Viking Family Digest
December 5, 2023
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Viking Families:
Dear Parents and Guardians:
We have started our 12 days of Celebration today! We know that the next 12 days are going to go quickly. I encourage you to go through ParentVue/StudentVue with your Viking this week to check on grades. Also, encourage your Viking to talk with their teachers about any work they have missed this term. This way they can get caught up before break and have a clean start when we return in January.
Thank you for being a part of our team to ensure our Vikings grow this year!
Ms. Marks
Important Dates
- 12/05: Panda Express Food Fundraiser
- 12/07: Choir Concert 6pm
- 12/13-12/14: Adolescence Growth & Development
- 12/14: Symphonic Band Concert w/CLC HS @ CLS 7pm
- 12/18: Symphonic Band & Jazz Ensemble
- 12/18: Board Meeting 7pm
- 12/19: Symphonic Band & Jazz Ensemble School Assembly
- 12/19: UKE (Ukulele) Concert 6:30pm
- 12/21-1/5: Winter Break
Bernotas Sports Calendar
District 47 2023-2024 School Calendar
8th Grade Important Dates
8th Grade Dance: May 17th 6pm-8pm held at RBMS Gym
8th Grade Honors Night: Will be held at CLC May 20th @ 7pm
December - 12 Days of Celebrations
Tuesday, December 5th: We celebrate Walt Disney Day! Let’s show our Disney Spirit!
Wednesday, December 6th: We celebrate St. Nicholas Day. Dress in all things SANTA
Thursday, December 7th: We celebrate that all of our Vikings are unique! Wear Crazy Socks/Hair!
Friday, December 8th: It's the first day of Hanukkah. Let's dress in blue to celebrate!
Monday, December 11th: We show our spirit of season. Wear your Holiday Shirt!
Tuesday, December 12th: We celebrate helping one another. Wear anything elf/reindeer!
Wednesday, December 13th: We celebrate national Cocoa Day! Let’s have a Polar Express Day and dress in comfy clothes!
Thursday, December 14th: We support our student council candy gram sales! Wear red/white like a candy cane?
Friday, December 15th: We celebrate national Ugly Sweater Day!
Monday, December 18th: We celebrate snowflake appreciation day. White out day!
Tuesday, December 19th: We will support our music concert. Sliver and gold is today’s theme.
Wednesday, December 20th: We celebrate all of our Vikings! Grade level competition:
6th: Red
7th: Green
8th: White
Clinician Corner
As we are now a few weeks into the current daylight savings transition you may notice a few behavior changes in your child(ren). Six in every one hundred people experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), "a form of depression that follows a seasonal pattern". With the pandemic and social distancing you may notice these behavior concerns at an elevated level this year. The following article identifies signs/symptoms, causes, treatment, and what parents can do if their child(ren) are demonstrating signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Tips for Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
D47 - parent meeting - Dual Language
Community High School District 155 would like to invite families of dual language students to a virtual meeting. Course selection for high school will take place in January. Please join us for a short presentation about what opportunities exist in high school for Dual Language students. A Division Leader from D155 will share information about language classes in D155. Please join us via video conference.
- Thursday, December 7th at 7:00 pm
- Video call link: https://meet.google.com/qkd-vcnk-shs
- Please contact Steve Knope with questions - sknope@d155.org.
Be Seen & Heard(c) Follow-up
During the week of December 8th a brief follow-up video presentation of Be Seen & Heard©, an age and developmentally appropirate sexual abuse awareness and prevention program provided to students in fulfillment of Erin’s Law, will take place during your child’s XLT or Band. This very short refresher of the main ideas presented earlier this year reminds students how to stay safe and to communicate with their Trusted Heroes. If you prefer your child not participate, you may opt-out by contacting the principal in writing/email.
Dean Deets - Tardy to School Challenge
We are starting a new PBIS challenge in December! The Core 1 classrooms at each grade level with the least amount of tardies to Core 1 will get country donuts.
When students are late to their first class they can feel rushed and anxious and miss out on instructional time. At times, when just one student enters class late, it can throw off the lesson and interrupt learning.
See the graph on how missing just 10 minutes a day can add up to nearly a 1/2 of a school year!
Winter Weather and Recess
All students should wear a warm jacket, gloves/mittens and a hat. All students (elementary and middle) will go outside for recess according to the following guidelines*:
15 degrees or warmer: unlimited time outside
0-15 degrees: maximum of 20 minutes outside
Below 0 degrees: remain indoors
*District 47 schools refer to ”feels like” temperatures according to the Weather Channel app.
Winter Weather Reminder
As we transition from fall to winter, we encourage families to consider the impact of a school closure due to inclement weather. It is our goal to keep schools open when possible to ensure we meet the needs of all students and, most importantly, to avoid a disruption to teaching and learning. Please note: There will be no remote learning if school is closed due to weather conditions. Instead, the day would be made up at the end of the year in one of the five scheduled emergency days on the school calendar. If the decision is made to close school, families will be notified via phone call, text and email. We do our best to make the call before 5 a.m. the day of the closing. The announcement will also be posted on the district’s website and social media channels. No communication means school will remain open. Please be sure to keep your contact information updated in ParentVue.
Securing Valuables for Safety
As we strive to maintain a safe and secure learning environment, we urge all families to emphasize the importance of keeping valuables secured with your students. Please encourage your children to leave unnecessary items, especially expensive electronics, at home whenever possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We are excited to share that The Break is partnering with District 47 to provide a safe place for our students to have fun, connect and find acceptance in their after school program. Transportation will be available after school. We are limited to 20 spots daily (until The Break is able to expand this service). As a result, all 3 middle schools will have a daily sign up sheet (much like the activity bus sign up but this will be shared among all 3 middle schools). This will be a first come, first serve basis.
Families will need to enroll their child at The Break.
Step 1: The Break Registration Form
Step 2: RSVP on the home page The BREAK Home Page RSVP For Day/Event Would Like To Join
Membership at the BREAK is $10/month and that can be paid online when you register and there is an option for recurring membership fees. Nobody is ever turned away if they are unable to pay!! It is a simple process and they simply need to send a request to brenda@clbreak.com.
For additional information please refer to https://www.clbreak.com/ We are so grateful for the support of the Crystal Lake community and excited for this opportunity for our students!!
Yearbook Sales
Pre-order your RBMS yearbook. This book tells stories of Viking pride and community, don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind keepsake. Place your orders here: Bernotas Yearbook
Parent/Guardian Feedback
YOUR feedback is very important to us. The way we grow and learn is through positive feedback. If you have been in the building, or have any general feedback, RBMS Feedback link. We appreciate you being a part of our team to improve our practice, ensuring student success.
2023 Spirt Wear Reminder RBMS Scholastic Bowl
If you are interested in supporting scholastic bowl, you can purchase spirit wear at the link below. Orders run through December 8th!
Link: Spirt Wear RBMS Scholastic Bowl
Password: 23Vikings
Thank you for your consideration!
Girls and Boys Wrestling
Wrestling practice starts Monday Dec 11th. Please check out the RBMS website for more information.
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball tryouts will be on Monday Dec 18th and Tuesday Dec 19th from 2:30pm - 4:00pm. Please check out the RBMS website for more information.
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer activity buses. Activity buses run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Food Fundraiser Panda Express
When: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Where: Panda Express 5260 US-14 Crystal Lake
Time: 10:30am - 9:00pm
How to Order: Bring paper flyer or show it on your smartphone. Order using the APP or pandaexpress.com. Enter 360472 in the fundraiser code box.
Elevate Award
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.