The Family "Celebration" Chronicle
November, 2023
A Message From The Principal
Fall is here and our year is going strong! I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support! We have so many great opportunities happening for your students. Recently, Mrs. Lott took several of our students on an Advanced Manufacturing Boot Camp provided by the Erie County Business Advisory Council. Our goal, which is aligned to our district's strategic plan, is to provide our students with with various career experiences. We are working to increase job shadowing experiences and internship opportunities for our students.
Our Mathematics and English Language Arts teachers are working to implement their new curriculums with fidelity. They have spent the past year reviewing and piloting various high-quality curriculums for our students. It is exciting to know that our students are being provided with a high quality education. Our science department will be spending the next year reviewing high-quality curriculum. We want only the BEST for our students!
We are so appreciative for the opportunity to work with Rachel Daniels. She is an adolescent literacy specialist in the state of Ohio. She is in her second year of working with our staff. Our goal is to integrate reading, writing, and discourse in every subject every day. Research indicates the importance of this in regards to student achievement!
Parent-Teacher Conferences are taking place this Thursday, November 9th and Tuesday, November 14th. We will have Food Trucks, Margaretta gear, winter sports passes available for purchase. We want our families to come and see all of the great things happening at the middle/high school. Additionally we will be having informational sessions for our families regarding graduation requirements and scheduling for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope to see you there!
I am here to serve our students, families, teachers and school staff. My door is always open. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at 419.684.5351 or at
Dr. Jennifer Theis
Main Office Information
Parent / Teacher conferences are approaching and we would love to see you and your child! November 9th and November 14th 3:30 pm - 7:15 pm. Please call 419-684-5351 or email your child’s teacher.
Jostens High School class ring order is due Wednesday, November 8th. If you wish to purchase a class ring, orders can be placed in the lobby during lunch periods.
Attendance reminders: Please email or call 419-684-5351 to report your child’s absence. Dr. Notes can be emailed to or dropped off in student services.
Counselor's Corner
Grade cards will be available to print on ProgressBook on November 3, 2023.
FinalForms can be updated all throughout the year. It’s fast and easy to make additions and changes (ex. Phone number, address, contact information, etc.). For convenience, you can directly upload your documents (proof of residency, physicals, etc.) too. Please call or email Connie Harkness at if you have any questions. Thank you for keeping us informed.
‘Tis The Season …. Scholarship Opportunities will be starting.
Available scholarships will be posted on the daily announcements. Each senior student will be emailed the announcements daily. It is most important that Senior Students check the announcements daily so you do not miss out on scholarship opportunities.
Please see the following Scholarship Application Procedure and Application Tips.
Scholarship opportunities will be processed through the Student Services Office. Following is a list of procedures that will aid you in making the application process as easy as possible.
- Be sure to either listen to the daily announcements as they are read each day or stop by the Student Services office and take a copy from the wall.
- All available applications are placed in the plastic file folders on the Student Services office wall. Feel free to review the requirements listed on the cover page to see if you qualify. If you do, please take a copy. If you do not, please return to the folder.
- Return to the Student Services Office by the due date listed on the cover page for processing. If you wish to do this on your own, you can follow the due date on the application. Do not expect the Student Service Office to be able to process your application if you bring it in a day or two before you need it back when doing it yourself. PLAN AHEAD!
- Fill out your application when you have plenty of time to concentrate on what you are doing and saying.
Read and follow all the instructions as stated. For example: Handwritten means handwritten; typed means typed; black ink means black ink.
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to complete your application by the deadline.
Prepare a student information sheet of your personal information and activities for use in addition to your application. (Samples are included within the “Your Senior Year” packet).
Make sure that you meet all of the qualifications that are required.
Be sure to give those who are writing recommendation letters for you plenty of time to compose them.
Don’t be afraid to elaborate on your accomplishments.
Keep all your papers and materials neat and unfolded. Turn your application in paper clipped together so you do not lose any parts of it.
Be creative and professional with the appearance of your application.
MS Counselor Please plan to attend our Parent Teacher Conferences on November 9 and 14! We have some informative sessions planned for parents and families. Also, it’s a great way to connect with your child’s teachers and discuss their strengths! Schedule by calling Margaretta High School at 419-684-5351 or email your child’s teacher. We look forward to seeing you!
Upcoming Dates
November 6th MARMO meeting 6:00 p.m.
November 6th - Booster meeting 7:00 p.m.
November 7th - Academic Challenge match at EHOVE 9:45 a.m.
November 9th - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 p.m. t0 7:15 p.m.
November 13th - Veterans' Day Assembly
November 14th - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 p.m. t0 7:15 p.m.
November 17th - MS/HS will be in session. MES has no school due to parent/teacher conferences.
November 20th - Board Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
November 21st - Turkey Trot
November -22nd - No School
November 23rd - Happy Thanksgiving
November 24th - No School