million in improvements that CCHS stands to receive if the bonds are approved. Click Here for more information.
Vote Early October 23 - November 3, or on Election Day, November 7.
Football Booster Fundraisesr
Creek Football is hosting a raffle for a chance to win one of five great prizes:
- Weekend Beach House in Galveston
- Dinner for two at Pier 6 w/transportation
- Autographed Astros Baseball -- Yordan Alvarez
- $250 Amazon Gift Card
- $250 Amazon Gift Car
Tickets will be sold at all varsity and sub varsity football games. !00% of funds raised are earmarked for the scholarship fund. Please consider supporting our Wildcat Student-Athletes!
Wildcat Families -- Did you know that our school has a Parent, Teacher, and Student Association (PTSA)? We are not the PTA you remember from elementary school but do have a large impact on the students and staff at Creek. We encourage you, your student(s), your friends, and families in our community to join us in our mission "To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children" by becoming a member of our PTSA.
Please go to to join. If you would like more information about what the Clear Creek PTSA is doing at the school you can also find us on Facebook at Clear Creek High School PTSA or email us at
Reflections Contest
Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for over 50 years. Through the efforts of our Local PTAs, millions of students have found a creative outlet in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.
With positive recognition as the focus of this program, rather than competition, students of all ages and abilities can experience the benefits of creative expression and help in finding their own voice in telling their unique story.
Click Here for more information. Physical entries are also available in the Creek library. The student or at least one person from their primary household must be a current member of the Local PTA/PTSA where the student is participating. The deadline to turn in entries to the library is November 6th.
Community Service Hours Award
Beginning Fall, 2023, CCHS PTSA is sponsoring an opportunity for students to receive a varsity letter/letter jacket based on community service hours. Please see the attached application for details. Questions, contact: