Wiggin Street Parent Update
March 4, 2022
Better Together
Mrs. Phillips had extra help in the office today with Donald Morr acting as Secretary for the Day. Also, Clayton Toney and Harry Decosky-Nippert were teachers for the day. These were rewards from being Math-a-thon Top Fundraisers. We appreciated their leadership, and they did an amazing job!
We are enjoying getting back to a more normal school year and have scheduled end of the year events that have been missed over the past 2 years. Please look over the upcoming events and mark your calendars for exciting activities including Battle of the Books, Spring Musicals, Fun Festival, 5th Grade vs. Teachers Hockey Game, 5th Grade Camp, Field Day, and Talent Show, and more! There will be more information as we get closer to each, but I wanted to at least get you the dates.
Best wishes,
Christy Grandstaff
Secretary for the Day, Donald Morr
Teachers for the Day
Mrs. Eilbacher for the Day, Harry Decosky-Nippert
Ms. Waugh for the Day, Clayton Toney
Yearbook Orders
Homework Club
Homework Club will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Kenyon's Spring Break (March 7-18) Wednesdays are now cancelled until further notice.
Native American Cultures in North America
Friends of Wiggin Street
Save the date! Friday, April 22nd the Spring Fun Festival is BACK!!!
More details to come.
We are looking for at least one more large auction item for the Fun Festival Raffle. The two items we already have are from The Mount Vernon Grand Hotel and the Mount Vernon Fire Department's "Ride to School in a Fire Truck". If you have a connection to a local business that would be interested in making a donation, please let us know. Thanks so much!
Next FOW meeting is Thursday, April 7th @ 5:00 pm. This is a change from the originally scheduled April meeting due to the K-2 Spring Mini-Musical being performed April 5th.
Buying a pet at the Community Pet Store with confidence
Project Based Learning is Cross Curricular Learning
Third Grade Kenyon Dance Collab.
First Grade Kenyon Dance Collaboration
Thrive Kids
Thrive Kids Weekly Update
How do you become a leader? Small steps each and every day! This week we talked about leadership being unique to each individual and how we can use our individual talents to be a leader! The students worked hard on a Tabata and then a team game!
We are getting ready to head into our final 8-week unit for the school year! We will focus on the PUSH movement (push ups, handstands, push press, etc) and guide students to increase their GRIT both in the gym and outside of it!
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 24
If your child is interested in joining the fun they can pick up a permission slip be attending any Thursday class or by emailing hannahkelling@gmail.com!
Have a great week and do hard things!
Coach Hannah
Idle-free Zone
Upcoming Important Dates
7-18 Kenyon Spring Break
13 Daylight Savings Time
16 Gr. 3 Dental Screening
17 End of 3rd 9 weeks
18 Teacher In-Service Day (No School)
21 District Spring ELA Testing Opens
22 Battle of the Books @ HS theater
22-23 4th Grade ELA State Testing
23-24 5th Grade ELA State Testing (Change from last week's update)
25 Report Cards go home 3rd 9 wks
25 EXTRA Popcorn Day:)
26-31 MVCSD Spring Break
1-3 Spring Break continued
4 School Resumes
5 Spring Mini Musicals beginning @6:30 in the WS gym
5-6 3rd Grade ELA State Testing
7 PTO Meeting, 5:00
8 Popcorn Friday
11 District Spring Math & Sci Testing Opens
13 Gifted Seminar @ Ohio Historical Center
14 District Spring ELA Testing Closes
15 No School
19-20 3rd Gr. Math State Testing
20-21 5th Grade Sc. State Testing
22 Spring Fun Festival 5-8:30
26-27 4th and 5th Gr. Math State Testing
29 Arbor Day
2 District Spring Math & Sci Testing Closes
2 NWEA MAP Window opens
2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
3 PTO Meeting, 5:00
6 Popcorn Friday
6 Kenyon Dance Collab. Performance
9 Kindergarten Screening
12 5th Grade vs. Staff Hockey Game
13 5th Grade Cases for Smiles
13 End of the Year Picnic
16 5th Grade to Heartland Camp for the day with Pleasant Street
18 Field Day
19 Field Day Rain Date
20 NWEA MAP Window closes
22 High School Graduation
24 Talent Show
26 End of 4th 9 weeks/Last Day of School
26 KDG Graduation 9:15 am
26 5th Grade Graduation 10:30 am
26 Final Report Cards go home
27 Teacher Work Day
30 Memorial Day
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff