MCE PTO Newsletter
November 2023
The Lastest PTO Meeting Minutes
Our most recent PTO meeting was held on Thursday, November 9th. Below is what was discussed:
Future PTO Meeting Dates:
January PTO Meeting
Meet and Greet from 7:30 - 8:00.
The meeting will be held in the private room at the back of the restaurant.
Thursday, Jan 11, 2024, 08:00 PM
El Agave Mexican Restaurant, North Maize Road, Wichita, KS, USA
All MCE parents and guardians are welcome to attend any and all meetings!
All meetings start at 8:00pm with a Meet & Greet from 7:30 - 8:00 (before the meeting).
Thursday, January 11th
Thursday, March 7th
Thursday, May 16th
Sunshine Committee
October Sunshine Committee event - carmel apple bar.
Thank you to all the parents that donated items and volunteered your time! It was a huge hit!
See below for ways to help with our next staff treat days!
November - Volunteer in building to help bring treats to classrooms.
December - Hot Cocoa Bar - Donate items (all items need to be in building by December 14th).
Upcoming Events:
Chich-fil-A Spirit night
3:00pm to 10:00 pm
Thursday, Nov 30, 2023, 03:00 PM
Chick-fil-A, West 21st Street North, Wichita, KS, USA
Need holiday gift ideas for MCE staff members?
Want to purchase items for your child's classroom?
Learn about the MCE PTO
What does the PTO do?
The Maize Central Elementary (MCE) PTO is an organization that partners with the school to support the students and teachers in our building.
To be successful, we need parent support and volunteers. This can be as simple as donating needed snacks/ supplies to attending meetings or joining the PTO Board. Meetings for those who can attend are bi-monthly.
We help with Staff appreciation, teacher grants for classroom supplies, whole school fundraisers, staff conference meals, school spirit nights, school spirit wear, school community events, and so much more!
Reach out anytime at mcepto1@gmail.com
PTO President,
Shanna Churchill