Columbia Crest
January 2022 Newsletter
Happy New Year, Rainiers!
Greetings Columbia Crest Families,
I hope you had a rejuvenating break, sharing special time with family and friends. Now it is time to settle into the routine of school and get back into the mode of working hard and being on a schedule.
Happy New Year! Just hearing those words creates many images for us. The first semester is close to over in a month and there are resolutions to make. Reading more should be at the top of the list, applying our math skills to our daily life and thinking creatively as we write. And then there is learning more science and social studies while being kind, running fast and getting in shape. So much to do! Welcome 2022, we have a plan.
When it is blustery cold or snowy please send gloves or mittens with your child. It may be a good idea to send your child to school with a tube of ChapStick. We’ve seen lots of chapped lips lately that turn bloody because they are so dry.
Water Bottles
We ask that each student has their own reusable water bottle to fill with water throughout the day. We have a water bottle refilling station that students can use. Please contact our office if you need support purchasing a water bottle for your child.
Pick Up Reminders
1. Please arrive to the parking lot by 2:10 each day for pick up.
2. Please get out of your vehicle and stand where our staff can see you. This will help us to ensure a quick and smooth dismissal. Once staff sees you outside of your vehicle, they will walk your students to you in the parking lot.
This will help ensure that we keep everyone safe in the parking lot.
Proper Clothing
Please ensure your child leaves the house with a warm coat every morning. We typically begin to see snow and frozen temperatures during December and want all students to be prepared for the elements. Please let our office know if you need help getting a warm winter coat for your child.
School Board Month:
January is School Board Appreciation Month. The members of our School Board are outstanding supporters of our school and advocate for all students in the Eatonville School District. We appreciate the countless hours they volunteer on behalf of the community. Students and staff send their gratitude.
Thank you:
- Paulette Gilliardi
- Ronda Litzenberger
- Matt Marshall
- Jeff Lucas
- Ashley Sova
Wishing you a wonderful new year and a great January!
Principal Shew
We're Having "Snow" Much Fun
Snowy Campus
Coloring Contest Winners
January Calendar
January Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this matter.
Holiday Band Concert
New Office Main Phone Number
Form to Save
If you need your child to change their normal transportation or want to excuse your child's absence, we request you use this link or scan the QR code below to complete the request.
ABSENCES & TARDIES: Please fill out this form if your child will be absent or arriving late. If you do not fill out by 8am, you will receive communication regarding your child's absence. Absences will be reported to the state as unexcused.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGE: Transportation Changes must be completed no later than 1pm on the day the transportation change is needed.
PICK UP EARLY: Please submit the time and reason for picking up your child early from school.
Highly Capable Program Highlight
December Highlight
The highlights of highly capable this last month were each group’s field trip to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. Students were led by a docent through the exhibits and learned about different artists and the history of glass art. After the tour, we went into the “hot shop” for a glass blowing demonstration by local artisans. To wrap up the day, each student got to participate in a fusing workshop and make their own piece of art that was fused in a kiln. On our last hi cap day before break, middle school students enjoyed a day of holiday celebration and activities. We started the day with holiday brain teasers. Then, students paired up to work on their creative writing skills. They had to make a story board and wrote a piece about a holiday dilemma. Then, groups used ozobots to code actions that were built into their story. We enjoyed cookies and milk and shared holiday stories filled with ozobot action. It wouldn’t be the holidays without gift giving, so students made a candy gram for our district office staff. We also had a lesson about upcycling and used old jars, candles, and more to make repurposed candles to give as a gift to someone for Christmas. The day ended with a fun white elephant exchange and well thought out bartering and negotiating to claim the prize each student wanted.
~Mrs. Dattilo
Highly Capable Teacher
Counselor Corner
Character Trait of the Month ~ Growth Mindset
Children with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students see school as a place to develop their abilities and think of challenges as opportunities to grow.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Preschool 22-23 School Year
Mental Health Resources
Wishing you health and wellness in the New Year
Early Dismissal
⏰There will NOT be a late start. All schools will begin at normal time and will release three hours earlier than normal.
🚌Buses will drop students off at their bus stops three hours earlier than normal in the afternoon.
Addressing Transportation Challenges
Inclement Weather Information
Forms on Skyward Family Access
Positive Post
Do you have a recent success or activity to highlight related to students or staff at Eatonville School District?
If so, please submit the form below to see your submission featured on our social media outlets, website or newsletters. We are looking forward to highlighting the great things happening in our district.
Hiring: Substitute Teachers
Our daily rate of pay has increased to $150.
Please apply on this website: https://bit.ly/325f5u6
Bus Drivers Needed
Join the Eatonville School District Transportation Team.
Eatonville School District is now hiring full time and substitute bus drivers. $23.66-$28.26/HR DOE, substitute at $21.68/HR.
Great benefits and paid medical/dental for full time positions. No experience needed.
Paid training provided, for more information you can contact us at 360-879-1900.
Don't delay, apply today by clicking this link: https://www.edjobsnw.org/
Eatonville School District is HIRING
To review all employment opportunities with our district:
- Visit EdJobsNW.org
- Click FIND A JOB
- Choose the appropriate JOB CATEGORY (Administrator, Certificated, Classified, Coaching, Substitute) from the menu on the right-hand side of the page
- Type "Eatonville" in the filter box to narrow your search results*
*If the posting you are looking for does not show up on the first page of results, scroll to the bottom of the page and filter the next page of job posting results
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org