Thompson Friday Forecast
August 5, 2022 - Summer Edition #2
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Welcome back to school. We hope you and your family had a fun and rejuvenating summer. We are excited about the many opportunities a new school year brings. It would be an understatement to say that this week at Thompson has been filled with energy.
Between summer athletic camps, Jumpstart, material pickup days, and 6th grade orientation sessions, there has been a buzz of excitement and anticipation as we head into the new school year. None of these events just happen. Big thank yous go out to several groups within our school community for their support and guidance with these foundational activities.
Thanks to:
Our 8th grade W.E.B. (Where Everybody Belongs) leaders who have provided many hours of mentoring and assisting with students this week.
Our fabulous PTO for supporting students and families during material pick up days.
Our second to none Thompson staff who meticulously prepared for and proactively supported our material pick up days.
Our coaches and athletic director for getting our fall sports teams up and running.
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 10th. It will take a few days for students and buses to settle back into our typical routines. Student drop off begins at 8:00 am. Please know that school buses may be running a bit behind for the first week of school.
We appreciate your understanding regarding the challenges that accompany the beginning of the school year and we ask for your patience as we refine and tweak our bus schedule for efficiency. Our goal will always be safety while attempting to prevent anyone from missing their bus home after school.
Families dropping off Middle Schoolers
Student drop off times are from 8:00 am to 8:35 am. Students may be dropped off at Door 3 (main entrance circle lot) or Door 5 (gym parking lot). After 8:37 am, students must enter Door 1 (main office entrance) to be checked in and, if it is after 8:40 am, they will receive a tardy pass to 1st hour.
School pictures will be taken during the school day (during PE periods) on Thursday, August 11th. Ordering information is included below.
I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities that a new school year brings, especially this year as we are all expecting a closer to typical school year. As we get started, I am looking forward to partnering with families to ensure the best possible year for our students. Thompson has great kids, great parents, and a great staff.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer!
Physical Education/Health - Answers to FAQs
Students should meet for PE/Health classes in the Main Gym on the first day of school. All students should bring their PE lock and lockers will be assigned. PE students should bring an athletic shirt, athletic shorts, and athletic shoes to school to place in their PE locker on the first day of school. PE students will change for PE each day beginning on Friday; students in a 6-week health class will not change.
On the second day of school, Thursday, August 11th, students will report to their PE/Health class and have their student pictures/ids taken during this time.
If your child needs a lock, please have them stop by the main office. Students will be using their Heart Rate Monitor straps throughout the school year. Please make sure that your child's name is on the strap in case it is misplaced.
Backpacks and Slingbags
TMS Health Office Donations
On occasion, students come to the Health Office and need more than an ice pack or a band-aide. While we keep a limited supply on hand, we do need to replenish these items periodically. We would appreciate your donations. Click on the link below.
Thank you for your generosity!
Picture Day - Thursday, August 11th
Picture Day/School IDs are scheduled for Thursday, August 11th. Students will have their pictures taken during their PE classes. Picture retake day is Friday, October 14th.
Pre-order pictures on-line to receive special offers:
- Picture Day ID is EVTMWPQSB
Please note that the student name on the order should match your child's full first name. For example, if your child's first name is 'Mitchell', don't use 'Mitch' on the LifeTouch site, but instead use 'Mitchell'.
Food Services
Middle School Breakfast - $1.75
Reduced Breakfast - $0.30*
Middle School Lunch - $3.10
Reduced Lunch - $0.40*
Milk - $0.60 (when purchased separately from meals)
Other a la carte items (besides milk) - prices vary
Organic Life, the K-8 Food Service provider is looking for candidates to serve as Cashiers, Food Service Workers & Lunchroom Supervisors for the 2022-2023 school year in School District 303. Please contact Patricia Burton at 331-228-5242 or for more information.
i-Ready Diagnostics and PSAT
Fall i-Ready diagnostics are taken by students to gather baseline academic data in order for us to develop targeted instructional plans of action. A similar assessment will take place in the winter and again in the spring. Students will be taking their Fall i-Ready diagnostics on Tuesday, August 16th (Math) and Thursday, August 18th (Reading) from 8:40 - 10:40 am. Our bell schedule will be modified on both of these days. Makeups will take place on August 17th, 19th, 22nd, and 23rd.
Planning ahead...All 8th grade students and 7th graders enrolled in the AVID class will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12th from 8:40 am - 12:25 pm. Please call the main office if you have any questions.
Fall Sports
The cost to participate in a fall sport is $120 and can be paid through PushCoin. We are looking forward to a great sports season!
Early Release Days
Early release days this year will be on Wednesdays and approximately once per month. Students will be dismissed from school at 2:52 pm. The following are the eight 2022-2023 Early Release Days for Middle School:
- August 31
- September 28
- October 26
- November 30
- January 25
- February 22
- March 22
- April 26
These dates can also be found on the Thompson calendar on our website.
Incoming 6th Grade and New Student Physicals
A physical examination is required for entrance (first day of school) into preschool, kindergarten, sixth grade and ninth grade.
Please access District 303's Health Department's Web Page for specific grade level vaccine requirements (including meningococcal vaccine requirements for high school students) and State of Illinois forms. The health history portion of the physical examination form must be completed and signed by a parent in order for the physical to be valid. An appointment card must be submitted to the health office indicating that a physical exam or immunization is scheduled in the event a student's age makes them ineligible for a vaccine prior to the first day of school or the student is scheduled for a physical exam shortly after the first day of school.
The State of Illinois requires that all students entering school for the first time from out of state shall have/submit a physical examination/vaccine record within 30 days of enrollment in school.
All exams must be dated within one year prior to the date the student enters school.
Physical Examinations may be acquired through your primary medical provider. If you do not have a primary medical provider, you may contact Kane County Health Department for referrals to local health clinics that provide such services.
Completed exams and immunizations may be mailed to Thompson or dropped off at the school.
Fee Waivers
SCHOOL FEES WAIVER: The school fees waiver will ONLY be a PAPER application since there is financial documentation required for income verification. A family can only qualify for a free waiver of fees; there are no reduced fees. The application is on the district website. Questions regarding school fee waivers - Wendy Sedwick at 331-228-4927
FOOD WAIVER: Only one application needs to be completed for each household. Please include ALL family members that live in the household (even those not attending a school). Applications are posted on the district website. In addition, paper applications are available at the schools and the Administration Building as in years past. Unlike the school fees, families can qualify for Reduced. Questions regarding food waivers - Patti Townsend 331-228-6529
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday, August 10 - First Day of School
- Thursday, August 11 - Picture Day - Student pictures taken during the school day
- Tuesday, August 16 - i-Ready Diagnostic (Math) - 8:40 - 10:40 am
- Thursday, August 18 - i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading) - 8:40 - 10:40 am
- Tuesday, August 30 - Curriculum Night - 7th and 8th grade parents/guardians
- Wednesday, August 31 - Early Release Day - Students are dismissed at 2:52 pm
- Wednesday, August 31 - Curriculum Night - 6th grade parents/guardians
- Friday, September 2 - Institute Day - No school for students
- Monday, September 5 - Labor Day - Schools are closed
- Wednesday, September 7 - PTO Meeting (virtual) - 9:00 - 10:00 am
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Lindsay Mortensen - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100