Talon Talk
Volume 5 Issue 1
➡️ Principal's Update ⬅️
🔷 Counselor’s Corner 🔷
We’ve completed our second week of the new school year and learning, new routines, and activities are in full swing! What a great group of kids we have this year along with many new and excited staff members.
Each day, students have 30 minutes of “Advisory” class which acts as a homeroom. Students have a variety of grade appropriate lessons and activities that revolve around Social Emotional Learning. They will cover appropriate behavior using electronics, no bullying, careers and more.
This year, our main theme throughout the school is Building Resilience. Each month we will highlight a positive character trait that help us build resilience. September’s trait is RESPECT! We use that term a lot but do kids really understand what that means and what it looks like?? Learning more about respect and ways to show respect will be covered throughout the month through lessons and activities in Advisory. Follow the link below for some great ideas on how to teach/reinforce the respectful mindset which ultimately leads to better relationships and positive self-esteem.
🗣 PTSO Info 🗣
Our PTSO supports our building in a number of ways and we are thrilled to announce this year's board members:
President - Jill Carver, daughter Raegan Carver, 6th Grade
Vice President - Jackie Hunnicutt, daughter Mackenzie Stewart, 6th Grade
Treasurer - Glenda McDaniel - daughter Macie McDaniel, 7th Grade
Secretary - Melissa Haggard - daughter Isabella Haggard, 6th Grade
Recording Secretary - Cassi Page- daughter Elli Page, 6th Grade
Below you will find an overview of the events they have planned so far for this year, including the Sonic night coming up. Meetings are scheduled for once a quarter: November 4, January 6, and April 10 and more information will be posted on those meetings on the PTSO Facebook page and in this newsletter.
PTSO Night at Sonic
Thursday, Sep 9, 2021, 05:00 PM
101 South Lexington Street, Holden, MO, USA
About Us
Email: clake@holdenschools.org
Website: holdenschools.org
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Holden, MO, USA
Phone: 816-732-4125
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holdenmiddleschool