Framingham Public Schools
A New School Year - COVID-19
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Keeping Our Schools Safe for All
We continue to monitor the incidence of COVID-19 in our community. We will adjust our mitigation strategies and programming to align with new information as it becomes available to assure safe in-person learning for students and staff.
Here are the mitigating strategies we will implement as we begin a new year of in-person learning. These strategies reflect updated information and recommendations from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Framingham Department of Public Health.
- Vaccination
- Masks/face coverings
- Screening/diagnostic testing to promptly identify cases, clusters, and outbreaks
- Handwashing
- Staying home when sick
- Physical distancing
- Ventilation
- Cleaning and disinfecting
- Contact tracing, quarantine, and isolation
You can read more about our mitigation strategies below.
The COVID-19 Vaccine
If you have the opportunity, please have your eligible child(ren) vaccinated in the next couple of weeks so they can start school with protection against COVID-19.
Walk-In Vaccinations
The City of Framingham Office of Public Health Nursing is offering vaccines. No appointment is necessary. If you have health insurance, please bring your health insurance card with you when you come for your vaccine.
City of Framingham Office of Public Health Nursing
113 Concord Street, Framingham, MA 01702
- Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
- Tuesday - Thursday: 5 - 7 p.m.
Face coverings/masks are required to be worn at all times in the clinic. Face coverings/masks will be available for visitors. Questions about nursing services can be directed to Kitty Mahoney, kcm@framinghamma.gov, or 508-532-5472.
School-based Vaccine Clinics for Students
In September, the district will provide COVID vaccine clinics for our students 12 years of age and older on site at each of our middle schools and the high school. The dates of the vaccine clinics are:
- Framingham High School and Walsh Middle School - 9/17 (first dose); 10/7 (second dose)
- Fuller Middle School and Cameron Middle School - 9/24 (first dose); 10/15 (second dose)
Parents/guardians will need to complete a written consent form for each student ages 12 years to 18 years to receive the vaccine at the clinics. More information about the clinics including the consent forms will be provided at the start of school in September.
Masks/Face Coverings
When teachers, staff, and students consistently and correctly wear a mask, they protect others as well as themselves. Consistent and correct mask use is an extremely effective strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools.
For the upcoming 2021-22 school year, the district will mandate universal masking for all students Pre-K-12 and staff in school, regardless of vaccination status, for the following reasons:
A significant portion of the student population is not eligible for vaccination
Universal masking protects unvaccinated students/staff from COVID-19 and reduces transmission
There is a lack of an efficient system to monitor vaccine status among students, teachers and staff
Potential difficulty exists in monitoring or enforcing mask policies for those who are not vaccinated; in the absence of schools being able to conduct this monitoring, universal masking is the best and most effective strategy to create consistent messages, expectations, enforcement, and compliance without the added burden of needing to monitor vaccination status
Continued concerns exists for the development of additional variants that are more easily spread among children, adolescents, and adults
An added benefit of universal masking is protection of students and staff against seasonal flu and other respiratory illnesses that can take students away from learning. Below is the FPS Mask/Face Covering protocol for Fall 2021.
All students (pre-K to 12) and all school staff must wear face masks throughout the school day indoors, regardless of vaccination status (except students who cannot do so due to medical conditions or behavioral needs).
Masks may be removed while eating indoors and during mask breaks.
All students and staff are required to wear masks on school buses at all times.
Masks are not necessary outdoors.
If levels of COVID transmission rise in the Framingham community, wearing a mask is recommended in crowded outdoor settings or activities that involve continuous close contact with others who may not be fully vaccinated.
All visitors are required to wear masks when inside a school building.
Routine COVID Safety Checks (COVID-19 Testing)
Screening (pooled) testing identifies students/staff infected with COVID-19. Screening (pooled) testing can detect people with or without symptoms (or before development of symptoms), who may or may not be vaccinated and may be contagious. In our schools, screening (pooled) testing will help to promptly identify and isolate cases, quarantine those who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and are not fully vaccinated, and identify clusters to reduce the risk to in-person learning.
Diagnostic testing, such as the BinaxNOW rapid antigen test, is an important tool for use in testing asymptomatic close contacts. Diagnostic testing is especially important this year as we head into cold and flu season.
The district is consulting with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to re-establish our robust COVID-19 screening (pooled) testing program across all schools. Both screening (pooled) and diagnostic testing will be available to students and staff.
We will provide you with the elements of the screening (pooled) and diagnostic testing program once all of the details have been determined.
Handwashing should occur before and after:
- Eating food
- Handling your mask
- After using the restroom
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available and can be accessed in all classrooms and common areas of the school.
Staying Home When Sick
Physical Distancing
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Contact Tracing, Quarantine, and Isolation
Framingham Public Schools
Website: http://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/
Location: 19 Flagg Drive, Framingham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-626-9117
Facebook: http://facebook.com/framinghamps
Twitter: @framinghamps