Patriot Post
December 2021
Winter Sports Schedules... Come support our kids!
ASB Applications
If you are interested in applying for a position in the 2022/2023 Beckman ASB class applications are available outside room 114. Applications are due January 11, 2022 to room 112 by 3:30. Both elected and appointed positions are available to students in all grade levels. If you have questions please see Mr. Cooper in room 112.
Medical Certificate Program Year 3 - Fall Medical Day 2021
On Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11th, junior and senior students of our Medical Certificate Program (Year 3) had the opportunity to engage in a Q & A with 14 health professionals/pre-health students across 6 different panels. First, all MCP students asked questions to a panel of BHS graduates who attended a local community college right after graduating high school, then a panel of BHS graduates who went straight to a 4-year university, then a panel of medical students who currently attend UC Irvine, then a panel of resident physicians also from UC Irvine, then a panel of STEM/medical professionals currently in their first 10 years of their career, and finally a panel of medical professionals who have more than 15 years of experience. Overall, the annual event was a success and over 120 junior/senior students were in attendance. This is one example of how Beckman High School strives to prepare students for post-secondary success. For more information, please visit the BHS Medical Certificate Program Instagram @BHS_MCP or visit their website at www.tinyurl.com/BHSMCP
Finals Schedule
Early Finals and Winter Break
Need a little help studying for finals? Check out Paper.co!
Beckman Robotics Update
The last few weeks has been busy for Beckman Robotics. On October 30th, the team hosted the Halloween Robo Bonanza, where 36 teams competed at the Beckman Gym. Then on November 6th Beckman Volunteered to run the TUSD Middle School Robotics Tournament at Orchard Hills, where 36 middle schools teams competed. The following week, on November 13th, Beckman brought 6 teams to the Excalibur Robotics Tournament at Foothill High School. There were 34 teams competing at this event and after 60 qualification rounds, five of our teams ended up in the top 7, with the sixth team at 12th out of 34. In the Elimination rounds it was a Beckman against Beckman slugfest, with the 8 semifinalist teams composed of 5 Beckman and 3 foothill teams. Ultimately, a Beckman and Foothill alliance came out as Tournament Champion!
Still time to get your Yearbook!
2021-22 Yearbook Sales continue on the ASB Webstore, or, in person at the Student Store. Buy your copy today before prices go up!
Yearbook pricing!
$100 9/13-1/9
$110 1/10-3/6
$120 3/7 until sold out
PTO Corner
Happy holidays to our membership! We couldn’t do it without you. Your support raises critical funds for programs, events and resources that benefit all. We’d like to recognize our Patriot VIP, Platinum and Gold families for their generosity; you can find their names listed at https://www.beckmanpto1.com/donor-recognition. Please remember, you can donate to PTO at any time during the year simply by going to www.beckmanpto1.com/event-details/beckman-pto-membership-drive-2021-22
You can spread holiday cheer by donating a gift or gift cards for the upcoming Holiday Teacher & Staff Appreciation luncheon on 12/10! While you’re out (or online) holiday shopping, please consider picking something up from a local retailer. All donations can be dropped at the BHS Office with Mrs. Oberlin through 12/8.
Need a unique gift for your student? Our PTO Community partners have great options! Consider a $200 savings digital gift card for tutoring or test prep services from Revolution Prep. Teen Road to Safety offers driver education and safety skills workshops. Also, Zov’s Restaurants and Huntington Learning Center Irvine are great partners, and make super gift choices too!