Japanese for Business & Hospitality
Learn Japanese and Earn a Digital Badge Upon Completion.
Learn Japanese for Business and Hospitality
Classes start April 26th
Japanese for Business and Hospitality I
Click the link for details
Japanese for Business & Hospitality II
Expanding on JBH I, this course prepares students for communicating with Japanese customers by learning the use of appropriate polite language when interacting with customers in the business and hospitality industries.
Click the link for details
Express Japanese - Ready Set Go for Japan starts March 22nd
Express Japanese - Ready Set Go for Japan
Digital Badge for your e-Resume
Upon completion a Digital Badge will be issued for Japanese for Retail & Tourism I & II to help build the digital resume.
Do you qualify for SNAP? You may qualify for support from HINET. Unsure?...see if you qualify.
University of Hawai’i Community Colleges in partnership with the State of Hawai’i Department
of Human Services has created a new program, HINET Ho’ola Ike (gift of knowledge) program, to deliver assistance and support for college and workforce training.
The SNAP Employment and Training program is a federally funded program that is designed to help remove barriers and provide student with access to education and skills training opportunities so they can earn a living wage and achieve financial independence. UP TO $4700 in assistance!!