On Sale through October 16th
AWAKENED by CJ Anderson
AWAKENED is finally in paperback
To celebrate Awakened in paperback, the Kindle edition is on sale for 99 cents. If you purchase the paperback from Amazon, the Kindle edition will be free.
One of Two Prizes!
A $10.00 Amazon Gift Card
A signed Copy of Awakened
Have you entered the giveaway yet? I'm hosting a giveaway on Black-Words White-Pages blog with Tyler's review of my book Awakened. Hurry up and enter!!
Free MP3 download of Chapter 1 "Dru" read from Dru's perspective when you sign up for my mailing list. Sign up here.
Connect with me!
Email: cj@authorcjanderson.com
Website: http://authorcjanderson.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorcjanderson
Twitter: @AuthorCJA