Flint Community Schools Montessori
May / June 2017 Edition
Montessori Expansion News
The K-2 teacher interviews have been completed and a candidate has been chosen. Next week we will be conducting the Pre-K teacher interviews. These candidates will be in place my mid-June. Both classrooms and materials have been selected for the expansion. It is very exciting to see both classrooms filling up and plans in place for the July start of the Pre-K enrollment. Go to the link below and fill out an interest form and print out a receipt.
www.geneseepreschool.org select DTM Monterssori GSRP.
Here are some Montessori activities that you can add to your summer bucket list today
- Pick stawberries and prepare for a snack. ...
- Try your hand at nature weaving. ...
- Grow a garden. ...
- Make a clay masterpiece. ...
- Play with sand and water. ...
- Explore Sea Creatures. ...
- Have a picnic. ...
- Play with the alphabet. ...
Weaving is a beautiful and valuable life skill. Manual dexterity is strengthened with weaving, and hand-eye coordination is improved.
Taking your weaving loom outdoors makes the process just that much more fun and natural. Use ribbons, flowers, and leaves to weave through the strings. Add in any found materials in your yard and craft drawer. There are large and small Montessori toy looms you could purchase for this project, or make a temporary one out of Popsicle sticks and string.
Explore Sea Creatures
The sand, the waves, the sun. Nothing beats a beach trip during the summer months. The most amazing part of the ocean is the incredible sea creatures. Different sizes, shapes, colors all co-mingling in a watery paradise. To learn more about sea life, make your own sea life Montessori toy set.
Print off pictures of sea life and name labels for each creature. Place the sea creature figurines in a small bowl. Place the cards, labels, and bow of sea creature figurines on a tray. Your child can match the figurines and labels to the cards. Add in a set of tongs to move the figurines to the pictures for transferring practice, and a sea life book to learn more about the creatures. Your child could even draw the creatures and write their names in a notebook for an extension activity.
Play with the alphabet
Sandpaper letters are essential Montessori materials to any classroom or household to build early literacy skills. They can be used in so many ways, but during the summer, try an outdoor letter hunt. Your child can take letters around the yard and match them to objects. They can place the ‘t’ by a tree, a ‘d’ by the dog, and a ‘g’ by the grass.
Mix this activity up to provide more hours of play. Have a letter hunt.
Similar to an egg hunt, but instead of eggs, hide some of the letters around and give your child a list of the missing letters to find and check off. Lay a few letters out on the sidewalk and have your child write them with chalk. Make rubbing transfers with paper and the letters while sitting on the picnic table. The possibilities are endless.
Montessori Terminology
Concrete to abstract – A logical, developmentally appropriate progression that allows the child to come to an abstract understanding of a concept by first encountering it in a concrete form, such as learning the mathematical concept of the decimal system by working with Golden Beads grouped into units, 10s, 100s, and 1,000s.
Insect Theme
Learning about Insects
Creating Insects at Home
An egg carton insect
A little caterpillar pipe cleaner
Popsicle stick butterflies
Upcoming Flint For Montessori Meetings
The third Friday of each month at 4:00 pm, held in DTM's library.
1518 University Ave., Flint MI
* June 16
FCS Montessori
Email: mmcqueen@flintschools.org
Website: flintmontessori.org
Location: 1518 University Avenue, Flint, MI, United States
Phone: (810) 760-5260