The Friday Forecast
The Week of October 4 - 8, 2021
Issue 1 of The Hoofprint is Out!
Please enjoy the first issue of The Hoofprint for the 2021-2022 school year by clicking the link below. We want to give a big shoutout to our publications students for their perseverance and hard work to continue delivering news to our school. Thanks to So Hee Tan, our publications advisor, for continuing to lead our students.
Viewing is best on a desktop or laptop. Thank you to all who had students complete surveys and respond to interview requests.
- *Periods 1-6 Regular Day Schedule - 7:50 am-2:45 pm
- *Periods 3-4 & 5-6 Tutorial Schedule - 7:50 am-2:45 pm
- Track & Field Tryouts Meeting - Lunch - Behind Boys Locker Room
- *Periods 1-4 Collaboration Schedule - 7:50 am-2:00 pm
- College Virtual Visit: USC- Lunch- Career Center
- Boys Soccer Tryouts - 2:30 pm-4:30 pm - Lower Field
- Girls Wrestling Tryouts - 3:30 pm-4:30 pm- Wrestling Room
- Girls Water Polo Tryouts - 7:00 pm- WHS Pool
- *Periods 1, 2 & 5, 6 Tutorial Schedule - 7:50 am-2:45 pm
- Boys Soccer Tryouts - 3:00 pm-4:45 pm - Lower Field
- Girls Wrestling Tryouts - 3:30 pm-4:30 pm- Wrestling Room
- *Periods 1-6 Regular Schedule - 7:50 am-2:45 pm
- Boys Soccer Tryouts - 3:00 pm-4:45 pm - Lower Field
- Choir Cabaret Night- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm- Band room Patio (outdoor event)
News and Announcements
Introducing your 2021 Homecoming Court
- Jacob Lindy
- Paris Webb
- Selena Angeles
- Mateo Evangelista
- Daphne Leung
- Kaden Salvador
- Karina Magdaleno
- Eryn Castro
- Madrid Nevarez
- Makayla Ramirez-Sanchez
- Kashes Pineda
- Natalie Morales
WolfCorp Holds Recycling Drive
WHS ASB Presents: "Timeless" HOMECOMING 2021
The Homecoming Dance is on Saturday, October 16th, from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm. The 2021 Homecoming will feature a "Timeless" theme, and the dance will be held entirely outdoors.
- Tickets can be purchased with cash, check, or charge (please include the student's name and student ID on the check's memo line).
- No out-of-school guests this year to limit exposure and contact tracing.
- Students will be required to wear a mask during the dance and be encouraged to keep to small groups on the dance floor.
- No tickets will be sold at the gate.
- Students are reminded that the dance will be outdoors and in parts of the gym. Please dress according to the weather.
Ticket prices are:
- Students Free with ASB card
- Adult (13+) $8.00
- Child (5-12) $2.00
- 4 and under FREE
- Cash sales only
2021-22 IMPORTANT AP Exam Dates
From the CollegeBoard: 2022 AP Exams
- The 2022 AP Exams will be administered in schools as paper-and-pencil* exams over two weeks in May: May 2–6 and May 9–13.
- As usual, AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams are administered in schools on computers.
- Review the entire 2022 exam schedule.
October 2021
- AP Exam Payment and Registration October 25th-29th
- Students will be invited by last name (alpha order)
November 2021
- Any exam ordered after will accrue a $40 late fee + exam price
Panda Express Fundraiser for Drama
Cheer Fundraiser: Sinfully Sweet Apples
- All Pre Sale orders must be submitted with money no later than Thursday, October 7th.
- Checks payable to Walnut HS Pep
- Questions? Send an email to or text Maria (626) 625-2607
SCE FREE Mentorship Program
Order Senior Apparel | Class of 2022
WVUSD Virtual Parent Symposium
The Walnut Valley Unified School District is excited to host this year’s Virtual Parent Symposium on Saturday, October 23, 2021 from 8:30 AM-10:00 AM. Dr. Marc Brackett, the founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a Professor at Yale University will be joining us! You won’t want to miss this one!
More information to follow!
Social Media and another TikTok Challenge
Dear Mustang Families,
We would like to make you aware of a new TikTok challenge that is currently trending. If you are unfamiliar with TikTok, it is a popular social networking platform focused on sharing videos. During the month of September, students were encouraged to vandalize school restrooms. Recently, we have become aware of a month to month list of inappropriate challenges that range from theft and vandalism, to physical and sexual assault. In the challenge, beginning October 1, students are dared to record themselves on video “slapping teachers/staff” and running away. This video is then posted to TikTok.
We want Walnut High School to be a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and where everyone feels a sense of belonging and safety. We are proud of our school community, student’s positive behavior choices, as well as the strong, positive relationships we cultivate at Walnut. We do not anticipate this TikTok challenge to be an issue, however, we want to make it very clear that we take the safety of our staff and students very seriously, and this behavior described in the challenge will not be tolerated.
It is important for all students and families to very clearly understand that slapping a staff member is a violation of Education Code 48900a.1: Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. Additionally, EDUCATION CODE SECTION 48915 (a) states that an administrator shall recommend expulsion for the following violations [except for subsections (c) and (e)] unless the administrator find that expulsion is inappropriate due to a particular circumstance:
- Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense. EC Section 48915 (a)(1).
5. Assault or battery, or threat of, on a school employee. EC Section 49915 (a)(5)
We are committed to keeping Walnut High School a safe place for students and staff. Please speak with your child about these challenges, and remind them of the consequences. We appreciate your support in these efforts.
Important Updates from LACDPH regarding Close Contacts
While students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 are still required to quarantine at home for a minimum of 10 days, the Los Angeles Department of Public Health recently announced revisions to the mandated quarantine rules and protocols for students considered to be “close contacts” of a person testing positive for COVID-19. Aligning with the guidance from the California Department of Public Health, Los Angeles County schools will now follow the “modified quarantine” rules and regulations.
As is already the practice, if a person on a school campus is identified as having tested positive for COVID-19, the school will follow current protocols to identify those students who are deemed “close contacts.” If identified as a “close contact,” vaccinated students with no symptoms will continue to remain in school (as is the current practice). Students identified as a “close contact” who are unvaccinated and are not experiencing any symptoms will continue to remain in school as long as they have no symptoms AND agree to be tested for COVID twice during the Modified Quarantine period (rather than being quarantined at home for 10 days).
The School District will continue to offer testing services four days per week on various school campuses. Additionally, all students identified as “close contacts” and who are unvaccinated will continue not to be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities during the quarantine period even though they are allowed to stay in school (per Public Health rules and regulations). “Close contacts” are generally defined as a person having been within 6 feet of a person who tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes during a 24-hour period.
COVID Testing | October 3 - 6
The following drive-through COVID testing opportunities are available next week for WVUSD students and staff:
Monday, October 3:
Diamond Bar High School
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 4:
Suzanne Middle School
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 5:
South Pointe Middle School
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 6:
Walnut City Hall
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Please utilize this registration link if you would like to be COVID tested at a WVUSD school site.
Buy your 2022 Yearbook!
Please support our Choir! On October 21, use this link, and order online using the code 905035 and the choir will receive 25% profit on your order. This is good at any Panda Express nationwide, so please share with your friends and family!! Thank you!!
FREE After School Tutoring Opportunity
Additional Tutoring Help!
BIRTHDAY MARQUEE is now available! If you have a student that has a birthday coming up, be sure to make a birthday dedication on the WHS marquee! All proceeds goes to support WHS students and staff so RESERVE YOURS TODAY!
Great idea for WHS staff, teachers and Alums too!
CrossFit Insurgent | Free Program to get kids active
Due to safety concerns, we DO NOT accept student lunches in the office. We understand the importance of student nutrition, but we encourage students to either purchase lunch at school or bring their lunch from home. Food, drinks, or other items are NOT to be passed to students through the fence. This is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Please Note: Parents can now access the Food Services Department from our website under the Parents tab. On that page, parents can set up and deposit funds into their student's lunch account for purchasing lunch on campus.
GLC Listing
9th GRADE (Class of 2025)
Wil Lares (A – Lo)
Sonia Nunez (Lu – Z)
10th GRADE (Class of 2024)
Nathan Newman (A – Li)
Jenny Alegre (Lo – Z)
11th GRADE (Class of 2023)
Jennifer Tucker (A – Lim)
Jeff Jacks (Lin – Z)
12th GRADE (Class of 2022)
Ken McDill (A - Li)
Corolar Schultz (Lo – Z)
ADP (Academic Design Program)
Viviana Hoyos
Intervention Counselor
Jennifer Peiten
UC and Cal State Application Workshops
College Application & FINANCIAL AID Night 2021 | RECAP
Our GLCs held a College Application and Financial Aid Information Night over YouTube Live. Below the video contains the Frequently Asked Questions during Financial Aid Night 2021.
CSF is now accepting applications!
You must apply with last semester's grades.Email Leah Turner-Gibbs at with questions.
This short video provides a variety of College and Career Readiness Resources for this years Seniors.
Students must attend every class, every day, and be on time. In order to receive daily credit, students are to bring all necessary materials to class. Students will not be excused from class to get materials. Homework and class assignments are to be completed on time and to the best of the student’s ability. Only behaviors befitting the learning environment are acceptable. Students are to comply with all reasonable requests of any staff member. Dress code will be enforced.
Please remember that attendance counts, every period, every day. Students will be marked absent if they are not at the beginning of each period to verify their attendance.
All single-period absences will need to be reconciled through the attendance office by the student. If marked absent, students will receive an email from the attendance office notifying them that they have been marked absent. The notification will include the date and period of the absence. The student will need to contact the Attendance Department to make any necessary corrections to their individual period attendance. For full-day absences, a parent/guardian must contact the attendance office by the end of the day.
Attendance Reporting Hotline:
10 & 11 Grades: 909-594-1333 Ext. 43642
9 & 12 Grades : 909 - 594-1333 Ext 43625
Never been on our campus? We used a 360-degree camera to help you get familiar with Walnut High School. We encourage you to click on the link, use your computer or mobile device to move around, and see what Walnut High School has to offer. Use this virtual tour to click on photos, learn more information, as well as hear voice-overs from our staff members. Below is a quick overview of our virtual tour and a map of all our scenes.
Our Virtual Tour is located on our webpage under "About Us" if you ever need access for future reference.
Walnut High School
Location: 400 Pierre Road, Walnut, CA, USA
Phone: 909-594-1333
Twitter: @walnut_mustangs