Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: April
Wellness Corner
- As the end of the school year approaches and final exams and AP test around the corner, it is important for students to understand the benefits of having a functional work/study space. Please encourage your student to attend our virtual Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, April 21st from 11AM-12PM. Tips on creating a productive work/study space will be discussed. Students can RSVP here.
- As we begin planning for the 2021-2022 school year the school counseling team would like to hear about your interest in workshop topics to help support you and your student. Please take a moment to complete this Parent Workshop Interest Survey.
- On March 24th the counseling team had a guidance lesson on mental health. The presentation shared valuable information on common mental health struggles that youth face and listed resources available to them both at Beckman and outside agencies. Below is some data from our pre and post survey. We are especially excited at the big growth in “I am aware of mental health support at BHS” and “I know resources to call during non-school hours”. We also want to draw attention to the increase of awareness for students about their own state of mental health. 😊
- Teen Art Group Offered on Campus
We are excited to announce that there will be a Teen Art Group coming to campus for our Beckman students! The group will focus on helping teens learn more about how to use art materials as a way to express themselves, as a positive outlet and coping skill. The group begins next week on 4/21/21 and it will be held on campus on Wednesdays at 1:30pm under safety protocol. The materials will be provided and it is free! There are still openings available, so please contact the number on the flyer soon as you’re able to pre-register your teen.
- Parent Group Offered at Families Together of OC in Tustin
Families Together of OC is offering a parent group to Beckman parents on-site in Tustin. Pre-registration is required and transportation will be provided to those who need it. Groups will also be provided in Spanish. For more info on the group and pre-registration, please contact the number on the flyer.
Challenge Success and College
Stanford's Challenge Success Team highlights the college admissions process often feels like the culmination of years of preparation and hard work for students and their parents alike, but in reality, much of the pressure placed on students is misguided. See below for several resources and practical tips parents can implement to help reduce the pressure and honor a broader path to “success”.
Consider asking your students some of these questions to find out more about their experience:
- How much do you worry about getting into the college of your choice?
- What does “success” look like when you think about college and why?
- What are you most excited about learning, doing, and experiencing in college?
- What kind of social scene do you want in college?
- Think about the first thing you say at the end of a school day. Does it reflect your family’s definition of “success?”
- Reflect on your stake in where your student goes to college. How is that influencing your student’s choice of colleges?
- Don’t let college dominate every conversation. Establish “college free” zones and plan for specific times to talk about college.
- Help your student make time to unwind, relax, and consider essential questions involved in growing up: Who am I? Do I belong?
“Pandemic Creates Longer Wait Times for College Acceptances”
KCBS Radio with Dr. Denise Pope
“Are You Putting Too Much Pressure on Your Child During the College Admissions Process?”
Making Caring Common Project Checklist, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Brennan Barnard’s work
Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be
The subtitle of Frank Bruni’s book is “An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania,” a nice summation of what this text accomplishes.
Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions
Jeffrey Selingo examines admissions offices to offer guidance to prospective students on how to honestly assess their strengths and match with the schools that will best serve their interests.
How to Raise an Adult
Julie Lythcott-Haims chronicles the detrimental effects of “overparenting” in high schools, college, and the workplace.
The Truth About College Admission
A Family Guide to Getting In and Staying Together - Brennan Barnard and Rick Clark offer sage advice from both sides of the college process: high school counselor and college admissions officer.
AP Exams
College and Career Resources
Community College Updates
Santiago Canyon College
Every Tuesday from 1:30-3:00 pm Griselda Morones from Santiago Canyon Community College will be available virtually to meet with Beckman students and parents. Griselda will be able to assist with applying to SCC, exploring SCC programs and services, support with general community college exploration/questions, and help to complete FAFSA/Dream Act applications. Students or parents can schedule a meeting with Griselda here. If students have already completed their SCC application and need to complete their Early Welcome matriculation complete this form to schedule your new student Orientation and Education Plan meeting with an SCC counselor. Questions please contact Ms. Rosas at erosas@tustin.k12.ca.us. Check out the SCC Early Welcome website for more info.
Irvine Valley College
Every Thursday from 1:30-3:30 pm Denice Perez & Rick Chan from IVC outreach and matriculation will be available to answer IVC application questions, explore programs, and discuss the matriculation process with Beckman seniors via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94048261701. Students who have already completed their IVC application and need support with the matriculation process every Wednesday IVC’s matriculation office has open office hours to help Beckman students complete the onboarding process. Check out the flyer for more information!
Orange Coast College
OCC invites students and parents to a virtual event regarding EOPS, CARE, Guardian Scholars, CalWORKs, and Umoja. Please join us for an overview of our assorted programs. Information provided will include student services, eligibility requirements, and more!
College & Career Events
Go Out of State Night
The Beckman Counseling Department invites you to attend Virtual Out-of-State College Night on April 27, 6-7:30 PM. In collaboration with Regional Admission Counselors of California (RACC) join RACC as admission representatives discuss the benefits and opportunities for California students to attend college out-of-state. In a fun “speed dating” event each admissions counselor will share information about their college and highlights that attract Californians to their institution. Be ready to take notes! Register here.
Coalition for College Virtual College Fair
140 Coalition Members will gather to share information about their schools and to answer your questions, live. The event will take place throughout two days, April 14, from 6-10 pm, and April 15, from 6-9 pm. Register for as many sessions as you’d like
Vital Link Leadership & Entrepreneurial Mindset Week
During this week, students will be able to network with industry, participate in live workshops where they will work with professionals on building leadership skills as well as developing an entrepreneurial mindset to help them advance in all careers. All students will have access to videos from industry professionals and tools for building skills needed to be successful and take initiative in their career pathways through the Vital Link App. Vital Link will provide access codes that provide entry to the virtual community on the Vital Link app. Register here.
RACC Virtual College Fairs
Registration is now open for our Virtual College Fairs! Sign-up to virtually connect with colleges and universities from around the country for free.
During the Virtual College Fairs, you will have the chance to hear from many different colleges. You can choose which colleges you want to hear from by registering for their sessions. You and your family can ask questions of the college representatives throughout the presentations too!
*The program will also include college knowledge sessions on topics such as finding a college that fits, paying for college, and writing a college essay presented by college admission counselors. Check out the schedule, list of colleges, and register now!
Cal State Fullerton Spring Webinars
The Department of Outreach & Recruitment at CSUF has put together a schedule of upcoming webinars for students who have been admitted to CSUF for the Fall 2021 semester. You can review all of the upcoming webinars here. Students and Parents are welcome to register via zoom to receive valuable information on admissions next step deadlines, financial aid next steps, and orientation information. Check out the flyer for more information!
Grade Level Info
Senior Scene
- Scholarship Recognition: Attention class of 2021 seniors! Have you been notified that you are receiving a scholarship of $500 or more? If yes, Beckman High School wants to recognize you as part of our Scholarship Recognition Video. The scholarship can be from a community organization or the college that you will be attending in the Fall of 2021. To be recognized please complete this Google Form on/before May 1, 2021. If you have multiple scholarships, please complete this form separately for each one. Thank you!
- With some exceptions, you should have heard from all of the schools to which you applied. If you’re accepted to multiple schools, weigh all your options before making your final decision. Talk with your family, counselor, teachers and friends. Look hard at finances, demographics, major, etc. If possible, visit the campus. Now that you’re accepted , your perspective will be vastly different and you can ask much more detailed questions.
- Notify the other schools that accepted you and tell them of your decision. They will have plenty of anxious waitlisted applicants waiting for seats to become available. If you were rejected from a school, you might be able to appeal the decision. This is an extremely rare occurrence and only applies to certain circumstances so be sure to check the college's website for details.
Junior Junction
BCAP- Beckman Career/College Admissions Process Upcoming Dates
- “Junior Jumpstart” Lesson for all 11th Grade students during Tutorial on April 14. This lesson will provide students an overview of the “big picture” of the BCAP process as well as researching and preparing for the post-secondary option of their choice.
- BCAP Q&A’s with the Counseling Team during each 11th Grade English class on April 15 and April 16. Any lingering questions students have about the BCAP can be addressed during this time.
What is the BCAP?
- Lesson and Project in English Classes during the Spring semester of your junior year.
- Includes instructions on the application processes for each type of post-secondary path, how to request letters of recommendation, questionnaires, resume, & much more!
- Interested in learning more about the BCAP? Check-out the BCAP Intro Video.
Sophomore Stop
- Do you volunteer?
- Do you find a job?
- Do you take classes at a local community college?
- Do you look for internship opportunities or special college programs?
Finish the semester strong. You can do it!
Freshman Forum
- 9th graders met with their 10th grade counselors to choose their class for 10th grade. If students need to make changes to their 10th grade schedule the window for Add/Drop/Challenge requests is 5/10/21 - 5/17/21 and will be located on this link.
- Students who missed entering their 4-year plan into Aeries will meet with a support staff member in the spring to complete the 4-year planner.
- Click this link if you are interested in learning about what summer school will look this this year.
- Here are some tips that can help teens cope with anxiety and give them a sense of control even during an uncertain time.
Upcoming Dates
Student Events:
- 4/14-16: BCAP Junior Lesson in Tutorial and Q&A in English Class
- 4/21: Lunch & Learn Developing a Productive Work/Study Space
- 4/27: Go Out of State for College Night
- 5/1: Senior Scholarship Form Due
- 5/10-5/17: Add/Drop/Challenge Course Requests Window
- 5/10-6/10: AP Exams Window