Welcome New Members
August 30th, 2023
Welcome to TVEA!
Wow! Almost two months into the school year already? For many of you this adventure has taken you through the first steps of a long career. For others, it was a time to refine strategies and continue to grow professionally in a new district, but we all developed relationships with our colleagues and with students to guide them to success.
How can TVEA help you? Below are steps to apply to the $300 classroom Set UP Grant for first time CTA members, who are in the first year of teaching. Don’t delay any longer!
There are also opportunities to join disability insurance at a CTA rate and benefits for new employees and Free Units through CSU, Chico to advance on the salary schedule.
TOGETHER WE are Powerful Advocates
There is strength in numbers, locally 1300 members strong making up 92% of Certificated Employees in the Temecula Valley Unified School Districts. Through collective action we advocate for you at the bargaining table, in the community, and in our schools. We advocate so all students — regardless of family circumstances, where they live, where they were born, how they look, who they love, or the language they speak — have the right to a public education that helps them reach their full potential. Members are the best advocates, and to that end we enable members like you to speak with unity and authority on the issues that matter.
Are you a First Year Educator?
If you are a first year educator and joining CTA for the first time don’t forget about the $300
Classroom Set Up Grant
Scroll to the bottom of the page. It will ask you to “Please Log In First.”
If you have not created an account on CTA.org, click on the “Sign up now” link at the bottom of the blue button (you can try the other options, but it does have to be the email you used to Join TVEA/CTA, to send a verification code).
Once you log-in you can return to the grant page, scroll to the bottom and click on the “Application” link and complete the fields. Voila! Your application is submitted. As long as funds remain, your application will be approved. Not bad for a couple minutes of your time!
We would like to see what the grants were able to purchase for your room. Send pictures of yourself with the supplies or materials to tveamembership@gmail.com .
Once you are logged in you can go to the Grant application: https://ctaclassroomgrant.azurewebsites.net/
Your local chapter is Temecula Valley Educators Association
Special enrollment opportunity for new hires and district transfers for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life insurance
Limited-time special enrollment opportunity for newly hired CTA members. https://www.ctamemberbenefits.org/tsnews
Free Units for salary advancement
CTA Members, through attending in-person or watching CTA Virtual Pass sessions, will be given the opportunity to accumulate the professional growth hours needed to qualify for university credit units with CSU, Chico. As a benefit to members, CTA will cover the $75/unit cost for up to SIX university credit units available.