Padbury Newsletter
Issue #19 - 26 November 2020
Fri 27 Nov - Year 2 Excursion / P&F Parent Christmas Party / Advent Prayer Assembly
Mon 30 Nov - EduDance Concert #1 @2:00pm
Tues 1 Dec - Pre-Kindy Parent Session & Orientation @ 9:30am / Advent Prayer Assembly / Kindy Wallabies Super Hero Day
Wed 2 Dec - Kindy Gecko Superhero Day
Thurs 3 Dec - EduDance Concert #2
Fri 4 Dec - Transition Morning @ 9:00am / Icy Pole Day / Year 6 Graduation Party (pm)
Mon 7 Dec - Kindy Wallabies Christmas Concert
Tues 8 Dec - Kindy Gecko Christmas Concert
Tues 8 Dec - Nativity Play & Carol Sing-A-Long / Year 6 Graduation Mass (pm)
Wed 9 Dec - Thanksgiving Mass & Farewell Assembly for Staff
Thurs 10 Dec - Year 6 Farewell Assembly
Fri 11 Dec - Last Day of Term for Students
Please check the community calendar for future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
Dear Parents
Congratulations to our Year Six children as they received the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend. The sacrament was beautifully celebrated by Father Cyprian, with the children supported by their families, friends, Padbury CPS staff and parishioners. Thank you to Mrs Tardrew and Mr Randazzo for preparing the children so thoroughly in the lead up to Confirmation and supporting Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator, Mrs Brigid Fredrickson. Confirmation is such a special sacrament to receive as the Holy Spirit strengthens and renews our faith in Jesus Christ and deepens our relationship with God. As the children move on to high school next year the Holy Spirit will be with them to guide them and strengthen them through some of the challenges they may face.
There will be a Christmas Eve outdoor family mass on the Our Lady of the Mission parish oval at 6.00pm. Father Cyprian is inviting all children to come along and participate as readers, shepherds, angels, Mary, Joseph etc. Please see the Parish section of our newsletter for further details.
We will be having a whole school Thanksgiving Mass on 9 December in our school hall. During our special mass we will give thanks to God for our wonderful school year and ‘give’ to those who may be finding things a little difficult in our local community through our St Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Your generosity in giving items to make someone’s Christmas special, is very much appreciated. Just before our Thanksgiving Mass we will have our Farewell Assembly for staff who may be leaving us at the end of the year.
The children will be enjoying our Nativity Carol sing-a-long on 8 December and the children are invited to come dressed ‘Christmassy’ on this day.
Edudance concerts will be going ahead on Monday 30 Nov and 3 Dec and will be held outdoors so that parents can be invited along and to ensure we are COVID compliant.
Book Fair started this week! Thank you to Lynda Ellison for co ordinating the annual Scholastic Book Fair with helpers Vicky Kay, Janine O'Shea and Melissa Barrett. The Book Fair is a great place to buy books to read, Christmas presents and also earn reward points for our school.
We welcomed our beautiful Kindy 2021 children and parents to PCPS this week and next week we welcome 2021 Pre Kindy families to our school for their orientation day and parent session. Our Pre Kindy (3yr old) list is growing for 2021 so if you would like to secure a place for your child please contact Mrs Ellen at the school office to enrol your child. If you If you have friends or neighbours with children who would be ready for Pre Kindy, please encourage them to enrol.
There are limited vacancies in other year levels in 2021 so if you know of anyone looking for a position, please recommend our beautiful school.
We are currently enrolling for Pre Kindy and Kindy 2022, 2023 and beyond so please get your application in for your child as soon as possible.
I have been busy reading reports and all the children have been working extremely hard and should be very proud of their efforts. I am sure that the children will be rewarded by receiving reports which will reflect their wonderful efforts. Reports will be available on SEQTA on Wednesday 9 December. Should you wish to meet with teachers regarding your child’s report you can arrange a 10-minute meeting with them in the last two days before the term ends.
Teachers will soon be looking at class groupings for 2021. Many factors are considered when selecting class placements for students and each child’s best interests are the main priority when these decisions are made. Class placements are a team decision made in consultation with both the year level teachers. Teachers spend a lot of time and give great consideration to the placement of children and I believe that their professionalism should be respected. Consideration for placement is made using the following criteria: gender; pastoral/social/emotional; special needs, twins, academic ability; relationships etc.
Every effort is made to place children where it is felt they will have the greatest opportunity to succeed. All teachers at PCPS are very professional and of an excellent standard and children will receive a high quality of education no matter which class they are placed with. If your child has special pastoral issues which may need consideration, please ensure that you have made a time to meet with your child’s class teacher before Monday 30 November. Parents should understand that requests for particular placement cannot be guaranteed. Requesting a certain teacher is not a consideration. Once class groupings are finalised they will not be changed so please do not contact the teachers, Leadership Team or the office after the cut-off date nor once you receive details about your child’s class. It is good for families to know placements for the following year so that they are able to arrange for children to get together over the holidays if they wish. Parents will be notified of their child’s teacher via SEQTA on Friday 18 December.
If your child is not returning to PCPS in 2020 please advise the office in writing before 30 November.
We have a thorough handover procedure between the staff for the end of the year and a formal transition programme for all classes on Friday 4 December. The Pre-Primary classes have additional parts to their transition programme to ensure that the children have been well prepared for the move to the ‘big part of the school’. Mrs Fisher, our social worker, will also be on hand to assist, not only at the beginning of the year but also during the year, with transitioning.
The Catholic School Advisory Council would like to thank those families who have paid their school fees and are up to date. Should you have any outstanding fees, please pay these immediately. As per the school fee policy, the School Board Finance Committee may take action to recover any unpaid fees through a debt collection agency which may in turn affect your future credit ratings. There are a number of methods in which families at the school can pay their school fees. These include: credit card; EFTPOS, cash, cheque, direct debit and internet banking. Please see the Finance Officer, Mrs Denise Davis or Administration Officer, Helen Hughes at the school office for further details.
Last Wednesday evening we held our Annual General Meeting for the Catholic School Advisory Council (CSAC) (formerly School Board) and Catholic School Parents WA (CSPWA) (formerly P&F) and our Volunteer Thank You Supper.
There is a great team of parents who make up our very enthusiastic and keen Catholic School Parents WA committee. Thankyou to the Catholic School Parents WA Executive 2020. Special thankyou to Susan Kadak for all her great work as President this year. She has provided a very smooth transition leading the new Executive this year and her never-ending enthusiasm, dedication and support to Padbury CPS is very much appreciated. Many thanks to Taryn Smith in the role of Vice President. Taryn is stepping down from her role as Vice President. Her support over the last couple of years has been wonderful, and I would like to thank her for all her contributions in this role and for being a great support to the Leadership Team and to the CSPWA Executive and Committee. Thank you to Sally Kelly for her great work this year as Treasurer. Her financial expertise and commitment is always very much appreciated. Thank you to Ella Pearce for being so efficient and organised in her role as Secretary this year and for keeping us updated with minutes and agendas. I thank the Executive for their outstanding effort this year.
Special thanks to Marnie Cooper for all her wonderful work in co ordinating the Padbury Cares for 7 years. This pastoral care programme requires someone who is kind, caring, empathetic, confidential and always ready to listen and Marnie is all of those and more. Marnie hands over the reins to Ruth Tan who has been working closely with Marnie.
This year due to COVID we have had a quiet year however we have still been fortunate to be surrounded by a keen, positive and truly vibrant Catholic School Parents committee who continue to give so much of their time to lead a range of portfolios. This year we have still been able to have active portfolios of - Padbury Cares, Icy Pole Days, School Photos, Christmas party as well as Book Fair. We look forward to the resurrection of Faith and Education; Sausage Sizzles, Mother and Father’s Day breakfast/morning tea, Family Fun Night, Discos and EFL next year. Big thanks to all Class Reps too for your continual support and being a link with the parents. All Catholic School Parents WA Portfolio holders and committee members have worked together seamlessly as a team to enrich our school community and provide for the children, staff and parents. I thank you for all your hard work in organising a variety of spiritual, social, fundraising and parent education events this year – a brilliant effort in this very unusual year.
I would like to say a special thank you to Kylie Giles for operating the uniform shop so smoothly again this year and to your limited uniform shop volunteers due to COVID.
Thank you to Janine O'Shea for coordinating Netball throughout 2020. We appreciate all of Janine's time and commitment in undertaking this role and look forward to a full Netball season in 2021.
I look forward to working with the Catholic School Parents WA in 2021.
Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA Ltd) commenced operating on 1 January 2020. All diocesan schools are now part of CEWA Ltd. The Catholic Education Commission of WA (CECWA) is the board of CEWA Ltd and has responsibility for governing Catholic education in WA and for ensuring its financial sustainability.
The School Board is now referred to as the Catholic School Advisory Council to reflect CEWA Ltd’s new governance structure. The existing CECWA Catholic School Board Constitution is currently under review by CECWA to ensure appropriateness and consistency with CEWA Ltd’s new governance structure. It is due to be implemented in 2022. Next year is a year of transition. The existing CECWA Catholic School Board Constitution remains in place, with some modifications to reflect CEWA Ltd’s new governance requirements. The Advisory Council supports the Principal in accordance with these Terms of Reference and CECWA’s Delegations of Authority. The Advisory Council is not involved in the daily operations of the school. The Advisory Council supports and advises the Principal on school financial matters such as financial performance against budget, sustainability and recurrent and capital planning. It endorses the Principal’s annual school budget before submission to CECWA for approval.
Board Objectives for 2021
Community Engagement
• Community focused decisions and marketing
• Facilities
Capital Works
• Preventative maintenance and minor capital works/replacement items
• New works – Welcome Courtyard
• Playgrounds
Strategic Planning
• Linked to CEWA Strategic Plan
As per CEWA Ltd direction, there will be no increase in School Fees next year due to COVID.
Annual School Improvement Plan 2021
v Mercy Values – children, staff, parents, classrooms/school, newsletter
v Mercy Value Certificates and Banners
v Engagement with Sisters of Mercy
v Consolidate Literacy and Mathematics
v Creation and implementation of Staff Development and Growth Plan
v Development of Staff through Literacy, Mathematics, Early Childhood Education & Technologies Key Teacher roles
Early Childhood Education
v Shared beliefs and understandings
v Early Childhood Charter
Aboriginal Education
v Teachers to embed Aboriginal perspectives meaningfully into teaching and learning programs in cross-curricular areas
v Marketing Plan – expand
v Review social media accounts, website, tours, staff badges, children wrist bands
v Enrolment bag, school signage (internal & external)
v Playgrounds – redevelop
v Develop Welcome Courtyard
v Review current Behaviour Management Plan
v Continue to enhance the GreenSpace, upgrade chicken coop, garden bed
v Develop whole school action plan and Sustainability Charter
Staffing for 2021 was also announced at the AGM:
Padbury CPS Staffing 2021
v Principal: Mrs Margaret Williamson
v Assistant Principals: Mrs Loretta Hutcheson & Mr Ryan von Bergheim
v Pre-Kindy: Mrs Megan Finlay and Education Assistant: Mrs Heidi Mullen
v Kindergarten: Mrs Kathryn Carter and Education Assistants: Mrs Anna Mammoliti, Mrs Elsie Soemya/Mrs Heidi Mullen
v Pre-Primary: Mrs Rachel Wood, Mrs Natalie Millar and Education Assistants: Mrs Trish Penny, Mrs Lyn Sharpe/Mrs Heidi Mullen
v Year 1: Mrs Donelle Wright, Ms Natasa Bebich
v Year 2: Mrs Roberta Perkov & Mrs Hutcheson (Wed), Miss Rebecca Vester
v Year 3: Mrs Dianne Holness, Mr Mark Randazzo
v Year 4: Ms Stephanie Wilson, Mrs Renee Babac
v Year 5: Mrs Alisia Tardrew, Mr Carlton Dias
v Year 6: Mrs Megan Woodall & Mr Ryan von Bergheim (Thur), Mrs Deb Barry
v Learning Support Mrs Liz Johnston, Mrs Lisa Hawkins
v Extension: Miss Ashleigh Remigio
v Music: Mrs Sylvia Cusack
v Physical Education: Mr John Hignett
v Science: Mrs Britt Ewen, Mr John Hignett
v Drama /Art: Mrs Tamara Bastow
v Italian: Italo
v Library Officer: Mrs Marg Eccles
v Education Assistants: Mrs Vicki Jayawardene, Mrs Marg Eccles, Mrs Andrea Cruse, Mrs Nicole Sadowski, Mrs Anna-Maria Williams
v Social Worker: Mrs Ali Fisher
v Finance Officer: Mrs Denise Davis
v Admin Officers: Mrs Amanda Ellen, Mrs Helen Hughes
v ICT Support: IT Dynamics
v Grounds: Mr Christophe Regnard
v Parental leave: Mrs Sarah La Galia, Mrs Alicia Randazzo
We farewell Mrs Roberts, Miss Buckingham, Mrs Bertoldo and Mrs Prince and wish them well in their future endeavours in their new schools.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Margaret Williamson
religious education
Sacramental Dates for 2021
A reminder that 2021 Booklists should be ordered by Friday 11th December. Teachers will send home any remaining resources for students by Friday 4th December so you can take stock and consider what is required from the Booklist for 2021.
2021 Booklists are on the school website -
Book Borrowing
Borrowing from the library will cease this year on Friday 20th November. Students are asked to return their books by Friday 27th November. Please assist your child in returning their library books.
Mrs Eccles
Library Officer
Icy Pole Fridays are back!
Icy Poles have now gone cashless and are available to order on Flexischools for the rest of the term. Children will only receive the icy pole you order for them on Flexischools, they can't choose one on the day like they did previously.
Cut off for orders is 12 mid-day the Wednesday before. Parent volunteers & teacher assistance are essential to bring this special treat to your kids, please be patient over the coming term as this new process evolves. Any queries please contact: Elva MacDonagh via email
This Week’s focus: iPad Home Use
Continued from last Newsletter... Tips and suggestions for establishing rules for iPad/device usage at home.
Tip #3: Lay out consequences from the start
Make the consequences clear for breaking the rules, such as taking away the phone or iPad for a set period of time. But remember, the goal isn’t to punish them, but just to set clear boundaries. Your home’s digital device guidelines should be reasonable rather than excessive, and be made in collaboration with your youngster so they feel a sense of ownership about the rules too. This should make it less likely for them to ‘break the law’, so to speak.
Tip #4: Talk about respectful relationships, and online safety
You can’t let your young person loose in the digital world without having several conversations about how to stay safe online, how to show respectful behaviour and be aware of the pitfalls of the internet, particularly social media applications. Each of these topics is a separate issue on its own, but each is deeply affected by the virtual, boundary-free nature of digital technology. This kind of digital exposure can have massive ramifications on the growth and development of young people, especially when it comes to the quality of their relationships and well-being.
Tips 5 & 6 coming next Newsletter...
Please see below for a flyer detailing some free parent education in the area of cyber safety.
Ryan von Bergheim
Assistant Principal
Pastoral Care
Social Worker's Corner
P&F News
P&F Facebook Page
The Padbury Catholic Primary School P&F (Parents and Friends) Facebook Page is a celebration of all things Padbury, with the intent to build upon our strong community spirit. The page is also a great way to share information with our community about events, fundraisers, sporting and academic achievements. Please note that Padbury Catholic Primary School Class Pages are set up in the same spirit and also follow the Code of Conduct as below.
Code of Conduct
We ask that any comments made, are done within the spirit of our school motto “Love One Another”. Any negative comments will be deleted at the discretion of Admin. No photos are to be included in comments. This is to ensure that those children who are not permitted to have their photo displayed are protected.
Raising Issues
The Padbury Catholic Primary School pages are not a forum for issues to be raised regarding staff, students or parents/families of students. This is best done directly with the school as per our school policy. We will not support interactions that incite or fuel negative sentiments.
Not Including Names
We ask that you do not use the names of our staff, students or family of students unless these are already publicised in the original post.
The Padbury Catholic Primary School pages are not to be used for the advertising or promotion of individual and family businesses, services or products.
Underage Facebook Users
Padbury Catholic Primary School does not endorse children under the 13 year old threshold imposed by Facebook creating their own Facebook account. We all need to be good social media role models for our children. The Padbury Catholic Primary School Facebook pages operate under the Commonwealth Telecommunications Act and Facebooks Terms.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who visited our ticket table last week or jumped online to buy your raffle tickets!
Marie and Cathy are looking forward to drawing the raffle winners tomorrow night!
Romina Cangelosi
Travel and COVID19
The following information has been issued by CEWA regarding travel and Covid19.
As the end of the year approaches, some families may choose to leave Western Australia to travel to interstate or overseas destinations. As the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly evolving, sometimes rapidly, parents are encouraged to evaluate the necessity and impact of planned travel over the upcoming Christmas holiday break. For example, the Western Australian state government requires overseas travellers to undertake mandatory quarantine in a Perth hotel at their own expense. Should you wish to travel, parents are asked that they consult the following websites and contact numbers to remain informed about border restrictions, exemptions and quarantine requirements:
Entry to Australia Website: COVID-19: Entering Australia Phone:1800 020 080
Entry to WA Website: COVID-19: Entering Western Australia Phone:13 26 843
Students who intend to travel to/from overseas destinations, who are not listed in the Australian travel exemption categories, will require two letters to support their applications to return to Australia:
1. A confirmation of enrolment letter from Lisa Rodgers, Director General of the Department of Education, Western Australia
2. A travel support letter from Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer, Western Australia.
Should parents require support letters for their child:
1. Email the school office and acknowledge that you are aware that your child may be required to quarantine for 14 days in a Perth COVID-19 hotel upon return to Australia at your own expense.
2. Please also provide your child’s:
· First name; Surname; Date of birth (e.g. 13 May 2002)
· Full Australian address; Full overseas address
3. The school will request the generation of the two letters and email both letters to parents when received.
4. Parents attach both letters to their child’s application to return to Australia.
Please note that the process for generation of support letters can take up to two weeks. This being the case, parents are asked to attend to the above mentioned process no later than the end of November.
Please direct enquiries regarding this process to the school office via the admin email or phone the school office.
padbury cares
If you haven't already done so, please like/follow/share us!
Parish Update
WYFI: 24:7 Whitford Youth Group – For all youth in Years 6 to 12. 1st, 3rd & 5th Fridays @ Whitford Parish Hall, 7pm. Call Amanda 0421144992 or Luke 041822932 for more information. We look forward to welcoming Year 5students at our Whitford Youth Faith Initiative - WYFI (parish youth group) on Friday, 27th November from 7pm in readiness for their involvement in 2021 when in Year 6.
Christmas Eve outdoor Mass - we invite children to come to the rehearsal on Saturday 19th December at 10am where they will be allocated different roles: shepherds, angels, Mary, Joseph, star bearers etc. All PCPS families are invited to come to this special children’s mass. As it is an outdoor mass on the oval near the church, we are Covid complaint regarding distancing.
Fr Francis and I would like to thank school communities for their kind support this passing year and wish them a nice well deserved summer holiday, a blessed Christmas and a truly rewarding happy new year 2021. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish
Website :
community news
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000