Four Nests... One Family News
October 1-15, 2022
Rockledge Elementary School
Website: rockledgees.pwcs.edu
Location: 2300 Mariner Drive, Woodbridge, VA, USA
Phone: (703)491-2108
Facebook: facebook.com/rockledge.elementary
Twitter: @RockledgePWCS
School Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9am-3:40pm
The doors of the school open at 8:55am daily. Staff will be outside to monitor arrival at that time.
If arrival is after 9am, families will need to sign their child in through the front office.
Upcoming Important Dates
Hello Rockledge Families,
Wow, two weeks of the new school year completed already! This past week we had our Safety Week, we took time to understand our safety drills and practice them. All Eagles did an amazing job in engaging in the important safety learning.
We hope that your family has enjoyed the extra time together this weekend. This week we will continue Color Days here at the Rock to help our youngest learns solidify their color knowledge. See the remaining color days below, we will kick off Tuesday in the color green.
Thank you for your partnership in getting our Eagles back into the routine of school. They have done great in learning the routines and procedures of navigating a new year. Join us this week for the first PTA meeting of the year on Thursday, 9/8 at 7pm.
Your Principal & Assistant Principal,
Mrs. Steptoe-Coleman
Mrs. Everett
9/8: PTA Meeting at 7pm
9/9: PTA Parents Night Out @ Hectors 7:30pm
9/15: International Dot Day
9/15-10/15: Hispanic Heritage Month
9/16: PTA Outdoor Movie Night @ 6pm
9/26: Rosh Hashana Holiday/ Schools & Offices Closed
9/29: Back to School Night @ 6pm (K-2nd)
10/3: Back to School Night @ 6pm (3rd-5th)
Back to School Packet: Emergency Cards & Annual Updates
- Now available to complete in ParentVUE.
- All families should complete the Back to School Packet as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, September 16, 2022.
- The information you provide will allow school staff to ensure the safety of your child this school year.
- If you need assistance, or do not have an active ParentVUE account, Cristina Rodriguez or Evelyn Ayala in the front office.
Instructions for completing Back to School Packet (click here)
Tuesday, 9/6- Green
Wednesday, 9/7- Purple
Thursday, 9/8- White
Friday, 9/9- Black
Monday, 9/12- Orange
Tuesday, 9/13- Rainbow
Wednesday, 9/14- Pink
Join the Rockledge PTA!
Help support Rockledge and join the PTA!
- Even purchasing a membership is helpful!
- There are no expectations to attend meetings or volunteer.
- When you join the PTA, your student will receive an Eagle Bucks punch card! This can be used to shop at the school store (opening soon!)
- Also, the K-2 and 3-5 grade classes that have the most PTA memberships by October 5th, will earn a PJs and Popcorn party!
Join now at this link- https://rkes.memberhub.com/store
***Punch cards and premium membership gifts will be delivered to your child’s class beginning after the Labor Day holiday***
How to Pay for Breakfast & Lunch:
Funding student meal accounts can be done in several ways.
- You can send a check or cash in to the school, send in an envelope with your child's name, teacher name, and marked "cafeteria". We will make sure this money is added to their account.
- Fund your child’s account online via MySchoolBucks. Read about how to add funds to a student's meal account.
Free & Reduce Meal Applications Available
This year, only students that qualify for free and reduced meals will receive free meals. The fastest way to apply for meal benefits for your child is to apply online at http://pwcsnutrition.com/. Online applications are typically processed within 48 hours of submission.
If you do not receive notification of status within 48 hours please contact the Food and Nutrition Department at 703-791-7314 for assistance.
One-to-One Devices
- Rockledge is now a one-to-one school, and all students will be provided laptops. Please review the Parent/Student Device Handbook.
- PWCS has a group policy discount with Securranty for students/parents to purchase optional insurance for laptops issued to students. Insurance can only be purchased after your child receives their laptop because you must provide the device serial number when signing up.
- Canvas will continue to be the learning management system for all students.
- The Hub (Parent/StudentVUE) remains the platform for tracking grades and other student information.
- Information on how to access The Hub’s StudentVUE and ParentVUE applications can be found on The Hub webpage.
The Code of Behavior (COB) includes important information to guide students and adults toward success in our School Division. It is vital for parents and guardians to understand the policies, responsibilities, expectations, and rules summarized and to emphasize the importance to students. With your help, we can ensure a positive and safe learning environment in all our schools.
Use these “rules of the road” to navigate opportunities and challenges in PWCS, while protecting the health, safety, and rights of PWCS students and staff, and the quality of our learning environment.