Counselor's Corner
CHS counseling newsletter, February 2021
Important February Dates:
February: African American History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
February 1-5 National School Counseling Week
February 1-5 Benchmark testing
Tuesday-Thursday February 2-4 current 11th graders course selection at CHS
February 8th-11th: Women In Need Teen Dating Violence and Healthy Relationship Presentation for Juniors
February 12th and 15th: Student holidays
February 14-20 Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 22-World Thinking Day
March 3rd: last day to TSI test
SAT At School testing day: March 3rd
Wednesday, February 10th and Wednesday, February 24th Coffee with the Counselors (Virtual via Facebook Live)
Happy February, we are chugging along in this second semester and have some busy days/weeks ahead. The counseling department will continue with course selections for current Juniors this week during history classes and will be contacted online students via email and phone. We are also working on course selections for students that were absent or need to complete their course selection. Please don't hesitate to contact the counselors if you need to complete this or have questions. We are hoping to have course selections online before the end of the month and will allow students/parents to view and make changes as needed until March.
We will be sending out more information at a later date, but just a few reminders about the upcoming months. We will have the SAT test at CHS for juniors in March and EOC testing in April and May.
Have Questions about Course Selections? Check out the resources below.
Any student interested in Dual Credit classes or Dual Credit programs (healthcare, law enforcement, education, business, ect), the Cosmetology, Auto mechanics, or Construction programs will need to complete the TSI test.
Class of 2021
JUNIORS: Teen Dating Violence Presentation
Believing that homes should be peaceful, WIN strives to educate families broken apart by violence to live by nonviolent means. By providing shelter to victims of Family Violence, working towards increased knowledge of the problem, and stressing viable solutions, the purpose of WIN is to eliminate family violence locally and to be a part of a widespread movement to create a society that no longer tolerates the abuse of power through violence or any other means.
Our junior grade level students will participate in this program through their English classes during the week of February 8-11. Please see the attached letter and contact Tiffany.goff@communityisd.org if you would like your student to opt out. Also, online students can participate via Zoom (the link and info should be sent to you via your English teacher).
Social Media
The CHS Counseling Team is here for YOU!
Sarah McKimmey (last name M-Z)
Tiffany Goff (Braves Support Counselor)
Email: tiffany.goff@communityisd.org
Website: https://www.communityisd.org/domain/879
Phone: 972-843-6500
Facebook: facebook.com/communityhs/
Twitter: @CHScounselor3