Lincoln School News
September 2023
Message from Mrs. Hawkins
Lincoln Families and Friends,
Welcome Back! We are looking forward to seeing you and your students for the Before School Interviews. The new playground is almost ready for the kids!
Our enrollment continues to grow and we will start the year with 620 students. This is going to create a challenge for dropping off and picking up students. If you are using the parking lot, please look at the diagram and watch the attached Parking Lot Video. The school buses are parking on Truman before and after school. Please do not park in their area. Also, be careful when crossing Truman to get students to the school. An alternative, stress-free, area to drop off students is in the soccer field parking lots. We have sidewalks from these lots that lead directly to the school. We keep these plowed in the winter also.
We will have school staff supervising before school starts from 7:45 - 8:10 am. Afterschool, our staff is helping students from 2:40- 2:50 pm. We also need your help to keep all of our Lincoln students safe. Please drive slowly and follow the guidelines.
Thank you for partnering with us to meet the needs of all students. It’s going to be a great year!
Mrs. Hawkins, Lincoln Principal
School Hours 8:10 - 2:40
Outside supervision will be available starting at 7:45 am. Student's may enter the building at 8:00. We ask all student's to be picked up at 2:40. Our staff will be busy with Staff Development after school.
Mark your Calendar
August 31st - K-5 Before School Interviews 7:40 - 3:00
September 4th - No School; Labor Day
September 5th - K-5 Before School Interviews 11:40 -7:00
September 6th - 1st - 5th Before School Interviews 7:40 - 3:00
September 7th- 1st Day of School for 1st - 5th & 1/2 of Kdg
September 8th- 1st Day of School for other 1/2 of Kdg
September 11th - Pictures
September 13th - Clubs Choice Fundraiser Kickoff
September 14th - PTO Back to School Bash 5:30 -7:00; Lincoln School
September 21st - Vision & Hearing Re-Screening
September 26th - Fundraiser Packet's Due
September 29th - Homecoming; 2-Hour early Release
October 5th - Picture Re-Takes & Group Pictures
Summer Learning Bags
Please return the summer learning bags to the check-in table on your child's Before School Interview. The funding for these bags/workbooks requires that we ask for them to be returned to the school. Hopefully your child has enjoyed learning over the summer.
School Pictures
Lifetouch will be at Lincoln on September 11th for pictures. We require all students will get their pictures taken even if you don't plan on ordering pictures.
Orders placed on will be shipped directly to the student's home.
School Name: Lincoln Elementary
Picture Day Date: Monday, September 11, 2023
Picture Day ID: EVTX4W434
Picture re-takes will be on October 5th.
Homecoming Dress Up Days
PTO Fundraiser
Safety Patrol's Needed
As we are getting ready to begin our new school year at Lincoln, it is always beneficial to remind our children the importance of being safe. One of those ways is using our Lincoln School Patrols and reminding our children to use crosswalks when walking to and home from school. This year, we will have student patrols located at the four corner intersections around the school. Please encourage your child to use those patrols whenever possible. Also, we are looking to add more 4th and 5th grade students to the student safety patrol team! Patrol applications and more information will be available at before school interviews or students can reach out to Mrs. Sturges with any questions.
Employment Opportunity
Looking for an opportunity to work the same schedule as when your children are in school?
Owatonna Public Schools is hiring part-time and full-time special education paraprofessionals, who assist the classroom teacher to meet the educational, personal, physical, and behavior needs of an individual or group of students who receive special education services.
Learn more and apply at
Let's Support Team "L"
More Information
Lincoln Elementary School
Location: 747 Havana Road
Phone: 507-444-8100
Twitter: @LincRoadRunner