3-School Newsletter
Cooper Landing, Hope, and Moose Pass Schools
October 16, 2023
Moose Pass School: Mark Your Calendar
Monday 10/23: Basketball Clinic 3:15-4:15 in Moose Pass School Gym
Tuesday 10/17: Site Based Council Meeting 3:30 pm at the school or in Ms. Barron's Zoom room: 306-939-5959
Thursday 10/19: The Great Alaskan Shakeout 10:19am
Friday 10/20: Fire Prevention Presentation at Moose Pass Fire Hall (please be sure to return 'walking field trip' permission form sent home last week)
Thursday 10/26: No School Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Friday 10/27: No School Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Saturday 10/27: Moose Pass Halloween Carnival 5-7pm (see attached flyer at the bottom of the newsletter)
Any questions or concerns?
Please reach out to our Principal, Mr. Doug Hayman: DHayman@kpbsd.k12.ak.us
or our school secretary Susanna Litwiniak: SLitwiniak@kpbsd.k12.ak.us
Cooper Landing School Updates
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday, October 18 - Ms. Dillon's Birthday
- Thursday, October 19 at 10:19 am - Great Alaska ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
- Thursday, October 19 - First PAC Meeting of the Year at 5:00 via Zoom - https://kpbsd.zoom.us/j/4225565201
- Thursday, October 26 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - No School
- Friday, October 27 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - No School
- Monday, November 6 - Picture Re-Take Day
Cooper Landing School is in need of substitutes for all positions: teacher, instructional aide, special education aide, secretary, and custodian. If you are interested, please go to the KPBSD website to apply: https://kpbsd.org/departments/assistant-superintendent/instructional-services/hr/substitute-information/
Teachers need only to have a high school diploma or GED. A teaching certificate is not required.
Winter Gear
Please make sure your child has a warm jacket, hat, gloves, and when the snow falls, snow pants and boots. If it is convenient for you, and your child has extras, these things can be kept at the school. Please make sure to label each item with your child's name.
Community School Activities Up & Running
Volleyball - Thursdays, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Walking/Work-out - Monday through Friday, 7:15 - 8:15 am
Tot Time - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
District Office has informed us that since there is no student contact for Community School activities, background checks are no longer needed unless you are issued a key to the school.
Field Trips
Parents who wish to accompany their child on field trips (whether or not you are driving a student other than your own), must complete a background check. To complete the process, please click here: https://kpbsd.org/departments/assistant-superintendent/instructional-services/hr/volunteer/
Winter Library Hours
Monday 1-3pm
Tuesday 3-5pm
Wednesday 1-3pm
Thursday 1-3pm
Friday 1-3pm
Saturday 11am-2pm
Donation Link
If you would like to make an online donation to our school with your credit card, here is a link: https://kpbsd.revtrak.net/k-12-schools/Cooper-Landing/cooper-landing-fundraiser/ Please note that a fee of 3.6% will be added to the total. Thank you for your support!
Hope School Happenings
Parents whose children attended the Kasitsna Bay Field Trip will receive a video link from Mrs. Peck. This video has captured highlights of the trip. Students have worked hard on the video and made their final submissions to Mrs. Peck for her review. We hope you will all take the time to watch it. Let us know if you liked it.
October 26th & 27th: No School for students/Parent Teacher Conferences
Volunteers and Substitute Teachers: Hope School is always happy to have substitute teachers and volunteers. Opportunity is available for both positions currently. Please consider one or both positions https://www.applitrack.com/kpbsd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Volunteer+Screening+Process
Here is a link to your new school calendar for this school year.
Symptom-Free Protocol: Covid information available on district website: https://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/content.aspx?id=42180
Hope School Staff