Welcome to Omaha Virtual School
Everything You Need to Know & Do For Back to School!
Greetings Learners and Learning Coaches
The below information will help you plan for the upcoming school year at OVS.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to call 531-299-0269 or email us at virtualschool@ops.org
The best resource for you is our website. https://www.omahavirtualschool.org/
Our parent Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ovsfamilies
Back to School Night
Scholastic Photo Packages
New Student and Learning Coach Orientation--REQUIRED
Elementary Students (K-5th grade)
Action Needed- K-5th grade parents
OVS uses K12 for our curriculum and content for the program. Soon, you will receive a registration email to the parent/guardian email listed in Infinite Campus. This email contains all of the information needed to complete the Account Setup process which will provide access to the Online School!
Please note: Sometimes these get directed to your SPAM folder.
- The email will be sent from Registration@k12.com to the email address assigned to the person designated as the Learning Coach. Unless you contacted us with different information, this will go to the parent/guardian listed in Infinite Campus.
- The subject line format will look like this: [Learning Coach’s Last Name] Family, “Welcome and Important Next Step”
First day to access courses online: Wednesday, August 17th.
Parent teacher conferences are held on the same dates for all learners (K-12th grade). This year OVS will hold parent teacher conferences will be:
- October 12-13th (no school for learners October 13th and 14th) OPS Senior High Conference Week
- March 8-9th (no school for learners March 9th and 10th) OPS Middle School Conference Week
In-Person Learning Schedules
K-8th grade In-Person Learning Day
Learners attend the same session per week, so they are able to establish friendships with their classmates. Below are the in person session days and times. Check your email in the coming weeks, for your learner's assigned in-person day from virtualschool@ops.org email address.
K-5th grade In-Person Sessions
Tuesdays Noon-3pm
Wednesdays 9-Noon
Thursdays Noon-3pm
6th-8th grade In-Person Sessions*
Wednesdays 7:40am-3:05pm
Thursdays 7:40am-3:05pm
*Middle school students will pack their lunches or boxed, school lunches will be available.
High School Schedule
Refer to the schedule below to know when your high school learner will attend class. You should have receive an email with a schedule from our virtualschool@ops.org email address.
12th graders
- Mondays 8:45-11:20am (optional)
- Thursdays 10:45 Required online advisement
11th graders
- Mondays 7:40 AM-11:20AM (no lunch served)
10th graders
- Tuesdays 11:40 AM-3:05 PM (no lunch served)
9th graders
- Wednesdays 7:40 AM-3:05 PM*
*Learners will bring their lunch or can order school lunch.
High School Course Selection
Our school counselor, Mr. Emmer, will be reaching out via phone and/or email to high school families to get students registered for class. High school students need to review the course catalog below to prepare for course registration. Please note, OVS does not offer a full course catalog.
Device Information
Students will continue using their district issued iPads at OVS. If your student is new to the district, we will have iPads ready for them on their first day of school. In the fall, 6th-12th grade students will be distributed a laptop that is better able to support the Canvas learning management system.
Insurance can be purchased for $20 at the beginning of the year to cover loss or theft. Apple Care will cover accidental damage up to two instances per year. You must contact the school right away if there is damage to your device. If you choose not to pay for insurance and the device is lost or stolen, you will be charged a fine for the full price of the iPad.
Accessories such as charging cord and keyboard are NOT included in Apple Care coverage or purchased coverage. The following is replacement pricing if you lose or damage those items.
Charging cable- $19
Charging block-$19
iPad Keyboard-$56.50
Laptop (Surface G02)- $805
Laptop keyboard: $101
What is the role of a learning coach?
The Learning Coach (LC) is the adult in the home who assist the student with completing their daily tasks. The amount of assistance depends on the student's grade level and the student's ability to complete work independently.
Because of the unique nature of our learning environment, a learning coach must be determined for each learner in our program, however their role varies depending on the learner and their grade level.
Elementary School (K-5)
A strong oversight is required for students in Grades K-5. The Elementary School Learning Coach will be actively involved with the student spending an average of 3-6 hours each day. During a typical week, the Learning Coach will:
Create a distraction-free learning environment at home
Develop a daily learning schedule
Assist with lessons
Monitor comprehension
Communicate with teacher
Middle School (6-8)
The type of assistance provided by the Middle School Learning Coach varies, based on the student's independence. The Learning Coach will spend an average of 2-4 hours a day. During a typical week, the Learning Coach will:
- Create a distraction-free learning environment at home
- Develop/support a daily learning schedule
Assist with some lessons
Monitor comprehension
Encourage independent learning
Communicate with teachers
High School
The High School Learning Coach may spend less time assisting their student based on the student's ability to work independently. The average amount of time spent by the Learning Coach with a High School student is 1-2 hours a day. During a typical week, the Learning Coach will:
- Create a distraction-free learning environment at home
Ensure a daily learning schedule is followed
Assist with some lessons, varies based on student's independence
Verifies lesson completion to ensure student is on track
Supports student independence
Communicate with teachers
Suggested School Supplies
See the suggested school supply list below. If you need any materials provided for your learner(s) please let your teacher know.
- 2-pocket folder for home to school communication
- Clorox wipes
For student use in classroom:
1-Pencil Box (for classroom use)
1-Box of 24 Crayons
1-pair of scissors
- hand sanitizer
- 1-plastic, 2-pocket folder for home to school communication
- 1-package of cardstock, color or white (community use)
For individual student use in classroom:
1-Box of 24 Crayons OR colored pencils
1-pair of scissors
1-Pencil box/bag to hold above items
1-1.5" 3 ring binder with pockets and a clear view spot on cover
Recommended for at home use:
Dry erase board, marker, eraser
1-plastic, 2-pocket folder for home to school communication
1-package of cardstock, color or white (community use)
1- Wide Ruled Notebook (for classroom use)
Recommended for at home use:
Dry erase board, marker, eraser
6th-8th grade: Middle school
Band-aids or paper towels
**The below supplies are for individual learners to bring to class weekly, for in-class work.
1-Tri-fold board for science fair (bring at beginning of year)
1- 2-pocket folder with three prongs
1-composition notebook to keep in classroom
1- spiral or composition notebook (for at home)
1-Spiral notebook
Pencil Box/Pouch to put the below items in:
- Pens or Pencils
- Post It Notes (various sizes)
- 2-highlighers different colors
High School
Clorox wipes
Headphones for laptop
Notebook (wide or college ruled) for each course
2-pocket folder for each course
Omaha Virtual School
Mission: OVS is committed to empowering life-long learners by developing collaborative relationships. Within our community, we provide an innovative, personalized learning experience. Success in this mission will cultivate critical thinkers who have the tools to contribute to a changing global society.
Vision: Future ready, today.
Core Values: Growth Mindset, Positivity, Collaboration, Integrity, Accountability, Self-Advocacy
Email: virtualschool@ops.org
Website: omahavirtualschool.org
Location: 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-0269
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPSVirtualSchool/
Twitter: @OPS_Virtual