Byam Newsletter
November 5th, 2021
Message from Principal Fredette and AP Dolan
It is hard to believe that we are already in November. We ended October with a host of fun activities and are looking forward to what this month brings. While the Thanksgiving season is always a highlight of November, we will also have the beginning of our parent/teacher conferences. We are also continuing to add to our "roar" talley and move closer to our goal at the end of November. Byam students have been exhibiting our 3Rs each and every day so we know our goal is in reach. We hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend and remember to turn your clocks back on Sunday for daylight savings.
Jason Fredette and Betsy Dolan
Important Vaccine Message from Nurse Regan
Children ages 5-11 are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine!!!
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was authorized by the CDC for use in children ages 5-11 on November 2, 2021. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. We encourage you to vaccinate your child to protect against the COVID-19 virus and to help keep our school community safe.
Parents can schedule appointments through their child’s health care provider, and appointments at additional sites are available on https://vaxfinder.mass.gov.
If you are unable to use VaxFinder, or have difficulty accessing the internet, the COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line is available by calling 211.
When you vaccinate your child, please send me a copy of each vaccination dose for his/her immunization record.
Have a safe and healthy weekend!
~Nurse Regan
Grade 4 Math Facts Night
SELIS Survey for 3rd and 4th Grade
Chelmsford Public Schools is collaborating with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to pilot a social and emotional learning survey for students in grades 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10. This survey measures students’ self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, interpersonal relationship, and responsible decision-making skills. The survey is designed to help understand and improve social and emotional and academic support for students. The survey and its pilot analyses are being performed by DESE’s psychometric coordinator. Student responses and aggregate results will be provided to our school and district and these aggregate results will be used to support SEL curriculum and social emotional learning in our school district. Next Wednesday November 10th 3rd and 4th grade teachers will be conducting this short online SELIS survey as a class. If you wish to opt your child out of the SELIS survey please contact Principal Jason Fredette.
PBIS Tier 2 Opportunities
Picture Re-Take Day
Car Pick Up at dismissal
Pumpkin Math and Measuring in Kindergarten
Calendar Reminder - No School next Thursday November 11
BSA - Byam School Association
Our next meeting is November 10th, at 7pm in the Byam Library, and will also be streamed virtually: https://bit.ly/byam-bsameeting
Email: bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/pto/
Facebook: www.fb.com/byamschoolchelmsfordFALL SPIRIT WEAR SALE... ORDERS DUE NOVEMBER 7th!
💥 ORDER SPIRIT WEAR HERE: www.bit.ly/byamspirit2021
LAST CALL! Orders are due by Sunday, November 7th! You can either pay via our PayPal account, or by sending a check into the school made out to the BSA. You will be emailed when your order is ready for pick up! Pick up will be contactless and Covid safe. Please feel free to email with any questions at: bearyjennifer@gmail.com
*Center Sports, who creates all the products, is experiencing difficulties getting the products so they are using other brands when they need too. There may be some delays, so we are starting the sale a bit earlier in case any of the items are being used as a holiday present!
The Scholastic Book fair is back and IN-PERSON this year!! Please join the BSA in front of Byam for an OUTDOOR and IN-PERSON Scholastic book fair after school from 3:30PM-5:30PM on Thursday 11/18, Friday 11/19, Monday 11/22, Tuesday 11/23, and also Saturday 11/20 9:00AM-11:00AM! Shop for books, posters, and more! Online shopping will also be available starting 11/18, link to follow.
Parent volunteers are NEEDED... Please sign up at: https://signup.com/go/kdLACHB
CHARLESTON WRAP Fall Fundraiser (November 1-14th):
Want to start your holiday shopping? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to buy gifts for your loved ones AND raise money for Byam? Well, you can! The BSA’s fall fundraiser with Charleston Wrap will run from November 1st through the 14th. Gift wrap, kitchen and home products, electronic gadgets, hundreds of PERSONALIZED items! Don't forget to pass along the fundraiser to your family and friends too! Thank you so much for your support! Byam's fundraising goal is: $5000 🦁 SHOP NOW! https://registercw.com/4E8xNVjz
BYAM HOOTENANNY! Sign-Up Deadline is December 5th!
Byam's got talent... so Lions, get your acts ready! Byam's All Together Now Hootenanny! Byam's Got Talent! We are ALL TOGETHER (safely), and ready to have fun! 3/25-3/26 2022! Talent show and 4th grade Emcee sign ups... Deadline December 5th! https://forms.gle/ecj3T9As3EQveDtJ8
Do you show your talent through Art, rather than on stage? Submit your cover artwork entry that represents Byam's All Together Hootenanny an enter the program cover contest!
Questions? Email: ByamHootenanny@gmail.com
It was great seeing kids dancing, singing, and having family fun! There were lots of prizes and smiles as kids listened for the songs on their Bingo cards. We hope you'll join us next time!
Updated 11/5 November School Lunch Menu
CPS SY2122 District and Academic Calendar link below
About Us
Byam Principal and AP Email Contact:
Principal Fredette: fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal Dolan: dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Chelmsford Public Schools Website: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/
Byam Website Page: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/Domain/8
Email: fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/Domain/8
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5144
Twitter: @byamprincipal