The Shining Star
News about all things Canyon View
August 27, 2020
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Welcome to the Family!
I would like to take a moment to welcome two new Shining Star teachers, Mrs. Mroch and Mrs. Duncan.
Mrs. Mroch is teaching our 2nd grade traditional model class. She has been an IUSD teacher for 34 years, in middle school and elementary school. Most recently, she served as Teacher on Special Assignment for the IUSD Language Development Department, and she brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in supporting all students.
Mrs. Duncan will teach one of our Kindergarten classes in the IUSD Virtual Academy. She is a highly talented teacher with 15 years experience in both Bellflower and Irvine Unified School Districts. She joins us most recently from Culverdale Elementary where she served as the K-6 Reading Intervention Teacher.
We are proud to welcome both of these STELLAR teachers to our Canyon View family!
Canyon View Safety and Reopening Plans
To clarify...
In our previous communication we referenced Sept. 8th as the day our students would return to in-person instruction. Though this may be the date that is selected, the district is working on finalizing this and will then communicate to all IUSD schools.
Protecting Students' Privacy
Similar to in-person instruction, online instruction is provided exclusively for educational purposes for IUSD students. Parents, students, and/or others are not authorized to audio or video record, stream, or share in any way, distance learning instruction or services without the express consent of all participants. This includes instruction or services provided via telephone or a video conferencing platform.
Online instruction and educational activities that occur via District-approved web/video conferencing platforms may be recorded by the District for educational purposes. The recordings may be shared with other students enrolled in the class and/or their parents/guardians, and/or with district personnel or other school officials with a legitimate educational interest in reviewing such recordings. Students and parents are not to record, photograph, or share any online instructional activities without the consent of all of the participants, or unless prior District approval for such recording has been granted.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and all applicable federal and state student data privacy laws applies to online learning. Students participating in classes or group services at schools typically work together. The same will occur when students receive instruction virtually, (i.e., they typically will be able to view the other students participating in group instruction/services). We ask parents to respect confidentiality as they would during the in-person school instruction.
Zoom Etiquette for Distance Learning
Did you know? Lunches are available for IUSD students!
Canyon View PTA
Dear Canyon View Families,
Welcome to a new year of school and a new year of PTA! The 2020-2021 school year will be different in many ways. However, we want to assure you what will not change is Canyon View PTA’s commitment to family engagement, advocacy for our students and enriching the classroom experience. As a member of the CVPTA, you are a voice for our students and part of the largest child advocacy program in the world! It is such a rewarding experience!!
Despite the inherent challenges of having our students and families in three different educational models, CVPTA’s focus will be keeping our Canyon View community connected through constant communication and support. PTA Exec Board is here for anyone and please feel free to reach out to any one of the board members with questions or comments. You can find more information at mycvpta.org
We thank all our families for your continued contributions, time, and commitment to our organization, our teachers, and most importantly, our students!
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be communicating our plans for programs and events for this very challenging year. Please stay tuned.
Whether you are in IVA, Hybrid or the Traditional school model this year, we are all a part of Canyon View – SHINING BRIGHTER TOGETHER!
Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and enriching school year,
Hannah Park
Canyon View PTA President 2019-2021
Log onto www.mycvpta.org to update your profile today!
Canyon View Elementary School
Email: christinemiller@iusd.org
Website: https://canyonview.iusd.org/
Location: 12025 Yale Court, Irvine, CA, USA
Phone: 949-936-6900