LSNHS Counseling Newsletter
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Laura Hillbrand
Counselor (Me-Se)
Email: laura.hillbrand@lsr7.net
Phone: (816) 986-3018
Twitter: @LSNGuidance
#SELFCARE is my goal in 2023
Welcome back LSN Students!
I've done a lot of reflection over break, plus received some awesome feedback from others. I recommend reflecting on your intentions for the new year. I believe that the more we know ourselves the more we will know: love, grace and our goals.
Reflection Questions for The Past Year:
· What are you most grateful for about this past year?
· When did you feel most self-expressed as a leader?
· What made you feel purposeful this past year?
· What was the single greatest lesson of this past year and what did it teach you about yourself?
· What new qualities, skills, superpowers did you discover about yourself this past year?
· What was your most courageous action this year?
· What was your most selfless act this past year?
· What did you get absolutely clear on this year?
· What relationship most supported your growth this past year?
· In what way(s) did you grow a person?
· What 3 words best describe this past year?
· What do you want to get absolutely clear on for next year?
· What does success look like for you in the upcoming year and how do you need to redefine your definition of success?
· What single thing do you need to do this coming year to feel more productive and intentional around how you manage your time?
· What new relationships do you want to call in for the upcoming year?
· What creative projects do you want to bring into the world this upcoming year?
· What is your single biggest challenge in making this next year off the charts successful in your eyes? What are you committed to doing to overcome this challenge?
· What 1-3 words best captures your intention for the next year?
Thinking about what is to come next year can bring hope-that’s powerful. Moving forward without reflecting on what has been may leave a gap in emotional and mental renewal. It does not leave space to learn or grow. Ask yourself some of these self-reflection questions. Take it a step further and write your reflections down. Then, you’ll have the added benefit of using those reflections as a time capsule for your future self.
Happy 2023 #SELFCARE
Ms. Hillbrand
- Enrollment for the 2023-24 school year begins
- Resolution time
- Scholarships
- Resources
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Monday, 1/17/2023) *no school
Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist, one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.
It's Resolution Time!
The first step in creating a goal is choosing what exactly you want to achieve. For instance, maybe you would like to shed some extra pounds around the waist line, maybe 30 pounds. It is easy to state “I want to lose 30 pounds”, but its not enough. To specify your goal, a great approach would be to state “I want to lose 5 pounds a month for six months”. You want to win the smaller battles to be victorious in war.
In the next step, you want the ability to measure your progress. How does one do so? Take smoking for instance (again, proven killer), what is your return? Will walking upstairs be easier, having more energy to play with your children, or find a new set of lungs to run a marathon. Whatever the goal is, it has to be measurable to see results.
Here is where resolutions get tricky. Do you have the financial means, personal effort, or the most important- support from those in your daily life. It is near impossible for someone to quit smoking when a significant other puffs away all day, or the people you engage with at work smoke. Smoking is highly addictive, and the right support base is needed to be successful.
Here is another tough one for some. Looking at weight loss as a goal, do you know how to go about safely losing weight through proper nutrition and exercise? It’s easy to sign up for one of those flashy cheap gym memberships, but most will go unused when February hits. The whole “Globo-Gym” business model is built on you signing up for long term and not using it. When looking to exercise or dial in your nutrition, it does pay to speak to a professional.
Basically, create deadlines. When there are deadlines put in place, it will make you want to work harder to reach those goals. Keep in mind deadlines need to be realistic. Losing thirty pounds in thirty days is a great example of unrealistic. Another factor of timely is actually committing time. There should be no excuse when there are 1440 minutes in a day. Everyone can set aside a fraction of the day to achieve those goals.
In the end, make your resolutions a positive experience, and surround yourself with the support needed to achieve those goals!
It’s that time! Enrollment is here! Time to plan your coursework and course requests. 2023-2024 Enrollment Website will be available on the LSN homepage by mid-January.
*APPLY NOW* Lee's Summit Educational Foundation (LSEF) Scholarships
1) The Foundation Scholarships are OPEN! Click here to see the list: LSEF Scholarships (A few scholarships are pending as we are waiting on a couple of details from donors. Once confirmed they will appear on the list.)
The scholarship's final deadline will be February 10, 2023.
YOU ARE INVITED - Early College Program - OPEN HOUSE
Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, LGBTQ, Military, Parenting, Sexual Assault and Rape, Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention
Meet Your Counseling Team
Website: https://sites.lsnhs.lsr7.org/counseling/
Location: Lee's Summit North High School, Northeast Douglas Street, Lee's Summit, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 986-3003
Twitter: @LSNGuidance
Ms. Rebecca Steele
Ms. Robin Gray
Mr. John Stone
Ms. Laura Hillbrand
Ms. Dana Green
Ms. Tina Faulkner
Ms. Karla Barnhill
Ms. Heather Stout
Ms. Cortney Moreno
College and Scholarship Coordinator