North Side Family Flyer
February 2023
Inspire, Engage, Empower!
iReady support at home
As you have heard, we are in the middle of an iReady Principal's Challenge. Students should pass at least two lessons each week AND complete a minimum of 45 minutes each week in BOTH reading and math iReady on their devices. This can be done both in and out of school.
For each week these two things (two lessons passed and 45+ minutes completed) are accomplished, students may earn the following for the Principal's Challenge:
Week 1:
Reading - Hot Chocolate
Math - Popcorn
Week 2:
Reading - Whipped Topping for hot chocolate
Math - M&M's for popcorn
Week 3:
Reading - Chocolate chips for hot chocolate
Math - Reese's Pieces for popcorn
Week 4:
Reading - Marshmallows
Math- Marshmallows
Please encourage your child(ren) to work towards these challenges. They still have time to earn the hot chocolate, popcorn and toppings. So many children are meeting the goals, see the picture below of our Principal's Challenge Wall so far.....
Happy iReady challenges,
Stephanie Leasure
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, February 2nd - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Donuts w/ Grown-Up for Last Names A-M
Thursday, February 2nd - Math Bowl Practice until 4 p.m.
Friday, February 3rd - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Donuts w/ Grown-Ups for Last Names N-Z
Friday, February 3rd - ALL Valentine Candy Gram Orders are due
Monday, February 6th - Student Council meeting, 3-3:45 p.m.
Tuesday, February 7th - Robotics Practice until 4
Thursday, February 9th - Math Bowl Practice until 4 p.m.
Friday, February 10th - Valentine Candy Gram Delivery to students
Monday, February 13th - PTO Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 14th - Robotics Practice until 4 p.m.
Wednesday, February 15th - Board Meeting @ ENHS, 6 p.m.
Thursday, February 16th - Math Bowl Practice until 4 p.m.
Monday, February 20th - NO SCHOOL, President's Day
Tuesday, February 21st - Robotics Practice until 4 p.m.
Wednesday, February 22nd - End of Trimester 2
Friday, February 24th - NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS; Staff PD Day
Tuesday, February 28th - Robotics Practice until 4 p.m.
Thursday, March 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:30-7:30 p.m.
Inspiring Ideas with Miss T
In our last East Noble Community Newsletter, Dr. Gremaux expressed the importance of staying engaged in your child’s education. As we all know, work and life stressors make it challenging at times to always “be on” when interacting with our families. However, we all want to create healthy connecting moments through quality conversation and engagement. How do we do that with realistic expectations? Check out a few easy ideas below!
Avoid your cellphones (at times)
Use pick-up and drop-off times to get the low down
Use your car time: play games like iSpy or sing together (both help boost literacy and creativity)
Ask follow up questions (When you ask ‘what they did today’ you get the common, ‘I don’t know’ response, follow it up with asking who they played with, what their favorite part of the day was or if they found anything to be challenging.)
Use bedtime to debrief the day
Front Office Guidance with Mrs. Hilterbrand and Ms. Myers
Book Rental Final Payment Due February 15, 2023
· PAID IN FULL BY February 15, 2023 Parents/Guardians who fail to pay the textbook rental and fees by the above stated date may receive notice from a collection agency. If processed, the collection agency will add additional fees to your account. Educational Material Fees (book rental) may be paid online. Go directly to http://goo.gl/hi9Muw or go to http://www.eastnoble.net, click the MENU, under FAMILIES click to open the PARENT PORTAL page. On this page, you will find a link for eFUNDS FOR SCHOOLS
Proof of Residency: Indiana Department of Education requires all schools to obtain Verification of Residency for each student.. Please send in 2 Proof of Address to the school to add to your child’s school records.
Documentation may include current utility bills, telephone bills, tax return, bank statement, mortgage statement, rent/lease agreements, medical bills, or other like information that provides a verifiable address.
Save and Share the Date: Kindergarten Roundup will be on Thursday, April 13th at 5:30 PM. Please contact the school for information required to bring to the Roundup.
Reminders of No School /No E-Learning on Presidents Day Monday, February 20 or Professional Development Day Friday, February, 24, 2023.
Spring Break : Monday, March 27th thru Friday, April 7th
School hours:
Mondays - 8:45-2:40, Doors open at 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 - 2:40, Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
In Tune with Attendance and Safety with Mr. Perlich
Attendance –
Please understand that our protocol at East Noble is to send out attendance letters and make phone calls for a certain number of absences. We understand that a doctor’s visit is not always needed but it does help when you start having multiple absences. Please help us by understanding the protocol and helping us get your child to school.
Tardies can have the same impact as an absence. Starting the day off late is not helpful to the student. Getting to school on time allows the student to start the day off with the rest of the class and can have a big impact on how the day goes for them.
Below is the attendance protocol.
Safety –
In the month of January, we practiced a fire drill, shelter in place, and lockdown. These drills are to help us prepare for the worst case scenario. Being able to practice these will help us if the real emergency should arise and not panic. The month of February will see us practicing the following drills:
- Fire drill
- Lockdown/Shelter in place drill
- Bus evacuations
As you can tell by looking at the list, safety is an important part of preparing our students and staff in case of an emergency. Talking to your students about safety will help them be prepared for an actual emergency. Stress to them not to panic and react to each situation with confidence and calmness.
If you should have any questions regarding attendance or safety, please contact me at the school or by email at jperlich@eastnoble.net.
PTO Corner
The North Side Elementary PTO has been working hard creating a fun and successful fall, and are looking forward to what the winter and spring have in store!
Just to review: the PTO hosted the fall book fair during our “Wild About Reading” week to promote early literacy, we had the fun fall carnival which had a great turnout, students were able to shop for their families at the North Side North Pole, and we kicked off the Sunshine Project to celebrate our amazing teachers and administration.
What to look forward to:
- Spend special time with your child and encourage education by attending Donuts with Grownups on February 2nd (last name A-M) or 3rd (last name N-Z)!
- We will also be celebrating friendships in February with candy grams. Make sure to get your orders in by February 7th so we can make sure your students’ friends and teachers receive their special gift!
- We are continuing the Sunshine Project and are still looking for monthly sponsors; if your family or place of work would like to sponsor a month and show appreciation for our hard working teachers and administration, please reach out to Heather Heal at hdkrock22@gmail.com.
It takes a village to make all these fun events successful, so please consider joining us for our monthly PTO meetings or reach out to Heather Baker to get involved in a way that works best with your schedule! She can be reached at hnbaker87@gmail.com
The Nurses Nook
Please make sure to keep your child(ren) home if they are sick. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. This also applies for students with vomiting and diarrhea.
Students should dress appropriate for school, this includes heavy coats, hats, gloves and boots for winter weather. If you need assistance with any of this, please reach out to the school.
Another thing to consider:
- Please send a change of clothes in your child’s backpack for those occasional accidents or spills. I will do my best to provide your child with a change of clothes, but if I do not have the appropriate size, I will have to call home and ask for a change of clothes.
Nurse Whitney
Nutrition Notice with Mrs. Yates
The Try-Day Fridays are back on the first Friday of every month in the elementary schools! It is a fun time to offer students new food items that they may or may not have tasted before and
possibly add to the school's regular menus items. Our food service also wants to help celebrate birthdays with staff and students. We are serving birthday cake the last Friday of every month to celebrate each staff and student's birthday! We will be serving the cake during lunch times.
We serve breakfast daily at North Side, the doors open at 7:30 a.m. If you would like your child to eat breakfast at school, please do your best to have them at school close to 7:30 so they have plenty of time to eat.
North Side Elementary School
Email: sleasure@eastnoble.net
Website: ns.eastnoble.net/
Location: 302 Harding Street, Kendallville, IN, USA
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NSElementary
Twitter: @NorthSideElem