Nov. 10, 2022

Schools honor veterans during assemblies
Today during school assemblies, students across the District were reminded about why Veterans Day is observed.
Many schools invited veterans and their families to attend and be recognized. Students performed in choirs, gave flowers to veterans and created slideshows with their photos.
At Sumner Middle School, students shared some ways to celebrate, including:
- Thanking a veteran for their service
- Making them a home-cooked meal
- Attending a local parade or Veterans Day celebration
Enjoy the pictures below from today’s assemblies across the District.
To all veterans: Thank you for your service. There is no school Friday, Nov. 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
Native American Education Program students learn to make Navajo fry bread
At first, Sumner Middle School sixth grader Portia didn’t know what Navajo fry bread was.
But by the end of her Native American Education Program class this week, she would know not only what it was, but its history and how to make it.
The SBLSD Native American Education Program is a partnership with the Puget Sound Educational Service District. The program works directly with about 170 Native students throughout our District and supports them with any cultural educational support they may need.
In this month’s lesson, students learned that Navajo fry bread is a popular food among Native American tribes, but it is also connected to a painful past in Native American history.
In Winter 1864, the U.S. government forced 8,500 Navajo people living in Arizona to leave their ancestral lands and walk 300 miles east to the Bosque Redondo Reservation in New Mexico. It is known as “The Long Walk.” On the march, 200 Navajo died and another 2,000 died at the internment camp they called a reservation. Four years later in 1868, a treaty was signed allowing the tribe to return to their reservation in Arizona.
In New Mexico, the Navajo people lived on land that couldn’t support the traditional foods they grew, and were given canned goods, including white flour, processed sugar and lard – which became the makings of fry bread.
Making and eating a piece of fry bread allows students to think about the strength and ingenuity of Indigenous people, while not forgetting those lost, said Program Coordinator Jason Lafontaine, who is also a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa.
In the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, there are about 370 students with Native American heritage. Of those students, 170 are signed up for the District’s Native American Program.
If you have Native American heritage and would like to take part in the program, contact your school about the SBLSD Native American Education Program.
November is also Native American Heritage Month. To view resources, visit sumnersd.org/NAHM.
Job skills program interns help local farm, food banks
Thanks to our Community-Based Transition Program (CBTP) interns, soil in the Puyallup Valley is ready to grow some new crops!
The interns helped out last week at Mother Earth Farm, which works to provide thousands of pounds of organic produce to Pierce County food banks. CBTP interns help build seed trays, compost the orchard, and work on perennial gardens.
“These young adults have a great attitude and work hard!” said Superintendent Laurie Dent, who visited the interns on site. “Thanks to them, the area is ready for a new crop.”
The CBTP program teaches job skills to special education students ages 18-21 by partnering with local businesses and organizations to offer internships for CBTP students.
Well done, CBTP interns!
BLHS, SHS bands show their skills in local competitions
Bonney Lake and Sumner high school bands were very busy the last few weeks showing off their musical abilities in some local competitions.
Both bands performed in the Sunset Festival of Bands on Oct. 29. Sumner Spartan Band hosted the event with about 10 bands performing at Sunset Stadium, including Bonney Lake High School Marching Band, which received second place in Division I!
Both bands also performed in the Auburn Veterans Day Parade and Field Show competition on Nov. 5. Sumner won first place in Open Division Parade and Open Division Field Show and took home the Grand Sweepstakes title. Bonney Lake earned a fourth place finish in A Class and a sixth place finish overall.
Congratulations, Spartans and Panthers!
Middle school ‘arena-style’ conferences Nov. 15
Our three middle schools — Lakeridge, Mountain View and Sumner — are holding “arena-style” parent/teacher conferences on Nov. 15. This new model, which replaces the student-led format, allows parents to meet with each of their child’s teachers for approximately five minutes to discuss academic progress, classroom performance and address your questions.
There are no pre-scheduled appointment times, rather, it’s based on a first-come, first-served basis. We ask parents to please arrive by 6:45 p.m. in order to conclude promptly at 7 p.m.
- Lakeridge MS: 3:30 - 7 p.m.
- Mountain View MS: 3:30 - 7 p.m.
- Sumner MS: 4 - 7 p.m.
It may be necessary to set up a secondary conference to meet with a teacher if there are issues that require more in depth discussion. Your child’s school has communicated school-specific details with their families.
Elementary conferences: Early release Nov. 16-18, 22
Elementary fall parent/teacher conferences will take place over four days: Nov. 16-18 and 22. On these days, elementary schools will release students according to their early dismissal schedule, which varies by school. Lunch will be served. Middle and high schools remain on their normal full-day schedule.
Elementary early release for Nov. 16-18 and 22
- 11:40 a.m.: Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls
- 11:50 a.m.: Sumner Early Learning Center
- 12:15 p.m.: Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights
Your child’s school has already communicated details directly with families; please contact them with questions.
Mark your calendars: Districtwide early release June 12
Last week, we announced the much-anticipated graduation dates: June 12 — Bonney Lake, 4 p.m.; Sumner, 7 p.m. — at the Tacoma Dome. To help support graduation attendance for staff and families for the earlier BLHS ceremony, the entire district will have a two-hour early dismissal instead of the normal Monday two-hour late start on June 12. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Two-hour early dismissal schedule for June 12:
- Secondary, 12:20 p.m.: Bonney Lake and Sumner high schools; Lakeridge, Mountain View and Sumner middle schools
- Elementary (early start schools), 1:10 p.m.: Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls
- Elementary (late start schools), 1:45 p.m.: Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights
- Sumner Early Learning Center, 1:20 p.m.
Highly Capable referrals open Nov. 15-Dec. 8
Does your child perform at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others? Consider referring them for Highly Capable Services between Nov. 15 and Dec. 8.
Learning characteristics could include:
- Analytical thinker
- Accelerated learner
- Advanced language speaker
- Self-motivated
Second grade students will participate in a Highly Capable Universal Screener the second week of November and, therefore, do not need to be referred to be considered for services. Referral forms — English and Spanish — will be available starting Nov. 15. For more information, contact Allison Sheldon at (253) 891-6061 or allison_sheldon@sumnersd.org.
SBLSD partnership helps seniors receive guaranteed admission into college
To help increase access and reduce barriers to attending college, SBLSD is participating in the Guaranteed Admissions Program with select universities in Washington — Western, Central, Eastern, and Washington State universities, Pacific Lutheran University and The Evergreen State College.
After meeting eligibility requirements, guaranteed admissions means that a student knows they are accepted into a university before completing the paperwork required in the regular application process. This eliminates the guesswork and time spent completing various college applications when admission status would not normally be known ahead of time.
Student eligibility components include GPA and completion of College Academic Distribution Requirements, with requirements varying by university.
SBLSD is one of 66 school districts statewide participating in the program with a shared commitment to meeting students’ college and career goals. The program focuses on increasing access and credential completion, especially for students who may not have considered going to college
For more information about the Guaranteed Admissions Program, please contact your school’s counselor.
Get help applying for financial aid
Do you need money for college or career training? Do you have questions about financial aid? There are people and programs available to help:
- The 12th Year Campaign and partners are hosting virtual financial aid info and filing events to help students and families learn more and apply for aid.
- The Washington State Student Loan Education Site helps families better understand education costs and considerations.
- OtterBot is a free texting service that sends financial aid info and reminders to high school seniors and juniors who signed up for the College Bound Scholarship. Get started by texting "Hi Otter" to (360) 928-7281.
- Connect with the financial aid office at any colleges you’re considering. Your high school counselor can also answer questions and direct you to more resources.
Financial aid applications are now available for the 2023-24 school year that begins next fall. Learn more, get support, and apply for financial aid at wsac.wa.gov/apply.
School Board: Next meeting, Nov. 16
The public is invited to attend School Board study sessions and meetings, which are held both virtually and in person. Dates, times and locations are subject to change. Agendas are published a day prior to each meeting. Here are details for the Nov. 16 school board meeting:
- In person: 6 p.m., Central Office Boardroom (1202 Wood Ave)
- Virtual: Meeting link (passcode: 869878 )
- Sign up for in-person or virtual comments
- Submit comments online