Optional Laptop Protection Plan
July 11, 2023

Sept. 15, 2023
The West Irondequoit Central School District offers a laptop protection plan as part of our 1:1 initiative. Enrollment in the plan is optional with the understanding that if students/parents do not enroll in the protection plan they may carry full liability in the same way they do for other damaged or lost school property, such as textbooks.
The protection plan enrollment fee is $20 annually. This fee is non-refundable.
Program Deductibles and Limits
- Theft deductible: If the device is stolen in a manner that is covered, an additional fee of $50 must be paid before the protection plan begins paying for a replacement. Also, the claim must be accompanied by a valid police report. This fee is non-refundable.
- Accessories/chargers: The plan does not include repair or replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged chargers, bags, or other accessories.
- Liability limit: $600 is the maximum total value of this coverage over the coverage period (9/1/2023 through 9/1/2024). In most cases, this will cover the cost of repairing or replacing the device. The plan will not cover any amount above $600 during this period.
Effective Coverage / Expiration Dates
- Effective date: Coverage begins on September 1, 2023, or when the non-refundable enrollment fee is paid, whichever is later.
- Expiration date: Coverage ends on the earliest of the following dates: September 1, 2024, the return of the device, no longer enrolled in school, or no longer eligible to use the device. Please be sure to return the device before the expiration date or renew coverage for the following year to ensure that coverage is always in effect.
Coverage Includes
- Accidental damage caused by drops, spills, liquid, or other unintentional events.
- Loss of device due to theft (a valid police report must accompany claim).
- Damage caused by fire (an official fire report from the investigating authority must accompany claim).
- Damage due to an electrical surge.
- Loss or damage caused by weather, floods, or other natural disasters.
- Coverage is limited to the device as provided by the district. Any alteration of the device (including removing/replacing any provided case) voids this protection plan. In these cases, claim resolution and accompanying fees will be decided at the discretion of the district, up to but not exceeding the full cost of repair/replacement.
- Damage caused by dishonest, fraudulent, intentional, and negligent (left unlocked or stored in an insecure manner or location) or criminal acts. Students and parents will be responsible for the full amount of repair/replacement for damage or loss that falls into this category.
- Cosmetic damage that does not affect the functionality of the device. This includes, but is not limited to, scratches and dents.
- “Jailbreaking” or otherwise voiding the manufacturer’s warranty by altering the software. Jailbreaking is a term used to describe a process by which normal manufacturer controls on the functionality of the device are bypassed. Altering any district settings is not permitted.
- The plan does not cover damage or loss incurred prior to enrollment in the program.
- The West Irondequoit CSD is not liable for any loss, damage (including incidental, consequential, or punitive damages), or expense caused directly or indirectly by the equipment.
Repair Warranty
All WICSD repairs carry a 30-day warranty. Damage or malfunction determined to be the result of the original repair will not carry a deductible or other charge if a claim is re-submitted within 30 days of the device return date.
How to Enroll
If you would like to participate in this plan, please accept the terms by signing up and remitting payment on-line through the School Store at https://www.myschoolbucks.com.
NEW USER: Once on the My School Bucks site, please navigate to: Families > Sign Up for Free > Create an Account (if you have not already) > Work through all the account setup, password set up, security questions > Find your students > First Name, Last Name & Student number are required to search for your student > Add Student > School Store > Featured Items > Please select the 23-24 WICSD Laptop Protection Plan
RETURNING USER: Sign in > School Store > Featured Items > Please select the 23-24 WICSD Laptop Protection Plan
Questions? Don't hesitate to call the Technology Department Help Desk at (585) 336-3113.