Covington Elementary News
August 26, 2022
What a Great Week!
Sign Up for Text Alerts!
- Did you enter your cell number during online registration? Only numbers in PowerSchool are eligible to receive SACS text messages.
- From the cell phone – type Y or YES to 67587
- Users should receive immediate confirmation of opting in and should be eligible to receive future SACS Communication.
- All SACS texts will come from the number 67587.
- Further information can be found on the SACS website under Resources/Connect with SACS https://www.sacs.k12.in.us/resources/connect_with_s_a_c_s
Join Our Team!
Our current openings are the following:
-Instructional assistants
-Noon Monitors
From our School Nurse Team:
Just a quick reminder that all immunizations are required to be turned in by September 8th, 2022. Any student missing immunizations on this date will be excluded from school. Feel free to check with the nurse if you have any questions or concerns cesnurse@sacs.k12.in.us or 260.431.0518.
Covid Illness and Attendance
Illnesses that are excused by a physician on their official letterhead will not be counted as part of the ten parent/guardian excused absences. Each day that the physician is excusing must be stated on that document. Please note that starting with the 2022-2023 school year, the requirement to provide a note from a physician in order to have an absence coded as doctor’s excused will also apply to students with COVID and/or COVID-like symptoms.
Notes About Lunch
Meal Prices:
Breakfast: $1.85
Lunch: $2.25
Parents can set up accounts using Titan to manage and add money to meal accounts. Follow the link below to find out more.
Covington Yard Signs!
Drop-off, Pick-up, and Carpool
See the document below for details and procedures.
Mark Your Calendar
Aug. 22 Cookie Dough Sale Begins
Sept. 5 Labor Day, No School
Sept. 7 Cookie Dough Sale Ends
Sept. 7 Plant/Garden Show
Sept. 10 PTC Roanoke Boutique Day
Sept. 16 School Picture Day