Celebrate YOU!
Because YOU are enough just the way YOU are!
Do something YOU love!
Get YOUR brain in gear!
October 13th is Train Your Brain Day! Have fun at YOUR grade level at https://www.safekidgames.com/puzzle-games/
National Dictionary Day is October 16th! YOU can set a goal to learn one new word a day in celebration. Visit https://www.merriam-webster.com to enrich YOUR vocabulary!
It's YOUR hobby!
The second Saturday in October is National Chess Day. No one to play with? YOU can sign up free at http://chesskids.com and play to YOUR heart's content!
Baking more your style? It's a good thing October 10th is National Cake Decorating Day. Maybe YOU can try YOUR hand at a Franken Cake!
YOUR animal awareness is lovable!
Take Fido for a walk on October 21st--National Make a Dog's Day! And, National Reptile Awareness Day is October 21st too!
Plus, don't forget abmeowt National Cat Day on October 29th!
Foodie YOU!
Be sure YOU celebrate these National food days!
- 4th: Cinnamon Bun Day & Taco Day--Go ahead, have one of each!
- 6th: Noodle Day--Break out YOUR favorite ramen!
- 7th: Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day--yummy!
- 10th: Angel Fodo Cake Day--Can't YOU just taste the Strawberry Shortcake?
- 13th: Dessert Day-- go to https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/easy-desserts-for-kids/
- 17th: Pasta Day-- Think ravioli, macaroni, spaghetti, rigatoni
- 24th Bologna Day & Chocolate Day--Just don't have them together!
- 29th: Oatmeal Day--check out some fun recipe ideas here: https://www.kids-cooking-activities.com/oatmeal-recipes-for-kids.html
These Professionals are part of YOUR community!
Be sure to thank these important people in YOUR life!
Medical YOU!
Remember those who persevere through tough times!
- Trigeminal Neuralgia Day on the 7th remembers those who live with facial nerve pain due to stroke, injury, or a nerve disorder.
- The 10th is World Mental Health Day & the 20th is Youth Confidence Day. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or confidence issues, check out these sites or contact YOUR nearest trusted adult.
- https://www.confidentgirlmentoring.com/home
- https://www.ndi-nm.org/programs/outreach/advancedoutreachteams/
- https://www.adolescenthealth.org/Resources/Clinical-Care-Resources/Mental-Health/Mental-Health-Resources-For-Adolesc.aspx
- Metastatic Breast Cancer Day celebrates the research and endurance of every person diagnosed with breast cancer. Learn more here: https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/
Kind YOU!
National Do Something Nice Day is October 5th!
YOU can make a difference!
YOU can celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, Columbus Day, Native Americans Day the second Monday in October!
Find out more about these pre-Columbian natives here:
Be sure YOU remember these notable days too!
Oh my grams! Of course, National Metric Day is October 10th. Afterall, it's "all about the base"....of 10 that is! Learn more here: https://www.britannica.com/science/metric-system-measurement
And, United Nations Day is October 24th. Did YOU know there are 193 countries in the United Nations? Set a goal to see if YOU can learn one thing about each of them!
Fun & Silly YOU!
Be silly when YOU can!
Mad Hatter Day is October 6th. Did YOU know the term "mad as a hatter" came about because the use of mercury nitrate by the haberdasheries in the 18th & 19th centuries caused people to think they had gone mad?
Be sure YOU take a walk or catch a comedy!
National I Love Lucy Day is October 15th! This wacky redhead was a favorite of so many they have named a day for her! Grab some popcorn and kick back with a ton of laughs!
YOU can have a fun and spooky time!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Woo who?
I'm excited for knock-knock jokes too!