Wolverine Wire - November 2023
November 21st, 2023

Notes from the Principal
The weather has decidedly changed. I can see the long mornings unfold through my office window and the brilliant colors light up the sky. Tomorrow marks December and, although the darkest days of the year are upon us, there is such a flurry of activity here, it's almost like we're telling the winter to release its dark hold on us. Both in and out of the classroom, so much learning is happening academically, as well as the 'how to human' skills that evolve when you're in community with others.
Learning Updates: We have two interventions for our younger learners that we have implemented in the last month. The first is that all Integrated 1 and Integrated 2 students now have IXL accounts for math support and practice. If your student insists they have no homework, you can always have them log in to their IXL account (it's on their Classlink dashboard) and work on filling some holes - practice like this can really make a difference! The second is that we have started offering Freshman Study Tables at lunch, for freshmen who are struggling to pass all their classes. This is an opportunity to spend some micro-focused time on getting grades turned around NOW before the semester ends and credits post to their HS transcripts.
Help Is Available: If your student is struggling, our library is open daily until 4:30, including Wednesdays, for student study and enrichment. It is always staffed by paras and on Wednesday, National Honor Society tutors are also available to help students in all subject areas. In addition, if your student is interested in 1:1 peer tutoring from a NHS member, please contact our counselor (haileyhendersonpaul@sjisd.org) so she help get your student matched with a peer tutor.
PSAT scores are now available in the students' College Board apps, and messaging came home from the CCC this past week on interpreting the scores.
Senior Milestones: Several seniors have gotten or are soon to get their acceptance letters from colleges and other post-high school programs. What an exciting time!! We have a longstanding tradition of inviting kids to bring in their acceptance letters as they come in and stapling them to our wall of fame! So if your senior is in this boat, please have them bring them! (Don't worry, we black out personal information.) Stay tuned for FAFSA nights and other college planning opportunities in the new year.
Athletic Updates: Fall sports have ended and winter sports are in full swing. Our pep band is playing at every home game as well (winter break excepted), so our school is busy outside the school day, as well. Our gyms are being used from 6:30 am through to 10 pm most nights. We are so grateful for our partnership with Island Rec and the community, and that our facility can continue to be at the heart of our community activity. Fall Sports Awards are Tuesday 12/5 at 7 pm. We hope to see you there to celebrate an amazing fall season of sports. Our latest game calendars are here!
Gratitude for Local Support Organizations
We are so grateful for the support we receive from the San Juan Public Schools Foundation. This fall they have funded new Health curriculum at the middle and high schools. Students were using materials from 2003 prior to this generous gift from the SJPSF. In addition, they have supported our Anat/Phys students having the opportunity to see a livestream of an autopsy, a mycology ID lab, a class set of novels for English 10 ("A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley), our subscription to IXL for Int1 and In2 math students, art supplies, and cameras for Yearbook.
In addition, our PTSA has also supported two grants this fall for an escape room kit for Ms. Smith's special education classroom and a chess table for our library, where we recently hosted our very first chess tournament!
November and December Equity Themes and Recognition
Veterans Day Observation
We were elated to have twelve veterans visit FHHS on Wednesday 11/8 for our 2023 Veterans Day observance. Our Leadership class planned the agenda and our band performed some patriotic numbers. We are eternally grateful for the sacrifices these women and men made on behalf of our country.
November Is Indigenous/Native American Heritage Month
We are privileged to be here on the ancestral lands and surrounded by the waters of the Coast Salish people, who have, since time immemorial, called this place home. At SJISD, our students experience the Since Time Immemorial curriculum embedded in our social studies curriculum, as directed by the State of Washington and OSPI, which is an integrated and place-based approach that studies and honors the tribes in our home community.
December Recognizes Allyship
We believe in having a welcoming, inclusive school for all students. Our Gender-Inclusive School Policy 3211 notes that we believe in "fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, or sex." If you're supporting youth or want to improve your allyship, the following list of resources could prove useful.
If you're supporting a 2SLGBTQIA+ student, or any student who may need counseling support, Seattle Children's is offering mental health referral services that connect students and families with providers in the area who accept your insurance. Find more information here.
Notes and Honors
Struggling at the Holidays?
This community is committed to the magic of the season for all families. Our local Family Resource Center is looking forward to being of assistance to any families who need support this season, whether it's matching you with confidential community groups or helping find housing or utility assistance, and everything in between. Please reach out if you find yourself in need this season. You are also always welcome to contact us at the school and we can help put you in touch with them.
Another Wolverine WIAA Recognition
Alden Carli was named Week 8 WIAA Athlete of the Week. Alden's nomination reads: "Senior Alden Carli is a highly driven, self-motivated leader. He currently serves as team captain of the Friday Harbor Boys soccer team, where he holds a high standard for himself and his teammates. He is humble and works hard and holds many program records. He played an instrumental role in Friday Harbor's fourth-place finish at State in 2021 and State Championship Title in 2023, carrying that success into an undefeated 2023 conference record. This season, Carli became the all-time leading scorer in Friday Harbor boys soccer history with 53 career goals. He's been the leading scorer on his team for the past two seasons, wrapping up the fall of 2023 with 21 goals and counting. Off the field, Carli is a stellar student, maintaining a 4.0 cumulative GPA."
Upcoming Events of Note
12/5 - Fall Sports Awards in Turnbull Gym 7:00pm
12/6 - HS band performs at FHES 8:45am
12/12 - MS band concert at SJCT 5:30pm; HS band concert at 7:00pm
12/15 - Last day of school in 2023
1/2 - First day back on 2024
1/11 - STAMP test for world language credit 1:45pm (contact CCC for info)
1/15 - No school; MLK Day
1/18-1/21 - HS Musical "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief" at SJCT
1/23 - ASVAB test 8:15am (contact CCC for info)
1/24 - P1 and P6 Finals
1/25 - Half Day; P2 and P3 Finals
1/26 - Half Day; P4 and P5 Finals
1/26 - End of Sem1
1/30 - First Day of Sem2
Quick Links - FHHS Social Media and Support Organizations
Buy yearbooks online at Jostens, and navigate to Friday Harbor HS
Spirit Wear online at fhwolverines.com, and navigate to SHOP
PTSA: www.facebook.com/FHHSPTA or email at fhhsptsa@gmail.com
Band Friends & Family: contact the group at sjisdbff@gmail.com for info
Attendance Counts!
Please call the attendance office at 360-370-7110 or email FHHS-attendance@sjisd.org to excuse your student's absence.
Substitutes Needed!
Paraeducators, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, lunch servers, office support; we need backup from the community in all areas! Take a look at the district website for more information on becoming a substitute for the San Juan Island School District.