Dr. Greer's Super Note
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Dec. 21, 2022
Dr. Greer: Thanks for a great 2022!
Hi, Maize students! We made it to Winter Break! I want to thank you for a great 2022! I continue to be inspired by your hard work, curiosity, and leadership. We are SO PROUD of your accomplishments so far! One of the highlights of my first semester has been meeting so many of you and watching you soar!
Thank you so much for the many volunteer projects that you and your classmates have been working on. You’ve been ringing Salvation Army kettle bells, collecting food to donate, and buying gifts for your peers in need. This speaks highly to your character and your heart. Maize is a caring place because of you! I am so proud to be your superintendent. Thank you for all you do to learn, contribute to our community, and work toward a successful future.
I am excited to spend my Winter Break with my family. We typically stay around the house to enjoy family game nights and a movie or two together. I hope you have a wonderful break with your friends and family, as well! I will see you in 2023!
Dr. Greer
Maize USD 266
Maize South High School senior serves as District Site Council student representative
I also want to thank Maize South High School senior Emma Henderson, our student representative on the District Site Council. This is a group that also includes parents and educators who have different expertise and experience and who are working together to make Maize USD 266 the best it can be for you, our students. You can click here to read more about our District Site Council. I am grateful to have Emma's perspective!
ABOVE: Maize South High School senior Emma Henderson and Travis Bloom, Maize Education Foundation Executive Director, collaborate during a recent District Site Council meeting.
Student success part of Top 22 Facebook posts in 2022 series
This month, Maize USD 266 has been counting down the Top 22 Facebook posts of 2022, and the stories include a lot of awesome moments and memories of events, awards, and student achievement. Check out the countdown to learn about some of the great things students have been up to in 2022!
Maize High School invited Maize USD 266 elementary school students to attend a preview of their recent holiday concert. More photos here.
Complete High School Maize students recently volunteered at different locations across Wichita ringing the kettle bell for Salvation Army. More photos here.
Maize Middle School choir students had their holiday tour with stops at schools throughout the district and the mall to share their talents and spread cheer. More photos here.
Student showcase: Dec. 12 Maize Board of Education meeting
Maize South Middle School students share feedback about class
During each monthly Maize Board of Education meeting, for example, we hear from a school about a cool project and recognize students and/or teachers who are doing amazing things. Last week, we heard from Maize South Middle School students about their Study Skills class, which helps them concentrate on key concepts, access additional support for math and English Language Arts (ELA), and learn more about organization and social-emotional skills. Thank you to 8th grade students Ellah Dewberry and Amariah Lewis and 7th grade student Anna Tyson, who volunteered to present and did such a great job! They participated with the support of administrators and staff members, including Principal Mr. Haynes, pictured.
Maverick boys soccer team celebrated for winning state title
The Maize South High School boys soccer team, including players and coaches, were recognized for their perfect season! Read more about it in the Nov. 18 Maize Pulse. Congrats again!
Maize South High School junior, trombone player recognized for national performance
Congratulations to Maize South High School junior trombone player Jared Eck on his recent performance with the National Association for Music Education 2022 All-National Honor Ensembles Concert Band! Click here to read more about this honor in the Dec. 13 Maize Pulse.
Eagle, Maverick journalism students honored for national awards
Dr. Jarman, Maize Board of Education President, and his fellow board members honored Maize High School and Maize South High School students on Dec. 12 for their recent national journalism achievement. The students attend classes through the Maize Career Academy. Read about their achievements in the Nov. 8 Super Note and in the Nov. 18 Maize Pulse.
Dr. Greer's #MaizeFamily photos
Dr. Greer recently visited Maize Central Elementary School to read a book to the fourth grade students as part of their 12 Days of Guest Readers program. More photos here.
Can you spot Dr. Greer? She spent the morning Dec. 1 at Maize South High School with the Student Advisory Council and even joined in on the pep rally fun! More photos here.
Dr. Greer attended Complete High School Maize's 24th annual Thanksgiving Feast a success Nov. 17. More photos here.
See Something Say Something app
Did you know that students are a HUGE help to keeping schools safe? Help us keep you safe by providing anonymous tips. If you see something, please say something!
There are three ways to submit an anonymous tip:
- Click here to be taken directly to a secure tip reporting website.
- On your smartphone, download the free P3 Tips app from the App Store or Google Play. Then, follow the onscreen prompts to submit your tip.
- Call 316-267-2111.
Check out our Online Bulletin Board for upcoming camps, clinics, and more!
Visit Maize USD 266's digital Online Bulletin Board to find out about camps, clinics, community resources, events, and more!
There is still time to sign up for the 2023 Mini Mavs Dance Clinic, open to girls and boys in preschool through 4th grade. Registration is due Dec. 29. Please click here for the event flyer for more details.