Greetings from Groveport Elementary
January 26, 2024
Principal Message
All students have completed the 2nd i-Ready Reading and Math Diagnostic and I wanted to share how proud I am of our students and teachers. It was wonderful to see students setting goals around their academic reading and math growth, trying their best and reflecting on their results with their teacher. Collectively as a school our students grew 15,149 points in reading and 8,192 points in math. Students are have made 90% progress towards their annual typical growth for Reading and 62% for Math. The Diagnostic is an important tool we use to understand your child better and where we can offer the best support. You should have received or will be receiving your child's overall results and growth for reading and math. If you have any questions after reviewing the results, please let us know. You can also talk to your student about the work they just completed and learn more about their progress. Here are some questions you can use to spark a discussion:
- What was it like to take the Diagnostic?
- What did you do during the test to make sure you did your best?
- Tell me about some of the reflections you’ve made from your data.
- What are you proud of?
- What do you need to work on?
- How can I help support your goals?
We are so excited to see how much more growth our students make between now and the last diagnostic in May.Thank you again for your continued partnership and support with your child's learning.
Have a great weekend!
April :)
Mrs. Cordell's Homeroom 2nd Nine Weeks Awards
Straight A Honor Roll
Dylan Kozdron, Lyla Watkins and Nana Pynangvong
Perfect Attendance
All A's and B's Honor Roll
Ms. Wolf's Homeroom 2nd Nine Weeks Award
Straight A Honor Roll
Perfect Attendance
All A's and B's Honor Roll
Mr. Yurasek's Homeroom 2nd Nine Weeks Award
Straight A Honor Roll
Mason Holbrook, Davin Gygi, Ressie Baxter, Amil Dokes, Tyler Spaulding
All A's and B's Honor Roll
Cam Lindsay, Parker Westcamp, Jade Lewis, Kelsey Deskins, and Kayson Mack
Mark Your Calendars
2nd = 100th Day of School
9th = Zoo Assemblies
9th = Cupid Shuffle Dance (5:00-8:00)
13th = Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:15)
15th = Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:15)
19th = No School
20th = No School
Upcoming PTO Dates:
Thursday, 2/1 @ 5pm in the auditorium - PTO meeting, followed by open planning session for our May/Spring family event. We would welcome any input or ideas on this!
Friday, 2/9 from 5-8pm @ Middle School Central cafeteria + gym - Cupid Shuffle Family Dance. Flyers going home this week with details!
Monday 2/12 to Friday 2/16 - Scholastic Book Fair
Tuesday, 2/13 from 4:30-7:30pm - Book Fair Family Night (open shopping)
Lots of VOLUNTEER opportunities with PTO in February!
2/9 - Cupid Shuffle Volunteer Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AAEA72CA4FEC70-47133386-cupid
2/12 to 2/16 - Scholastic Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up:
Lunch Choices
Monday = Beef Walking Tacos
Tuesday = Buffalo Chicken Dip
Wednesday = Cheeseburger
Thursday = Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks
Friday = General Tso's Chicken
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Mustaf Noor
Wednesday = Jojo Golden
Thursday = Emma Brush
Friday = No School (1/19)
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray