Insight PA High School Newsletter
Monday, December 4, 2023
A Message from Mrs. Miller
As December begins, I’m pleased at the incredible journey we've undertaken this year. It's been a time of growth, learning, and resilience, and I'm immensely proud of each student, teacher, and staff member for their dedication.
Looking back at the achievements of our students and the collaborative efforts of our school community, I am filled with gratitude. Each one of you plays a vital role in making Insight PA a vibrant and supportive school.
Wishing you a delightful holiday season and I look forward to the exciting possibilities that the upcoming year holds!
Mrs. Megan Miller
High School Principal
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Friday, December 8th - HS Winter Talent Show (See below for more info!)
Friday, December 15th - Winter Literary Showcase and Math Department Virtual Field Trip (See below for more info!)
Wednesday, December 20th - Half Day for Students & Staff
Thursday, December 21st - Monday, January 1st - School Closed (Winter Break)
Tuesday, January 2nd - School Resumes
Students of the Week
Congratulations to our November High School Students of the Week!
Kamya P, 12th Grade
Nominated by Mrs. Dominick
“Kamya does a fantastic job as a student moderator in her Nursing Assistant class. She quickly and competently assists with answering questions and reposting links in the chat and is always graciously and patiently willing to assist classmates in need. Kamya stays current with her outstanding work and her efforts and continued participation are appreciated!”
Maurkief B, 12th Grade
Nominated by Ms. Beadle and Ms. White
“Maurekief is a high school helper in our elementary class and the students love working with him! He uses his camera and interacts with them while helping them. The students look for him each day and the class is grateful to have him volunteer!”
"Maurkief is an excellent student. He is working with an elementary school teacher by volunteering as student moderator to earn the required volunteer hours for high school graduation. Maurkief goes above and beyond the basic requirements of being a moderator. The students and his assigned teacher, Ms. Beadle love having him in class! I am very proud of Maurkief and his dedication not only to his own educational success, but his effort to make a positive impact on other students."
Dana K, 11th Grade
Nominated by Ms. Klan and Mrs. Raisner
"Dana is like a ray of sunshine in class. She is so kind to her teachers and classmates. Her attendance and participation in class are outstanding. Dana is guaranteed to put a smile on your face!"
"Dana tries her best with her camera regularly on and participating on mic and in the chat. She makes sure her work is always done, never complains, and has a positive attitude. She communicates with peers through chat and offers them words of encouragement. So glad she is in our class!"
Quarter 1 Honor Roll
Congratulations to our High School Students who made our Quarter 1 Honor Roll! Click the link below to join us in celebrating them!
Winter Literary Showcase 📝
Attention HS Students!
Do you have a piece of writing that you would like displayed at our Winter Literary Showcase? Visit the link below to submit your work by Friday, December 8th. The Literary Showcase will take place at 12:30pm on Friday, December 15th. Check your Class Connect schedules to join.
Questions? Reach out to your ELA teacher!
December Virtual Field Trip
HS Winter Talent Show 🎵 🎨
Please join us for our HS Winter Talent Show! Students will be singing, beatboxing, playing instruments, sharing artwork, and more.
The Winter Talent Show will be held on Friday, December 8th at the times listed below - check your Class Connect schedules to join!
- 2:00PM - 11th and 12th Grade Students
- 3:00PM - 9th and 10th Grade Students
December Parent/LC Trainings
Attention Parents, Guardians, and Learning Coaches!
Please join us at the following sessions during the month of December:
Learning Coach Cafe - Drug & Alcohol Awareness
Tuesday, December 5th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenter - Sierra Gregg Estrada, Insight PA Student Resource Specialist
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Special Education Training - Navigating the IEP Session
Tuesday, December 12th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenters - Mary Bowers (MS Special Ed Coordinator) and Nicole Colavecchia (MS Special Ed Instructional Coach)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
OVR Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation’s (OVR) Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) help students with disabilities learn about themselves, understand work requirements, practice work skills, explore training options, and choose a career that may be further explored through individualized Vocational Rehabilitation Services. These services are for students who:
- are between the ages of 14 - 22.
- are enrolled in high school, college, or another training program.
- have an IEP, 504 Plan, or identify as a student with a disability.
OVR's District Offices are offering virtual Pre-ETS group services during the 2023 - 2024 school year. These presentations will be offered at both 9:30AM and 1:30PM - visit this link to view the schedule and learn more about the sessions. To participate in a Pre-ETS session, students must:
- Have a completed OVR-244 Pre-Employment Transition Services Release on file with one of OVR’s District Offices. (Reach out to Mrs. Habbyshaw if you have already completed this form and need a copy of it.)
- Register ahead of time by emailing the contact person listed for each session you would like to attend. (Make sure your completed and signed OVR-244 form is attached to your email!)
- Keep an eye on your email for a link to the session from the OVR staff.
*Students who participate in these sessions will be excused from their regularly scheduled classes with no penalty! Questions? Contact Mrs. Habbyshaw at ehabbyshaw@insightpa.org.
Career Day Highlights
On November 17th, students in grades 8 - 12 participated in our annual Career Day. Students had the opportunity to choose between 24 different sessions including Cancer Research, Teaching Career Paths, Exploring the Veternarian Profession, Resume and Interview Prep, and Becoming a Realtor.
Thank you to all of our students who participated, all of our guest presenters, and our counselors and paraprofessionals for helping out throughout the day!
Counselors Corner
Our Character Strong SEL focus for December is Community Agreements.
This process is meant to bring many voices forward to make sure everyone has an opportunity to reflect on and discuss how we want to treat each other. These agreements are designed to help the class to become a safe place where people can be genuine without fear of mistreatment. The agreements are designed to serve as guidelines we can refer to throughout the year.
*Our HS students are assigned a counselor based on the first letters of their last name. Not sure who your counselor is? Check the list below!
- Dr. Klepfer (Last names A - Bra)
- Ms. Johnson (Last names Bre - Cri)
- Mrs. Lanzendorfer (Last names Cro - Fra)
- Mr. Blackstone (Last names Fre - Hop)
- Mrs. deTurck (Last names Hor - Leo)
- Ms. Babu (Last names Les - Mile)
- Ms. Clark (Last names Mill - Ph)
- Mrs. Orbin (Last names Pi - Sag)
- Ms. Christ (Last names Sai - Str)
- Ms. Benvenuti (Last names Stu - Wh)
- Mrs. Tate (Last names Wi - Z)
To enable, inspire, and prepare students to achieve the highest levels of academic standards so they make a powerful contribution in their communities.
Our Vision
To ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
Website: https://insightpa.k12.com
Phone: (484) 713-4353
Location: 350 Eagleview Blvd suite 350, Exton, PA, USA