Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 23rd September 2022
Getting Adventurous
Year 6 Take on How Stean Gorge
Do click on the video below to see pictures and film of their exciting day.
Having a great time at Go Ape
Year 5 Go Ape
Do click on the video below to see more pictures of the children day at Go Ape.
Sports Captains
Team Dragons Captains
Vice Captains - Ernie and Elodie
Team Sharks Captains
Vice Captains - Oliver and Lisa
Team Tigers Captains
Vice Captains - Ollie and Merry
Baby News
European Day of Languages - Monday 26th September 2022
Parents' meetings
Parent Governor Vacancy
Safe Parking
Next week we have contractors in school installing play equipment in our nursery yard. There may be larger vehicles parked in the bays in the staff car park near the entrance to the Reception classroom. Please would all parents who bring children through the car park or with children in Reception, be extra vigilant to keep everyone safe, thank you.
Stars of the week
Stars of the Week
Jimi for being enthusiastic and working hard in the provision areas.
Archie for showing super enthusiasm for his learning and having a go even when he finds things tricky.
Year 1
George W for his effort and enthusiasm in the Spanish lesson with Mrs Shawcross.
Year 2
Sophie for always giving everything a go and doing so with a huge smile on her face. Sophie always includes others.
Year 3
Blake for having a fantastic effort in all his learning, completing every task to the higher standard.
Year 4
Robson for showing empathy and helping his friends when they need support.
Year 5
Lacey for her brave attitude during our trip; increased independence in class and support of her peers.
Year 6
Eva for having the courage to face her fear and abseil into a gorge. An amazing effort to overcome obstacles.
Hope and Apples in Nursery
During snack the children were investigating their fruit, and found the apples had lovely big pips inside. We collected the apple pips and decided to plant them. Thinking about our Hope theme for Worship, we were discussing what our hopes for the apple pips would be.
"I hope they are juicy apples."
I hope the apples are red."
"I hope they all grow."
Dates for Diaries
Monday 26th September - European Day of Languages
Wednesday 28th September - Friends' AGM, 7pm The Golden LionThursday 29th October - Key Stage 2 Football Festival
Monday 3rd October - Year 3 Adventurous Activities Trip to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 4th October - Year 4 Adventurous Activities Trip to Bewerley Park
Monday 10th October - Tempest Individual and Family Photographs
Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th October - After School Book Look
Wednesday 19th October - Parent Consultations
Thursday 20th October - Parent Consultations
Friday 21st October - Staff training day; half term break begins
Monday 31st October - School opens
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