#EagleNation Updates-
Week of 9/17/23/ Semana del 17/09/23
* D A T E S * T O * R E M E M B E R *
September 20: Back to School Night
September 22: Early Release Day
September 25: No School
September 28: Interims Submit
October 9: No School
November 1: No School (Teacher Grading for End of Q1)
Students should check their grades and check in with their teachers if they need support. It's early in the semester, so this is a great time to get on top of the learning so students don't fall behind.
Parents and caregivers can stay on top of monitoring your student's grade by using the ParentVUE App to access your ParentVUE account right on your phone. Find Quick One-Pagers here! If you need more support, there will be hands on support at Back to School Night.
ParentVUE Quick Guides
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ_____________________________________________________________
Arrive by 5:20 when we will host a resource fair and our first PTSA Meeting. Join us for walk up, HANDS-ON workshops to STAY CONNECTED all year long after classroom visits.
Please bring your device (phone or student's Chromebook) so we can make sure you are set up with ParentVUE on your phone to check student grades ANYWHERE!
Parent/ Caregiver Information NEEDED
Register and Verify Your ParentVue Information
The Annual Verification process allows families to update contact information, collect important information about you and your student, including any medical, immunization, language preferences, and emergency information that school staff need to know. MCPS uses ParentVUE to collect this information electronically. Online registration is available now until October 20th.
We have online registration quick guides in several languages available to support you in this process.
English | Español | 中國人 | 한국인 | Français | Português | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ_____________________________________________________________
Culture of RESPECT Lessons
Read the Family letter here in English.
Lea la carta familiar aquí en español.
7th & 8th Grade Family Life & Human Sexuality Parent Info. Meeting
Attention all 7th and 8th grade parents and/or guardians: The Family Life and Human Sexuality Parent Information Meeting will take place on Wednesday, Spetember 27th at 6:00 pm via zoom. During the meeting, health teachers will share information about the current health curriculum and preview the content that will be taught during this unit. This unit is only taught in 7th and 8th grade health education.
Zoom Meeting Information:
Topic: FLHS Parent Information Meeting_23-24
Time: Sep 27, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 5363 2916
Passcode: Health
MCPS School Calendar 2024 - 2025 Feedback
MCPS is seeking input about the 2024–2025 school year calendar! Please take a moment to complete the MCPS School Calendar 2024-2025 Feedback. Your input will be used to select the first and last day of school, as well as other important dates for the coming school year.
Attention Downcounty Consortium 8th Graders! Find High School Choice open house dates with the forms here:
MCPS Regional/Countywide High School Application Programs for Entrance in the 2024–2025 School Year
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is excited to share information about the wide array of opportunities that are available at the high school level. These opportunities include rigorous college and career readiness programs in your local high school, as well as regional and countywide programs that help students gain an early edge in preparing for their future. MCPS is committed to expanding these opportunities to ensure access for all students and has launched many new programs in recent years. Learn more about these opportunities on the MCPS Regional/Countywide website:
MCPS to Host Girls’ Summit
The district is inviting all MCPS families to the Girls’ Summit on Saturday, Oct. 21 at Clarksburg High School. This event will provide informative workshops geared towards middle and high school girls on a variety of current topics. Join us for a chance to network, participate in fun activities, learn valuable skills and enjoy a fashion show presented by White House Black Market celebrating diverse body types!
Sessions will be provided in English and Spanish, and will be organized by grade level.
MCPS será anfitrión de la Cumbre de las Jóvenes
El distrito invita a todas las familias de MCPS a la Cumbre de las Jóvenes el sábado, 21 de octubre en la Escuela Secundaria Clarksburg. Este evento proporcionará talleres informativos dirigidos a jóvenes de las escuelas intermedia y secundaria sobre una variedad de temas actuales. ¡Acompáñenos para tener la oportunidad de establecer contactos, participar en actividades divertidas, aprender habilidades valiosas y disfrutar de un desfile de moda presentado por White House Black Market que celebra diversos tipos de cuerpo!
Las sesiones se darán en inglés y en español y estarán organizadas por nivel de grado. Horas de Aprendizaje mediante el servicio estudiantil (SSL, por sus siglas en inglés) estarán disponibles para los estudiantes. Los temas y las actividades incluirán:
Relaciones sanas/violencia en el noviazgo
Uso de las redes sociales y la salud mental, incluido el ciberacoso
Identificar los síntomas de la depresión y la ansiedad
Comer saludable y la imagen corporal
Terapia de música, Zumba y bicicletas estáticas para terapia de arte
Se distribuirán kits de Narcan y también habrá capacitación disponible.
MCPS MESSAGE: COVID-19 Outbreak Measures and Vaccine News
As new cases of COVID-19 increase locally, we have seen outbreaks occurring in multiple schools across the county. Temporary outbreak precautions for individual classrooms where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly helps prevent spread to vulnerable individuals and to the rest of school. Check out the FAQ page for more information about how outbreaks are managed. The newly approved COVID-19 updated vaccine will be available in our area in the next few weeks. For information about COVID-19, influenza and RSV vaccine availability, refer to Vaccines.Gov.
Información sobre las medidas para los brotes de COVID-19
A medida que aumentan los nuevos casos de COVID-19 a nivel local, hemos visto brotes en varias escuelas de todo el condado. Las precauciones temporales contra los brotes para las aulas individuales donde el COVID-19 se está propagando rápidamente ayudan a prevenir la propagación a personas vulnerables y al resto de la escuela. Consulte la página de preguntas frecuentes para obtener más información sobre cómo se gestionan los brotes. La vacuna actualizada contra el COVID-19 recientemente aprobada estará disponible en nuestra área en las próximas semanas. Para obtener información sobre la disponibilidad de las vacunas contra el COVID-19, la influenza y el VSR (o RSV, por sus siglas en inglés), consulte Vaccines.gov.
*We will not begin clearing the Lost and Found until the first Friday in October to provide additional time for students to check for lost items.
** F A M I L Y * R E S O U R C E S * *
Montgomery County Provides Computers for Qualifying Families
W E * A R E * H E R E * T O * H E L P !
Emails and phone numbers for support in the school:
- Main Office: (240) 740-6280
- Admin Secretary: Ms. Perez: priscilla_b_smith@mcpsmd.org
- Attendance Secretary: Ms. Blanco: isaura_m_blanco-flores@mcpsmd.org
- Front Office Secretary: Ms. Calderon: alexa_k_calderonperez@mcpsmd.org
- Financial Assistant: Ms. Zhang: rui_zhang@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-R): Rachel Greene - rachel_m_greene@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Cherine Roberts- cherine_roberts@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-S) Cayla Cwerner- cayla_cwerner@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names T-Z): Cherine Roberts- cherine_roberts@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-S): Genevieve Loving- genevieve_s_loving@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names T-Z): Ms. Roberts-cherine_roberts@mcpsmd.org
- Principal - Ms. Shorts: lisa_n_shorts@mcpsmd.org
- 6th Grade Assistant Principal- Matthew Kerwin: matthew_f_kerwin@mcpsmd.org
- 7th Assistant Principal- Charles Feamster: charles_s_feamster@mcpsmd.org
- 8th Grade Assistant Principal- Deidre Levin: deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org
Family Supports:
- Parent Community Coordinator - Mirna Medrano-romero: mirna_a_medrano-romero@mcpsmd.org
- PTA President- Shripal Shah: eastern.ptsa.president@gmail.com
Excellence at Eastern MS #Eaglenation/ WE'RE BETTER TOGETHER!
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/easternms
Location: Eastern Middle School, University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6280
Twitter: @EasternMS_Prin