Monomoy Regional High School's Weekly Newsletter
Published: October 20, 2023
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Food Services Survey
Hello Monomoy Families -
The MRSD Food Services Department wants to ensure that our offerings are in keeping with the preferences and tastes of our families.
Please click here to take a brief survey so that we can best continue serving our students healthy and delicious meals.
Thank you!
Garth Petracca, Food Services Director
MRSD Website Launch
Monomoy's Portrait of a Graduate
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- Congrats to the Monomoy cross country team on their win against Sturgis. We celebrated with goodies and presents for our three seniors. Left to right: Gabriela Juliani, Annalise Langelier and Gareth Vos! -Mrs. Betsy Casey & Coach Phil Wright
THERE WAS A MULTIPLE SHARK SIGHTING AT THE SENIOR NIGHT VARSITY VOLLEYBALL GAME!! Aidan and Aaron were terrific and enthusiastic sharks!! Better yet, our team won!! -Mrs. Lisa Forte-Doyle
Monomoy High School Theater Company presents "Night Chills"
The Monomoy High School Theater Company is proud to present "Night Chills" featuring four chilling tales by Edgar Allan Poe. Showtimes are all at 7:00 PM on November 9, 10, and 11. Our Thursday night opening performance will also include a food drive to support the Family Pantry of Cape Cod. Please consider bringing non-perishable items to help out our neighbors in need. Tickets may be purchased in advance online by following this link.
Please Note:
-Flashing lights, theatrical fog/haze, prop weapons, and loud sounds are included in this production.
-Food and drinks are not permitted in the auditorium.
-Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime.
Automation and Robotics class projects
The students in Automation and Robotics were tasked with creating one of two projects. Either a Cat Toy or a Spinning Sign using at least one of the Gear mechanisms we had worked with over the past month. Students not only needed to create the toy or sign but program it to work. Please enjoy these videos of their finished products!
Thank You
Lawrence F. Souza Jr.
MRHS Engineering
French students visit MRHS
Bonjour Monomoy! MRHS had the pleasure of welcoming a group of 36 French students and 3 teachers this week. They went on a few excursions to Boston, including a Celtics game! They also shadowed their American "Buddies" in school for 1 1/2 days and were immersed in American culture through their host families. French 3 and 4 students made individual welcome posters to wish them a wonderful stay on Cape Cod. Thank you SO much to all the families who opened their homes to our French friends. Special kudos to Cheri Armstrong who welcomed all three teachers into her home and Sarah Wheaton for helping our students print their posters. The French group is very grateful for the warm welcome they received. Merci à tous! /Thank you all! -Madame Linnell
Italian Club
Our Italian Club is really moving forward in their study of basic Italian!! We have a solid group of 8-10 students who come every Jawsome A on Day 3 to learn and converse with Mrs. Forte-Doyle. Bravo!!!
GSA Logo Design Contest
The Monomoy High School GSA is holding a logo design competition. The competition will run from October 10th to October 28th with a week-long voting period lasting to the 31st. Criteria for design: must say MRHS GSA somewhere in the design, must include elements of diversity, inclusivity, and a broad spectrum of identities. The winner of the competition will receive a $25 prize and a free t-shirt and sticker with their design on it.
Please email Asher Porter with any questions:
Senior Yearbook Checklist & Portrait Info
Help Bring Free Yoga Classes to the Harwich Community Center for MRHS Students
Yoga Neighborhood is interested in making yoga accessible for MRHS students after school, especially those who have difficulty managing stress and anxiety. Their mission is to foster health and wellness across the community through compassionate and empowering yoga that is available to all regardless of age, fitness level, or economic ability. I am looking for caregivers who are interested in joining me to make this potentially healing partnership a reality. Donations of good-condition yoga mats are welcome! Please contact Christina Fonts at to see how you can help.
Class Ring Information for Juniors & Seniors
School Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, November 7. Please be sure to get your photo taken on this day if you did not have a chance to do so in September. We will use your school photos in the yearbook and a student ID will be made for you with your photo.
MRHS Attendance Form
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Cape Cod Foster Closet: Resources For Caregiver Families
The Cape Cod Foster Closet is open on Tuesdays from 9-11, Wednesdays from 2-4 and by appointment by calling/texting 508-514-7125. The Cape Cod Foster Closet is located at 195 Rte 6A in Orleans. If you are not local to Orleans, we have volunteers who will meet you at a central location to drop off your items. You may also arrange pick-up at Kind Hearts for Kids in Pocasset.
Do you know a foster, pre-adoptive, adoptive or grandparent/relative caregiver family? Please let them know about us! Caregivers can call or text 508-514-7125 to request items. Items can also be requested using the contact form on our website. We typically fulfill requests within 24 hours or less. *Relative caregivers do not have to be affiliated with an agency.
We also have many resources listed for caregiver families on our website.
SAT Exams for 2023
SAT Exams for 2023 -
- November 4, 2023
- December 2, 2023
SAVE THE DATE: College Financial Aid Night at MRHS
- November 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM
- More info to come!
Follow us on Social Media!
INSTAGRAM: @MonomoyGuidance
Wishing you health and safety,
The MRHS Counseling Team
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Mon 10/23
V Boys Golf out all day attending the South Sectional Championships
Tues 10/24
Girl Golfers: Ava Packett, Sally Watson, & Yu Ying Zou @ 10:15
V/JV Boys Soccer @ 11:15
V Cross Country @ 2:30
Unified Basketball @ 2:30
Weds 10/25
V/JV Field Hockey @ 2:15
Thurs 10/26
V Girls Soccer @ 1:45
V/JV Volleyball @ 1:45
Fri 10/27
Christian Whittle, Jackson Rocco and Casey Huse, out all day at the Cape and Islands Championship @ Willow Bend
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MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
Please click the link to see the MRHS Performing Arts Department Calendar 2023-2024
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Call for K/1/2 basketball coaches & referees
- Harwich Community Center Gym
- Saturdays 10:00 - 11:00 am
- 6 weeks (Session 1: December 2nd) (Session 2: January 27th)
- Contact Eric at
Call for basketball coaches & referees
- Harwich Community Center Gym
- If you love the game of basketball and are interested in coaching or refereeing games in the LCRL we would like to offer BOTH boys & girls in grades 3/4 and 5/6 the opportunity to travel this winter. Home games and all practices at Harwich Community Center Gym. (December 2023 Start)
- Contact Eric at
Memorial Ceremony: Sunday, October 22
- 1pm
- Village Green, Falmouth MA
Family Grief Groups
- 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 5:30-7:30pm
- Hyannis, MA (Venue disclosed upon registration.)
Chatham Flu Clinic: Thursday, October 26
Harwich Community Blood Drive: Wednesday, November 1
- 2:30-7:30pm
- MRHS Cafeteria
Barnstable County Community Forums: 10/16, 10/25, 10/26, 11/6
- Community forums on the Behavioral Health needs of children and young (age 0 to 21) in Barnstable County
- Attend in-person or participate virtually via Zoom
While You're Waiting: Coping Skills Group
Cape Cod Foster Closet
Hoops with Noop: September 27-November 17
- Wednesdays & Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm
- Harwich Community Center Gym
- Registration required
Receive up to $5,000 funding to start your new licensed Family Child Care bsuiness!
MRHS School Handbook
Click here to access the 2023-2024 School Handbook:
Contact Us!
Location: 75 Oak Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7200
Monomoy News & Social Media
MRSD Latest News/Updates:
Official Monomoy Regional SD App: Download from App Store or Google Play.