CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 8.9.18
- Student Schedules for the 2018-2019 school year will be available on the Infinite Campus Portal on Thursday, August 23rd at 8:00 AM. Schedules will not be mailed home. If you require a printed schedule, please contact the Guidance Office and we will gladly print one for you.
- PSAT’s: The 2018 PSAT’s will be held on Saturday, October 13th at CB West at 8AM. PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Sophomores and Juniors are encouraged to take this Preliminary SAT if they plan to take the SAT for college admission. By taking the PSAT in the fall, Juniors may be eligible for college scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) program. Information about registration and online practice resources will be forthcoming.
- The Central Bucks School District Financial Aid Night will be held on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 7pm at CB South (in the Auditorium), 1100 Folly Road, Warrington, PA. Ms. Bonnie Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University, will review the types of financial aid, steps for completing and submitting the FAFSA, comparing offers of aid, and the colleges’ approach to aid. This is a must-see for any Seniors and parents who plan to apply for financial assistance for college!
First Day of School!
- The first day of school for ALL students is Tuesday, September 4, 2018.
- MBIT students see below for schedule.
- The school day begins promptly at 7:25 AM. All students MUST be in their assigned class by that time. Otherwise, they will be considered late to school.
- CB West will be operating on a Special Schedule on the first day of school. This schedule will allow us to hold Welcome Assemblies for all three classes. The schedule will be as follows:
First Day of School Schedule
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
*Advisory (7:25-9:25)
- Junior Assembly (7:45-8:15)
- Sophomore Assembly (8:20-8:50)
- Senior Assembly (8:55-9:25)
1st Block (9:25-10:23)
2nd Block (10:28-11:26)
3rd Block (11:31-1:21)
- A lunch (11:31-12:01)
- B lunch (12:11-12:41)
- C lunch (12:51-1:21)
*Students report directly to advisory at beginning of the school day. Students should wait for an announcement before proceeding to the Auditorium for their assembly.
*Students with First Marking Period Late Arrival are expected to be in school by 7:25 AM on the first day of school and should also report directly to advisory.
- AM MBIT Students are to report to study hall (cafeteria) upon arrival to West.
- PM MBIT Students are to be dismissed from 2nd block, at 10:40 am, to lunch.
Important Information for MBIT Students
School begins on September 4th for MBIT students.
MBIT students will attend Middle Bucks Institute of Technology on this day. Therefore, the following information is very important.
AM Session MBIT Students:
AM session MBIT students must board the MBIT bus by 7:20 AM. There are two MBIT buses located at the end of MacFarlane Lane near Memorial Drive.
At the conclusion of MBIT, AM session students will be dropped off at CB West and must report directly to study hall located in the cafeteria.
PM Session MBIT Students:
PM session MBIT students will be dismissed from 2nd block class at 10:40 AM. Students must report directly to the small end of the cafeteria for lunch. Students will be dismissed from lunch to the MBIT buses that are located outside the cafeteria at 11:10 AM. The PM MBIT buses return to CB West by 2:30 PM for dismissal.
Attention Sophomores and Students New to West!
Attention Juniors and Seniors!
Juniors and Seniors who meet the requirements for Privilege will have it indicated directly on their student schedules. Each marking period, “Privilege 11” or “Privilege 12” will appear in the advisory area of eligible students’ schedules. A reminder that Juniors and Seniors with Privilege must report to their assigned Study Halls each day to check in with the monitors. Sophomores are not eligible for Privilege. Please click on the following link to the student handbook for a list of requirements that students must meet in order to receive Privilege and details about the system.
Attention Seniors!
A reminder that Late Arrival or Early Release will not appear on an eligible senior’s schedule until her/his application is approved by the administration. Any senior with first or fourth block Study Hall may apply for Late Arrive or Early Release by completing the application found at this link. Any senior applying for Late Arrival or Early Release must remain in the assigned Study Hall until “Late Arrival” or “Early Release” appears on her/his schedule. Completed Late Arrival/Early Release Application forms should be returned to Mr. Cantrell’s Office. Seniors must clear all obligations prior to applying for Late Arrival/Early Release.
Student Parking
Student parking spaces will be issued on a lottery basis with seniors initially receiving priority. All students who drive to CB West, whether they park in the lots or on the street, must register their vehicles. Parking registration forms are located in the security office and on the CB West Website. Students may not park on MacFarlane Lane or in the Faculty Parking Lots or in Spaces 200-210, 260-279, 319-344 and 374-385. Spaces 203-209 are for visitors.
The cost for student parking permits for the 2018-2019 school year is as follows:
Full Year Permit - $100
2nd Semester Permit - $60
Additionally, we must continue to be good neighbors. Therefore, we ask that students DO NOT park in the YMCA parking lot, the First Baptist Church of Doylestown parking lot, or at Chestnut Grove.
CLICK here to access 2018-2019 Parking Registration Forms on CB West's Website.
Athletic Passes
Welcome back Bucks fans! We hope you enjoyed your summer and are looking forward to coming out and supporting our student athletes this school year. Below is a link for this year’s CBSD Athletic Passes. Please feel free to contact us in the athletic office if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you all in the stands in a few weeks.
Antler Yearbook Information
Online orders can begin September 1st at www.jostens.com.
For the entire month of September, our yearbooks will be at their lowest price of $70. You can order online or complete the order form on our website. Don't forget to look for our sales table in the lobby on Back to School Night!
Student Emergency Information
Each year, the Central Bucks School District requires our families to fill out a Student Emergency & Information Form.
This year, we are asking that you complete your family’s Student Emergency & Information Form online by September 14, 2018.
The online form will ask you to confirm and/or update the following:
- Demographic Information
- Emergency Contacts
- Health Information, including permission for emergency care and analgesic administration
- Media Release Preferences
Click here to be directed to your Parent Portal account to complete the Census Verification form.
Thank you for taking the time to update this important information.
For detailed information about this process, including a User Guide, please click here.
If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please follow this link to request one.
If you need help filling out the online form, email or call Lori Rebstock.
If you need technical support, please email parentportal@cbsd.org.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has revised the immunization requirements for students.
State law requires that all immunizations must be completed within the first 5 days of school.
Please click here for further details.
If the student is in the middle of a series and it is too soon for the next dose, the parents must provide the school nurse with a plan for immunizations (signed by a health care provider) within the first 5 days. If the student has incomplete immunizations and no medical plan, the student will be excluded from school.
You may check your child’s school immunization record by logging onto the parent portal through the district website at www.cbsd.org or by consulting with your child’s physician.
Picture Day
ALL students, including seniors, need to have their picture taken to receive an ID badge, even if you are not purchasing photos. ID badges are required for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Photo packets will be handed out during advisory on the first day of school to sophomores and juniors. Seniors who will be ordering pictures should print the Picture Day order form or stop by the reception desk in the main lobby to pick up a form. Picture re-takes are scheduled for October 19th.
Back-To-School Night
Central Bucks West’s Back-to-School Night is on Thursday, September 13 at 7:00 PM. Upon arrival to CB West, you should report directly to your child's advisory/homeroom classroom. Advisory/homeroom will begin at 7:00 PM. Throughout the evening, you will have the opportunity to follow the schedule of your son or daughter, meet your child's teachers, and hear a brief presentation about the courses. A blank schedule is available on our website. Please ask your child to complete this information for your convenience in planning your classroom visits. To print the Back-To-School Night Blank Schedule, CLICK HERE.
If your child took a Keystone Exam in Spring 2018, your child's Keystone Score Report will be available for pick-up during the Back-To-School Night Advisory Period. Keystone Student Score Reports that are not picked up on Back-To-School Night will be mailed home at a later date.
CB West Parent Council
We look forward to continuing our partnership with parents through the 2018-2019 Central Bucks West Parent Council. Membership to the council is open to all interested CB West parents.
Meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays in the Tower Room off of the Main Lobby, beginning at 9:00 AM and concluding at 10:30 AM:
September 26, 2018
October 24, 2018
November 28, 2018
January 23, 2019
February 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
April 24, 2019
Some of the goals of the group will be:
- To foster a dialogue between the home and school through the collegial sharing of ideas and concerns
- To undertake project(s) as developed by the group
- To support the school in the community by information sharing
We hope you will be able to participate in our 2018-2019 Parent Council.
Children’s Health Insurance Program
CHIP is Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program for uninsured children and teens up to age 19.
Click on the link for more information about CHIP.
Heroes Run
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS