Back home again in Indiana!
Bring Dr. Thomas HOme
Why does he want to come home to Indiana?
In addition to obvious contributions I could make to teaching and learning with technology, here are some other ways in which I could contribute:
- Coaching students and parents on digital citizenship
- Social media to advocate
- College admissions
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, especially in computing
To HEAR how much I still care and WHY I care, click on the play button of this link. More than anything, I aspire to craft a digital strategy that would contribute to student learning, teacher professional development, and institutional advancement.
My daughter has been admitted to Purdue so we want to be closer to her college. In order to fulfill Purdue's criteria for in-state tuition, I must have a "predominant purpose" for relocating to Indiana. That would mean a JOB because merely relocating for my retirement doesn't fulfill that criterion. Fortunately, I can afford to be very flexible on compensation.
Of course, I am also open to opportunities in higher education or in non-profit organizations.
He's a Seasoned Innovative Starter!
He is the seasoned innovative starter who your institution needs at this critical phase of its history! He still has much to offer to education so he hopes for yet another opportunity to contribute as he has throughout his career.
First, he is seasoned with a long and distinguished career in higher education at renowned institutions as diverse as Purdue and the National University of Singapore. Having held senior academic positions with administrative responsibilities for most of his career, he has broad experience with all facets especially faculty and curriculum as well as dealing with external constituencies such as employers and accreditation agencies. This experience will be invaluable.
In addition to being innovative in these traditional academic activities, he has also fostered innovation precisely in the areas of instructional technology and online education. For example, during the pilot phase at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, the Oncourse course management system had the most course sections from the academic department which he chaired.
Before that, in the late 1990s, he was the first Indiana University faculty member to broadcast his lectures using the RealAudio streaming service. During the last decade, he has extended his record of innovation with teaching and learning with technology using Web 2.0 and social media summarized at http://LrnStrm.com and demonstrated elsewhere on the Web.
During the protests after the Iranian Presidential election in 2010, he was recognized by The Washington Post for his skill at real-time curation of Web content.
Throughout his career, he has excelled as a starter beginning early in his career when he created Purdue’s highly-regarded information technology academic program as its founding head and continuing as an early pioneer who recognized the potential of electronic commerce when he gained global recognition for his Web resource Thomas Ho's favorite Electronic Commerce WWW resources in the mid-1990s. From 1986-1988, he was on loan from Purdue to startup the INTELENET Commission which pioneered the INdiana TELEcommunications NETwork.
Looking back over his career, he was most effective when his energy was devoted to startup activities. He still has the energy and innovative spirit to devote, but it is seasoned with experience which will be invaluable to your institution. Although the latter phases of his career offered him different opportunities, he has continued his record as a starter via the innovative record which is described here.
Who is Dr. Thomas Ho?
Dr. Ho has always been in the forefront of innovating on the World Wide Web. During the aftermath of the disputed election in Iran in 2009, his contribution Azadi4Iran.info was featured in The Washington Post. Dr. Ho has been actively involved in distance education experiments with real-time streaming to add instructional value to Web-based training. He is one of the founders of IUPUI's CyberLab. Until recently, he was also involved in electronic commerce with particular emphasis on commercial activities on the Internet. He was an early pioneer who recognized the potential of electronic commerce when he gained global recognition for his Web resource
Thomas Ho's favorite Electronic Commerce WWW resources in the mid-1990s.He is also engaged in efforts to motivate primary and secondary students to study information technology. While in Pittsburgh, he served as External Liaison for Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh, a project to provide Internet access to the Pittsburgh Public Schools. In Singapore, he was a consultant to the IT2000 Education Sector Programme of the National Computer Board. Currently, he is engaged in experiments to apply “Web 2.0” tools to improve teaching and learning through information technology. In the social media space, he is most engaged in helping non-profit organizations to harness social media to build community. Especially, he is a strong proponent of "personal branding via an online identity" as demonstrated by this page. Also, he is bullish on mobility and is currently using an Android tablet as well as an Android phone. Finally, he is a proponent of cloud computing and uses a Chromebook as his primary device when neither his tablet nor his phone is more productive.
Email: Tom@DrThomasHo.com
Website: http://DrThomasHo.com
Location: 6352 Primrose Drive, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 317-288-1790
Facebook: facebook.com/thomasho
Twitter: @DrThomasHo