Haverhill Headlines
Week of November 23
Haverhill Elementary School
Email: cleising@sacs.k12.in.us
Website: http://haverhill.sacs.k12.in.us/
Location: 4725 Weatherside Run, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Phone: 260-431-2901
Twitter: @HES_Hawks
TOMORROW: Friday, November 20 is TIE DYE DAY!
Haverhill Zoom Game Night
We are excited to share a FUN evening with your family
for our 1st HES Annual Title I Family Game Night!
Who’s Invited?
ALL Haverhill Students and Families
Come and find out how we select students, what they learn, and how Title I supports our HES community.
Monday, November 23 from 5:30 PM-6:30 PM
Where? Via Zoom!
Have your student pull up their Canvas calendar and click on the Family Game Night event to find the Zoom link for their grade level. Each grade level will be in a different Zoom session.
Second Semester Learning Option
Help our PTC (Parent-Teacher Club)!
How does the PTC support Haverhill and YOUR student?
- We reimburse $200 for each teacher’s classroom purchases.
- Once a month we stock a drink and snack cart for our teachers and staff to enjoy some goodies.
- We cater in lunch for the teachers and staff twice a year (60 people!).
- We purchase toys, games, crafts, and small equipment items for our students to use at indoor and outdoor recess.
- We purchase items for the PBIS prize cabinet
- Every child received a new book to keep at the beginning of the school year.
- …and various other projects and purchases
Help out our PTC by sending in cash or a check made out to PTC in an envelope. Please make checks payable to: Haverhill PTC or pay with Pay Pal using the below link.
2022-2023 SACS District Calendar Approved
We are THANKFUL for our Students and Families!
Mark Your Calendar!
Friday, November 20: HES Spirit Day - Wear Tye-Dye
Monday, November 23 Title 1 Family Game Night
Wednesday, November 25 - 27: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 15 Students last day/Winter Class Parties/Spirit Day-Holiday Wear
Wednesday, December 16 - 18: No School for Students
Monday, December 21-Monday, January 5 Winter Break No School for Students